Big Brother 18 is almost here and like every year twitter accounts emerge claiming twists and casting rumors galore. This year the main ones seem to be focused on returning house guests and coaches. There’s also a healthy dose of villains and heroes type rumors, but this is usually the most common one. The returning houseguests one is being repeated by many sources. However I suspect it’s people just having fun. As for scheduling we find out tomorrow about the cast and probably withing the next couple days Julie Chen will go on a tour with ET showing us the house. At which point buckle up, I hope you are ready. Here’s how the start will go down.
Tag: Shane Meaney

Post Big Brother 14 Interview List
Big Brother 14 finally comes to a end. It was a great season with some of the better Players we’ve seen in a while. Ian Terry finally defeats the DAn Gheesling and the fabled Dan “Mist” is gone. The Vote was a shocking 6-1 with Danielle being the only vote for Dan. The image above was taken from the superpass interviews where Danielle was told Dan said said to Shane right before Shane left that Danielle was playing him from the beginning. It’s sad to say that for the most part these interviews are filled with fluff and really do not get to some core questions. We’ll need to wait for Evel Dick’s interviews for that.
Subscribe to Superpass 3 Day TRial Watch Season 13 and 14 PLUS the interviews

Big Brother 14 – POV Ceremony / EVICTION / Part 1 of 3 HOH ENDURANCE RESULTS!
- Danielle uses the Veto to take Dan off the block and nominates Shane as the replacement.
- Dan then casts the deciding vote to evict Shane
- Final 3 Prediction: Ian, Dan, Danielle
Tonight on the live feeds
The final Power of Veto Ceremony will be held and the one person that is not HOH and not a nominee will then cast the deciding vote to evict one of the house guests on the block. Following the eviction, the final 3 will then compete in Part 1 of the 3 Part HOH competition.
Endurance on the live feeds?
The 1st Part of the 3 Part HOH competition is always an endurance, so we will get to see the final 3 house guests battle it for one of them to secure their spot at competing in Part 3 of the 3 Part HOH. The endurance competition will begin at the end of the episode and carry on tonight on the Big Brother Live Feeds.
Watch the Endurance Competition on the Live Feeds for FREE!!

Danielle tells Dan she IS going to USE the VETO to SAVE him. Dan says he will then evict Ian!
2:50pm Dan and Danielle are talking in the kicks room. Danielle says that she is thinking, and says that she needs to think for herself and says that she is going to use the power of veto on Dan. Dan says that he will evict Ian. Danielle says that Shane said that Shane said he is going to drop during the endurance competition. Danielle says that she can’t beat Ian in endurance. Danielle says that if I drop the endurance to you (Dan) then I can win against Shane in the puzzle. Dan asks when is Shane going to drop endurance. Danielle says after a while, and then I will wait a bit before I drop. Dan and Danielle hug. Dan leaves the room.
Watch what happens, AS it happens: Big Brother 14 Live Feeds!
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Shane tells Dan that no matter what happens with the Veto today you are good!
2pm Shane is in the kicks room packing up his clothing. Dan is just waking up in the HOH room and heads down stairs. Danielle gets up from the HOH bed and starts eating snacks and packing up her stuff to bring it down from the HOH room. Dan says to Shane I don’t want to keep asking but we are good right?! Shane says Yeah, I don’t know if you want me to swear on Dozer or not? Dan says no that’s cool. Shane says that he isn’t sure if the nominations will stay the same or not, I haven’t talked to Danielle about it but either way you are good.
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Random Camera shots inside the house and A Big Brother 14 First Danielle’s zit free face
9:29AM Cam 3-4 Lights are on in the Big Brother House. Looks like Shane has escaped Danielle’s bed before the lights cam back on. Everyone else is sleeping except for Ian who just got called into the Diary Room.
cameras are panning all around the house.. Danielle’s Bag (Image Link)
9:51AM Cameras are either showing sleeping houseguests or random crap around the house. Occasionally someone gets called into the Diary Room.
cameras are panning all around the house.. Apples (Image Link)
Cereal box (Image Link)
Sony PTZ Camera (Image link)

