7am Bathroom. Alyssa and Sarah.
Alyssa – I would rather Whitney stay because she wants girls at the end. She’s talk about how cool it would be and how there hasn’t been two girls in the end in awhile. And I think Brent would go after me and our team if I did that to him. 100%! Sarah – that’s true. Alyssa – He would. He’s been trying to keep me away from.. He’s been trying to say I should trust him over Christian. He told me that Christian was the reason I was on the block because Christian made a comment the first day. Which that is another thing I could say is you’re trying to get me against my own teammate. Like to Ky’s point the ones we can only trust are the 4 we came in with and you’re trying to get me against one of them.. But I feel so bad lying once you get to know people and what they’ve been through.
Tag: Sarah Steagall
“If we want to ensure a victory with the vision we have in mind we must all make it to Jury”
DF and Azah talk about votes this week being a tie.
Azah – I feel like we need to… there needs to be a point where we can all meet and be on the same page about this.
DF- I think what we should do.. is pass it.. like what are you doing next week.
Azah – if we want to ensure a victory with the vision we have in mind we must all make it to Jury
Azah – I’m not saying we need to play for everybody’s game.
DF – We know Frenchie is going home. I don’t trust BRent or Whitney being in that jury..
They agree Brent goes home first.
DF – after that either Christian or Alyssa. OR unfortunately Claire..
Azah – Sarah Beth
Christian “I got to get myself some t!tt!e$!” Alyssa “You really don’t need t!tt!e$. I made that money & I ain’t got t!tt!e$.”
7:30pm Chess room – Christian and Alyssa
Alyssa – do you think the girls like me? Christian – yeah.. and oh my god I am so chapped you being a part of kings and Queens plus aces. The Slaughterhouse F**king sucks! Alyssa – but I still don’t understand why that was day two and he targeted you? Christian – yeah I don’t know. Alyssa – that makes no sense. Unless you have your days mixed up. Christian – I was a target up until I won the wildcard comp. Day 2. Alyssa – That’s when he made you part of the alliance? And put you on the block? And he said you were the target. Christian – because he couldn’t get me.. you were the other option. It doesn’t make sense. I don’t understand. Alyssa – its about to blow up next week… if I win.
“He was like I will not let a woman and I will not let a minority go home and he throws up a Woman and two minorities”
Feeds cut .. when we’re back. They are talking about Frenchie protected ‘categories’
Hannah – I personally didn’t like when he brought that into his gameplay
Tiffany – if that’s your gameplay keep it to yourself
Claire – absolutely
Tiffany – everybody in those categories you name should be offended.. or expect to be a target.
Hannah – if that is genuinely part of your gameplay. if you came in here with a strong conviction that you won’t do that’s great.
Hannah – the fact that he contradicted himself.. that fact he was like I will not let a woman go home and I will not let a minority go home and he throws a Woman and two minorities on the block.
Hannah – Travis could have easily won the veto and kept the noms the same and then Alyssa would have gone home, A woman and a minority.
Claire – or Derekx could not use it
“I let some family things get in the way of my thought process.. please stop recording this I don’t want my son exploited”
11:49 am Frenchie and Kyland
Frenchie – I don’t want people to feel sorry for me .. I woke up with such a migraine
Frenchie – I had a lot of fun fishing.. that was fun. You got to keep that up keep up the fishing..
Ky – what are you thinking?
Frenchie – If I had one last request
Ky – there’s still a lot of days not everything is set.. even if the ceremony is set the game isn’t set.
Frenchie – if I can reiterate one thing to you I do feel like we do have a good relationship and I have cared about you since day one..
“I wish they would use the veto to take off Britini and let a MAN sit next to me like a strong competitor so I can go out like f**Ing champ”
11:05 am Frenchie, Xavier and Df
Frenchie thinks he’s getting a headache becuase he’s not wearing his galsses more.
Frenchie – you know what I wish
DF – what do you wish
Frenchie – if I can have one more request in this house. I wish they would use the veto to take off Britini and let a MAN sit next to me like a strong competitor so I can go out like f**Ing champ
Frenchie points to Brit’s Bed “that’s too easy let me go out like a champ and walk out here with my head high that’s all I want.
