8:25pm – 10pm HOH room – Justin, Shelby and Morgan. Justin – this has been a wild and crazy week. The last thing I expected was for Alex to go home. If you would have asked me … I would have told you. Morgan – yeah and I figured. After the blow up fight .. it was everyone just exploding. Justin – I was just like C’est la vie, C’est la vie! I don’t like none of that sh*t. I don’t like all that confrontational sh*t. I’m going to go kick it down stairs.
Tag: Scott Dennis

Big Brother Over the Top Eviction Results Shelby vs Scott vs Morgan
Shelby’s – Hi mom dad Mckensie the rest of my friends and family Scott – thanks you for your friendship and support.. thank you Big Brother and CBS.. Fight hard everyone Morgan – so much fun this past 36 days thanks to you guys Shelby nulls Jason, Justin and Kryssie’s vote’s Alex votes to evict […]

Scott “I’m counting on you keeping the girls together & the only way to do that is for you to evict me.”
9:25pm Backyard – Scott is alone and talking to the live feeders. Thankful I made it to Halloween. Thank you America for not letting me go out on Neeley’s bullsh*t speech. Most of which was untrue because I created the 4 guys alliance and I’m the one that turned on the alliance ..OK?! Welcome to big brother. I’m sure Monte is the only person that’s been evicted that would accept a friend request from me .. which is sad but whatever.

Big Brother Over the Top Power of Veto Meeting Results “If you save me I would owe you a life debt”
1:22pm Alex and Scott
Figuring out what happened. Alex says Whitney won’t look at her. Scott thinks Whitney will vote him out over the girls. Tells her to give him a heads up if he’s going.
Shelby comes in
Alex – I feel like Whitney is not with us anymore.
Shelby – I knew she would be the first to flip the whole time
Alex says Whitney was lying to all their faces in the bathroom just now.
Shelby says Kryssie was correct calling Whitney a floater.

Alex “My heart is telling me all girls alliance, my gut is telling me that Scott is probably better”
12:35am Bathroom. Alex and Shelby. Alex – I started having panics when we were in the room woth Morgan and Whitney. I didn’t know what was going to happen. It was almost to the point where I didn’t want to step in and say anything so that people think we’re lying or playing both sides. Its at the point where Danielle, you do what you’re going to do and we’ll make a decision from it. Shelby – I’m like you go talk to Danielle. I think she is going to use it on Scott or not use it at all.

America’s Nomination “This is a ray of sunshine from god.. this is a sign America don’t hate us”
9:54pm Have nots Danielle, Justin and Jason
Agreeing to pull Whitney down and put up Morgan.
Jason – this is a ray of sunshine from god.. this is a sign America don’t hate us they’re helping us and if we don’t take the opportunity they will hate us..
Jason is certain America will be voting out Scott.

“I’ve extended trust to every a$$h*le in this house and every a$$h*le in this house has sh*t in my mouth!”
8:30pm Shelby and Alex are laying in bed talking. Shelby – So what do I do just put on a happy face when he (Scott) asks us to be in an alliance? Alex – I think its best we just keep doing what we’re doing with Scott because he might be .. you know doing his thing but at the end of the day he is putting you and me in front of everyone else. Shelby – but would you want to be in an alliance with someone who obviously, blatantly puts you above me?

“Justin will gracefully go out fourth.. I don’t think he’s here to win he’s here to protect us”
12:36pm Scott and Danielle Danielle saying that her alliance thinks it’s best to keep Whitney but she’s not sure that’s best. SCott points out that there’s people in this game that will really want Whitney left in the house (Justin) Scott – she would be one of my top picks They agree Whitney will win […]

Danielle “I’m anxious to see who America’s nominee is” Jason “b***h its going to be me!”
9:30pm Whitney heads up to the HOH room to talk to Kryssie and Danielle. Jason joins them. Whitney tells Danielle – I just wanted to come up and talk to you before tomorrow. I’m sure you already have a plan on what you’re going to do. But I don’t know if you expect me to be the America’s nom. Danielle – no, I don’t expect it. Whitney – I don’t know if its going to influence your decision in anyway. I’m kind of freaking out about that. Jason – why would you think that. Whitney – because I was the last name.

Big Brother Over the Top America’s Have Not “I don’t want to be a have not… I Don’t want to take a cold shower”
Justin is signing a song using a nickelback-ish voice
“I don’t want to be a have not”
“I don’t want to take a cold shower”
“I don’t want to sleep on the cobwebs”

Alex “If we win the veto they’re completely screwed” Scott “They’re scared of us. HOLLA POWER COUPLE!”
8:45pm Alex – Jason basically told me that he can convince Danielle to keep you and I (Scott & Alex) off the block this week if we keep him safe and don’t touch me (Jason) next week. Scott – he told he if he convinces Danielle to not put us up, then if he is on the block as America’s nominee that we go after one of our own people. Alex – if you don’t put me on the block …we can work with that deal. We can work with that deal! Scott – exactly. I don’t even think he is going to be America’s nominee.

Care Package 4 results “We’ve never won anything” -Jason
1:11pm Jason’s crew has a hard time dealing with this but it seems like they keep the mean comments down compared to last week. They are thinking America hates them and are having trouble figuring out why because they feel the Girls are Boring, Terrible, horrible people with no personality. Jason believes that the fans have stopped watching the show. Danielle thinks they are getting a bad edit. Justin is baffled and Kryssie is nursing a heavily damaged hand.
Jason – America hates us