Ian says Britney told him beware of the mist, winning against Dan in the end would be the hardest win.
12:20am Dan, Danielle, Shane and Ian are all in the living room talking about who to set Ian up with. Dan says what about Sharon from big brother 9. Ian says that is actually realistic, yeah that is very much my type. Dan says that she super nice I meet her at the wrap party. Danielle says Renny. Ian says oh come on! Danielle says it’s a joke. Shane says Kathy. Ian says she is way too boring. Shane says what about pre-marriage Britney. Dan says something. Ian asks Dan what he said; I will kill you in the sleep! What did you say? Dan says nothing you were good friends. Danielle says that she loves how Ian threatens people, “I will rip your face off!”, “I will kill you in your sleep!” Ian says that he would be so mad if he was portrayed in that way to Britney. Dan and Danielle both say that he wasn’t. They talk about how Lane and Britney were portrayed.
Re-Watch ALL THE DRAMA on FlashBack: Big Brother 14 Live Feeds – 3 Day Trial!

Big Brother Spoilers Final POV Winner and Danielle turns food down “it goes straight to my A$$
10:16pm Everyone in the living room
Talking about the Jury house. Ian wonders if AShley and jenn are “Getting into it”. Danielle thinks so they didn’t leave on good terms. Ian explains he meant “Getting into it” Ian implies romantically. Shane doesn’t think so says that Ashley wasn’t gay. Ian thinks they were interested in each other.
Danielle: “there was 2 bi girls.. Jojo and Ashley”
Dan: “That’s the twist”
Shane: “Willie was Bi to”
Dan tries to feed her some sweets..
Danielle: “Its bad for me it goes straight to my A$$”

The Big Brother 14 Live Feeds Are BACK ON! The FINAL 4 With One Week Left!
9pm When the live feeds come back, Dan, Jenn, and Shane are in the living room talking about Jojo. Ian is in the diary room. Danielle brings up how Jojo told her that she is the type of girl that guys cheat on. Shane says that Jojo was too much for him, he could never date a girl like her. Danielle brings up how Jojo liked an*l and told Danielle not to knock it till she tried it. Dan keeps asking what other questions they were asking that night. Danielle says spit or swallow, have you ever done it in a public place, etc. Dan asks Danielle if she thinks Jojo ever made out with Willie. Danielle says that she thinks she did, Willie tried to make out with all the girls. Shane tells Dan how he thought about coming into the house acting like the gay guy. Dan asks do you think you could keep that up 24 hours a day.

Why the Live Feeds Are Showing TRIVIA & What’s to Come in the Final Week Of BB14?
HOH and Eviction Spoilers
Today at 12pm the Big Brother 14 live feeds switched to TRIVIA and will likely be down until after the East Coast episode airs tomorrow night (Wednesday, September 12, 2012). As mentioned on the last couple of TV episodes Wednesday episode will be a taped eviction episode. This is similar to last year’s format (Big Brother 13) where the live feeds were switched to TRIVIA at this same time for the taping of the Wednesday episode ( Check out last season at this time in the season.)
Last year, at this time the live feeds were blocked at about 2pm and didn’t come back until Wednesday nightafter the show aired on the east coast. We would expect by Wednesday night at that time, Jenn will be evicted, a new HOH and POV winner will be known.
What’s to come on the FINAL week of Big Brother 14?
Up until now the live feeds have had a pretty set schedule, however, from here on in the remaining days of the season move at an accelerated pace. The live feeds are blocked (TRIVIA) to tape the eviction episode that will air tomorrow night (Wednesday).
Re-Watch ALL THE BB14 DRAMA on FlashBack: FREE 3 Day Trial!

Early wake up call for the players – Shane “We are obviously playing HOH tonight”
9:02AM Cam 1-2 Danielle and Shane
They are crapping their pants about being woken up so early. Danielle thinks that it’s goign to be a fast forward. Shane says 2 double evictions and a fast forward in one season is TOO MUCH.
Jenn joins them asks if they will have a luxury competition this late.. Danielle doesn’t think so because there has been so many prizes lately. Jenn thinks it will be a fast forward.
Jenn says hopefully Big Brother is going to let her pack her Sh!t at least before they start evicting people

Big Brother 14 Live Feed Screen Capture Gallery – September 11, 2012 **Updated**
Big Brother 14 live feed Gallery.Images are straight off the live feeds.. We update these pictures throughout the day. There’s thousands here enjoy! Each photo produced has a file name of when it was taken and by which cam. For example one may have the title “BB13-C3–7-8-2012–12_06_08.jpg” C3 = Camera 3 on the feeds 7-8-2012 […]