Frenchie says after the veto ceremony he’ll shake Ky’s hand and say ‘I know I am going at least I am sitting next to someone that is a competitor’
Britini “We’re just friends” ..and we cuddle all day. Alyssa “Its not like we’re sucking face.”
6:50pm Pool Table. Frenchie and Britini
Britini – “we are just friends” and we (Christian & Alyssa) cuddle all day. Frenchie and Britini laugh. Frenchie – showmance killer. What is funny to me is that I had like no idea what was going on in this house. I knew EVERYTHING that was happening… almost everything. I didn’t see this coming.. at all. I mean I saw it .. me but..
Alyssa “I came in here to compete but now that I am bombing.. I think my plan is to act like I suck.”
Bathroom. Britini
Britini is practicing her eviction speech – “CBS Thank you for this incredible opportunity, Mom, Dad, Nana, Anna, Phil, my unity. I love you all so much. I am sorry for scaring you but in my defense ..huh I was scared too. My face on the wall and I was like WOW! Beautiful face but hell na get me out! Its been a crazy week full of laughs and tears. I’ve cried enough this week to last me for five.”
“we had this game in the palm of our hands we literally had it”
12:50 am Christian and DF
Hard to hear with the audio from the hottub group.
Christian – unless Brinti goes out it’s someone from the girl’s alliance
DF – it’s hard because we just talked about not putting anybody up and somebody’s up
Christian – first chance..
Df – first chance. so now what are we going to do
DF – we’re going to have to regroup and work together
Christian – it makes more sense for him to stay for our alliance
DF – I don’t know all I know is I’m going to work with the alliance
Christian – we haven’t even meant
DF – after the veto meeting. I just want to make sure we stick to our word and stick to our plan
Christian – we’ll just be picked off. that’s assuming we don’t win HOH next week
DF – we had this game in the palm of our hands we literally had it
Christian – Frenchie hasn’t talked to me in three days (count yourself lucky)
Tiffany “Azah and Big D are still drinking Frenchie’s Kool-aid”
8:55pm HOH bathroom. Xavier and Tiffany.
Xavier – I like Frenchie as a guy he is a very good man but his gameplay has been so unpredictable and erratic because that is a liability to us. Every time he gets involved people are like what the f**k. I don’t want to be seen with him. Tiffany – if you’re connected to him. To have him as your boy and have him throwing your name out there and I can’t believe he threw it out there to me… the one he so called wants to protect and you know cover and shield and whatever … but how the hell is X who has not been in anyone’s mouth .. how is he the head of a three headed snake?! Xavier – I heard it too .. it was Brent, Christian and Me. Lets look at those people I talk to everyone.
Power Of Veto Competition Winner! “So I’m going to take Frenchie off..”
HOH bathroom. Kyland and Derek X.
Derek – last week the veto mattered a lot but not this one. I wish I had won HOH. I’m going to play in every veto this summer.. that’s my DR. So I’m going to take Frenchie off … just kidding! Derek – do you think there is a target on my back? Kyland – no. Derek – because that’s two vetos. I was thinking of throwing it but I didn’t know what everyone else was doing.
“I got a life outside of here. Could I stay if I wanted to? yeah, I could why do you think I was smiling all day yesterday”
Kyland says the only person that won’t use the veto is Alyssa
Frenchie – Claire is nervous she is scared of them.
Frenchie – I had, your’s Tiffany and Dereks back
Frenchie – they wanted him did they not? it was an easy layup (take DerekX out)
Frenchie – they had me set those rogue votes up for that. If I go home I need you to see that. It’s up to you I won’t be here to protect all of them it’s onto you. I’m passing all my information onto you (lol)
Frenchie – they are going to skate to the end and get the 750 thousand dollars.
Frenchie says if they weren’t on the block they would have had, Ky, DerekX, DerekF, Frenchie, tiffany, Claire, Sarah Beth, Azah, Brit