Quick and Dirty Spoilers 1) James used the Veto on himself 2) Ari nominated Mark 3) Mark and Shannon on the block 4) Tomorrow nights Head of Household competition is endurance. Watch it on the live feeds. Try the Live Feeds FREE for 7 DAYS! Click here for your: FREE Trial After the feeds come […]
Tag: Shannon Elizabeth

Celebrity Big Brother POV Results! “You’re the most powerful guy in the house”
11:01pm The live feeds return from being blocked. In the bedroom – James and Ross are talking. James – the second they put her before me I was pretty sure I got this one. Ross – unbelievable! Lets enjoy the night and cheer her up. James – I spent a couple minutes talking to her too and I straight up told her .. because you know I am trying to encourage her to stay in the game. Anything can happen… if Omarosa blows up at Brandi and she gets pissed off.. Ross – she can try, that’s what I would do. I would poke Omarosa and see what happens.

“fight like hell for the veto, if you leave Shannon, the boys are going to pick us off so easily”
9:55am Omarosa and Shannon Shannon says she was fighting for Omarosa to stay the whole time Omarosa – game aside I worry about you… Feeds flip to Ross and Marissa… When we’re back Shannon is crying… Omarosa – Can we just start fresh? Shannon- Yes Omarosa- They want you out.. I’ve been saying this since […]

Omarosa “If she wins HOH, she is coming for vengeance”
7:30pm Bathroom – Marissa, Ross and James. James is getting ready to shower. Ross – I’m not looking. Marissa – I am. Ross covers his eye and says – tell me when its over. I’m not watching so you need to tell me what’s happening. Marissa – I need to go home and be with my husband. Ross – tell me what’s happening. Marissa – he took his hat off. He scruffed his head. Now he’s taking off… Ross – WHAT?! WHAT?! WHAT DID HE TAKE OFF?! Marissa – he took off his shirt. I signed a waiver.

“I’m glad a final four means something to you guys… I don’t know what I would do without that”
3:56pm Ross and James James- I trust you since the beginning of this game, you are the only person I know that hasn’t thrown me under the bus Ross – I saved ya.. Ross – Shannon pissed a bunch of people off.. things she told Keshia that Omarossa said that people don’t know are true […]

Celebrity Big Brother Ranking Results February 13th
In case you missed it last night Marissa won the Power of Veto and decided not to use this. Keshia and Omarosa remained on the block. Keshia went home by a vote of 7-0. She said her child needed her milk. Late last night Ari won the Head of Household. Sounds like they will stick […]

HOH Results! “Push for Omarosa & Metta to go up and then backdoor Shannon”
In the bedroom – Ari and Omarosa. Omarosa – Ari you did it! Ari – I cannot believe it. That was fun though. Omarosa – I’m so proud of you. Ari – you have to save me from her. Its too much. Omarosa – wow that was good. We lost it and she went .. and he went .. she walked over and pulled him aside and they went back and started strategizing. I didn’t know Mark was with them too. Ari – of course. Omarosa – Mark walked over to them and the three of them were like.. Ari – I know, they’re together since day 1. Omarosa – Its a miracle.

Mark – get ready for some chopping Broccoli everywhere.
In Case you missed it. During the show today Marissa won the Power of Veto. She did not use it leaving Omarossa and Keshia on the block. Keshia was then evicted by a vote of 7-0. Apparently she wanted to go home to give Milk to her 1 year old. Power of Veto Competition Marissa […]

Brandi – “She truly said to me, you and your white girl alliance.”
7:15pm Ari – Ross trusts him… Mark. Brandi – I know, that scares me. I told him not to. But at the end of the day Mark will go with whoever can get the most.. if its 3 and 3 he will go with.. Ari – with us. Brandi – right. Ross joins them. Ross – to avoid conflict can we just say Keshia for now? And if nobody comes off the block, lets just do it. We know what’s going on. Like that Shannon and Omarosa have a final 2. I don’t want to have a night of discussion or conflict because I don’t want anything on our faces to say anything like that.

“Those three are the next three to go, they have to be” (Keshia, Omarossa, Metta)
6:38pm Marissa, Mark and James James – Doesn’t matter what happens tomorrow someone is going home. Marissa says she’s more comfortable downstairs over the HOH. Mark – nobody wants a bed that big, that’s weird James and Mark are agreeing that Keshia is stronger and has to go. James goes on and on about how […]

Ross “I think we should just play hard. Marissa “Its so short. Its a f**king game”
5:18pm HOH room – Metta and Ross. Metta – obviously everyone knows I want to go home. I’m not involved with the alliance deal, I am only involved with you. So our deal still stands if you need me to stay, I’ll stay. Ross – I will always keep my word with you. If I have to… I can’t win HOH again but I will push, push. Metta – if you need me here I will stay and try and clear a path. Do what you’ve got to do. Ross – who do you think I should send home? Metta – honestly, I want to go home.

“one of them is going home.. James or Shannon the first chance the house gets.”
Keshia and omarossa are nominated. 11:05am Ross and James in the HOH James – we need to figure out a name and get that hashtag going Ross – lets do that.. yeah.. Ross – next time them come up lets throw some out.. James- perfect.. They talk about how funny Meta is. James mentions how […]