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Big Brother 14 Live Feeds – 3 Day Trial!
7:20am Mike is up and sitting out in the backyard talking to himself. He says that Frank had the votes to stay. He says that he didn’t like Wil’s behavior. They are such amatures up here. They’re a bunch of sick-o-fant sheep. Mike says that he has got to send Willie back to those hot a$$ Louisiana docks. He says Dr. Will what up! These people are nuts in here. Mike gives a big shout out to Lance Bass and says sorry I had to lie to you that I was coming on your show last week. As you can see i’m kind of busy. The worst part about this is that even if tomorrow night, you get the HOH it is still going to be hard to get this piece of sh*t out of here. What a bunch of co*k suckers. But as we know this game changes on a dime. You’re gonna have to swallow a lot of pride to deal with these b*tches Boogie. Can you do it? Can you somehow interact with these people and not blow your top everyday? This is where I could really use Dr. Will in here. He was very good at keeping me calm. I don’t know this Willie guy gets under my nerves. Come on Ian, win this thing. Please be something that only requires brain and memory. Then we have a shot. I would pay to see team Britney’s face if Ian won this HOH. I would literally pay cash money to see the look on Willie and Shane’s face. Shane has one chance today to show his loyalty and if he chooses to roll with Willie then he will be stuck with Willie. Ian was the type of kid that Willie would pick on and it would be nice to see Willie’s face if Ian won HOH. Boogie then sits in silence and then goes to work out in the backyard.