Kyland “I could be like Alyssa has convinced Claire that you’re the best target for this week”

7:45pm Bathroom – Kyland and Hannah.
Kyland – I was talking to Tiffany .. I think you were there. Hannah – yeah. Kyland – but that wouldn’t be until … I am wondering if it should be tomorrow or Thursday. I’m thinking tomorrow. Hannah – I think she might figure that it will be a 7 – 1 vote. On Thursday I was kind of thinking of pulling her aside and being like sorry.. like what we did with Britini and DX. Kyland – yeah, exactly. I think it would just be like.. Hannah – because blindsiding her would be bad jury management on our part. Kyland – yeah, so I think it is literally just like on Thursday and or like I could pass the message. I could be like Alyssa has convinced Claire that you’re the best target for this week or whatever. Hannah – honestly .. because like SB knows that Claire is the anonymous HOH at this point right? Kyland – assumes .. yeah. Hannah – would it be a bad thing that if tomorrow we start doing that… that way so that Claire is even more weary of Alyssa? And vice versa.

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Hannah – “It’ll be great if we take out BIGD first”

2:24 pm Sb, Alyssa, Tiff, KY, Claire
Chit chat.. Laughing about Brent thinking he was going to stay.
Hananh – hie one on ones took less than 15 minutes he would just look at us and go (See image)
Tiff – he would go up to the room and was like.. so what are we going to call it..
“Call what”
Tiff – he was like we gotta name it.. what was it mafia?
Ky – the mafia..
They go through the motions for the mafia where they are smoking a cigar (looks like a joint)
Ky says brent would start the conversation with “I can offer you my protection”

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Hannah “Big D’s HOH reign would be the continuation of the French Revolution..”

10:04pm Bedroom – Tiffany, Hannah, Kyland.
Kyland – Once it comes out and Claire is over there sitting as always the target. Claire didn’t know what was going on. Tiff – so they will know that they’ve always been the target since day one anyway. So who do you think should go? Kyland – this week? Tiff – no you or SB! They all laugh. Tiff – No, f**k that, next week. Ky – I think it depends on the targets. As of right now .. I am pretty sure that I am first or second on both their list so I don’t really care. I think it depends on the danger of winning and who is going to target who. Big Brother blocks the feeds. Ky – I think its safer to assume there will be.. just because that is a worst case as apposed to assuming there won’t be. Tiff – so maybe we should plan that their might be a battle back.

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[Blank Resume] “I’m Okay.. Every move that everyone has made I played a part in the decision”

1:43 pm Azah and DF
Talking over who should go next Alyssa of Claire. Azah thinks Alyssa because she has proven herself better at competitions.
Azah is worried about going to Tiffany about this because it’ll start another argument.
Azah – between you and me you are not her target
Azah says Claire said her target is X
Azah – BIGD, I have a very very good relationship with her I know people lie in this game but I have a good relationship with her.
DF says if he wins HOH he’s putting up Claire and Tiff.

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Hannah “He [KY] is not happy about the women having control this week.” Xavier “He is pissing me off!”

6:18pm Hammock. Tiffany and Claire.
Tiffany telling Claire what to say to Ky – okay, I am hearing your points. I would like to talk to everyone else and lets catch back up … but don’t give him a flat out no. Just make him feel good. Make him feel smart. Claire – make him feel heard. Tiffany – definitely make him feel heard. Claire – she (Hannah) was like I haven’t talked to Ky.. I just want to be like I am not doing it. Ahhh.. maybe don’t do that. Tiff – Naaa… Chaddha you got to play a little game. Clarie – but she wanted to be like why have you talked to everyone else but you haven’t talked to me. Tiff – yeah I understand. Claire – one thing I learned was when someone wins veto they want all the information. Tiff – MMmmhmmmm.. because that’s their chance at power. Claire – that is how Alyssa felt like two weeks ago when she won it and Ky got the double one. Tiff – yeah dealing with a guy like Ky .. he is smart and intelligent. He is egotistical as well.

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“Who’s this man think he’s playing with?”

5:00 pm Kyland and Xavier (Kyland is making the argument that he wants to be able to cast a sympathy vote for SB)
Xavier says the week that Alyssa is going home he would expect to go up beside her.
ky – if you wanted to .. I guess for me it comes down to the fact.. I underestimate
X – how much you’re going to care about her?
Ky – NOPE, how much people dislike her it’s strong and I think she’s picking up on that
Kyland says that is why he wants to cast that vote. (for SB)
X – what has she done to these people on a personal level that offended them?

