8:42pm Cam 1-2 Shane and Danielle
Shane: “Hurray we’re in the Jury”
Danielle: “Ya”
Before Shane entered the bathroom Danielle had told Britney that she though Dan was mad at her because she did better than him on the HOH. Brintey doesn’t think he is. (Lots of little mini conversations going on around the house)
Jenn appears hurt. Ian’s in the shower. the rest of the house is in the kitchen eating and shooting the shit.. Apparently Wil opened for Aaron Carter once.
Jenn is pissed She buggered up Jenn: “This is F*** Bullshit they should give you something to wrap your back up” Ian says it was a really tough Head of Household competition.
8:56pm Cam 3-4 Storage room Ian and Shane
Ian kinda pushing to have Joe the target he says if there is a Pandora’s box and duos are in the game he’ll pair up with Joe and throw the competition. Ian warns him that Pandora’s Box will be this week.