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“I want Hannah to use the veto on Xavier so that there’s no way those two can campaign. [together]”

11:34 am Tiff and Claire
Tiff – I got pulled into one of Kyland’s conversations
Tiff says Kyland told him if they use the veto on him he will be more “Obliged” to keep the two of them safe next week.
Tiff – I’m like Kyland I’ve made it very Clear I want Sb to go home this week and I want you sitting next to her.. what are you trying to do here..
Tiff – he said something about us working together I’m like I thought we were working
Tiff says he mentioned that Claire can’t win play in HOH next week.
Claire – is that a threat
Tiff – he wants me to put up Alyssa.. in that case, he and Sb will try and get Alyssa out of here.
Tiff – he said I want to be able to give her a vote.
They scoff
Tiffany says she wanted to give DX a vote but he put DX up against her best friend in the house.

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HANNAH WON the VETO! “We have all the power this week.”

Claire and Tiffany.
Claire – We’re good! Tiffany – yes we are. Claire – Derek is going to watch this back and be like why the f**k .. where was this energy when I was in the house. Claire says that she was in the havenot room. Tiffany – could you hear us? We were so loud in the HOH room. Claire – I had no concept of time in the havenot room. Tiff – the only reason why we had concept of time was because we had music. Claire – we have all the power this week. Tiffany – yes we do. You know damn well Chaddha ain’t coming off with that veto. We can just do the thing and say goodbye to Ky. Claire – yes. Tiff – I feel great! Claire – I feel like Chaddha won’t use it. If she uses it .. she just won’t use it right? Tiff – no I don’t think so. Claire – don’t mess anything up. Ky joins them. Tiff leaves. Ky to Claire – what’s your thoughts? Claire – for this week? Ky – yeah. Claire – with Chaddha winning? KY – Yeah. Claire – I feel like she probably won’t use it. Probably worth talking to her about it. Ky – I mean I think they should be open to it if other people are open to it.

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“BRAH.. he [X] don’t like me.. I like guys who pursue me. He don’t pursue me so I need to move forward”

9:24 am DF and Azah
DF – I’m just beat up that’s all I don’t feel the same
DF – I just got to let it go. it’s just hard that’s all. I should be alright though

Azah – you got to push through you got to remember what you are playing for
DF – I’m embarrassed right. I feel like my reputation is
Azah – we don’t have anything else to think about in the house that is why we get it stuck in our heads when something happens
DF – if it was game-related I would be cool I would get over it. I hold myself up to a high standard. We’ve been here for so long and we’ve made connections and all that I feel like certain people know how to make me sound good and certain people don’t. Obviously, things I’ve been doing the fans like and how I’ve been projected. Now I feel like I’m going to be not edited or taken a certain way.. I’m jumping to conclusions

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High Roller Results! “Insinuate you were the one that played & dethroned yourself so that Claire can stay under the radar”

HOH room. Tiffany, Hannah and Claire.
Tiffany – I am willing to take it for you. Claire – I am trying to think if that makes sense for me. Hannah – insinuate that you were the one that played and dethroned yourself so that way Claire can stay under the radar and then you guys will just collaborate. Claire – I think that will just be it. Okay. Tiff – and just don’t.. Claire – I won’t say anything. People know that I played. Tiff – I am going to tell you what I am going to do I will tell DF (Big D), don’t say nothing Derek it was me. I know it will get out. Claire – for sure! Hannah laughs. Hannah – I wonder if you’re the one like in veto selection if you will get to name to house guest choices ahead of time or if it will just be Tiff. Claire – I think maybe there won’t be house guest choice. Hannah – HHmmmm Okay, I could see them doing that. Claire – do you think Big D played? Tiff – yes. Claire – Damn he couldn’t do anything better than three… I got three and I was like that was pathetic.

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“You don’t care! I got nominate and you all sprint back here. You don’t give a f**”.. “Hey Audrey”

11:08 am Alyssa and Azah
Alyssa – Don’t tell SB sh1t I don’t trust sb
Alyssa – the only reason why I’ve been trying to trust SB is because X has been telling me to try and trust SB
Azah – X told you to trust her
Alyssa – ever since week 5 I’ve been trying to
Alyssa says she’s been trying with SB but all she hears is SB is throw her name out there.
Azah – that’s the type of game she plays only loyal to herself that’s how it is
Alyssa – she wants me out so she has X

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“SB has a gift of putting her points together.. honey she had a whole Christmas bag.. she just had more and more information”

8:48 am Claire and Tiff
Tiff says Sb brought up a lot about Alyssa. tiff wants to bring Alyssa up one more time before nominations.
Tiff – “SB has a gift of putting her points together.. honey she had a whole Christmas bag.. she just had more and more information when we first sat down”
Tiff says once she pointed out to SB her side of the house has winning all the competitions “She dug in her bag and pulled more things out she told me BIGD was going to do this or that Alyssa said this.. Xavier said this.. she’s like ummm ALyssa will lie with a straight face. I thought she had given me a lot of information. She let me know she had no loyalty with anyone in this game.. That’s a big statement to make.
Tiff – she told me DX, Ky and her had a final 3 she couldn’t decide to go with them or with us
Tiff – when you won SB you never got me and Claire together for jackpot
Claire – never

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