8:20am Big Brother wakes up the house guests. Sarah, Brittnee & Bobby are in the bathroom. Britt comments that it could be have/havenot comp. Sarah says or Veto. Its the name of the comp that kills me. Britt says I know. Sarah says Every time I think of it, I just.. Sarah heads to the bedroom with the batteries and tells Zach.. it says Noms on the screen and the gate is closed. They’re setting up something. Sarah and Willow cuddle in bed and then look up at the camera. Willow says Good Morning nosey you getting in on this cuddle? Willow asks do you think Big Brother will start handing out anti-depressants?
Tag: Sarah Hanlon

Nomination plans – “I think Bobby/Brittnee is the way to go .. That be sexy” – Kev
12:43am HOH The Diapers
Zach – can you believe we’ve won 3 HOH’s in a row.. mind ya I cut off one of our own
Zach says if Bobby/Bruno win next week they don’t come after them same goes for Sarah and brittnee. Zach still wants to rig the other side of the house to fight themselves so they are set up for next week.

Zach – “we should rally up something for the diaps.. three in a row”
10:19pm Hot Tub Brittnee, Bobby and Bruno
They show Brittnee the chop shop signal. Brittnee tells them about the purple cobra’s hand signal
Trying to figure out who Kevin is going to put up. They seem to think Godfrey is in trouble. Bobby is worried he’s going up with Godfrey. Brittnee and Bruno tell him he’s got their vote.
Bruno telling them they have to stay tight adds that the competition was a total crap shoot.

Big Brother Canada 3 Week 6 summary and HOH/Eviction Spoilers
There’s three groups in the house
Bru Crew – Bruno/Bobby/Godfrey
No mans land – Sarah/Willow/Brittnee
Diapers – Zach/Ashleigh/Kevn/Pili.
The first two are targeting the Diapers. The Diapers think the Bru’s Crew and No mans land is more or less targeting each other. If the Diapers win the HOH except Bru’s Crew and No mans land to turn on each other. There’s only 4 weeks left and still 10 people in the house how they are going to cull the herd is the BIG UNKNOWN

Kevin “It could be the best birthday or the worst birthday ever!” Zach “We got this! Hopefully”
9:30am Big Brother wakes up the house guests. Kevin gets up and gets the new batteries for everyone. Kevin says look at me doing batteries. Pilar says I know! Who are you right now?! Bobby, Willow and Sarah curl up in the same bed. Bobby says Happy Birthday Zach! Bobby and Willow head to the bathroom. Willow hide by the stall to scare Sarah when she comes out. Willow asks have I gotten farther with a woman than you have? Bobby says no, I’ve touched things. Willow says that she hears the projector going up in the backyard. Ash asks they only started building now right? Willow says yup. Bruno says this is one sandwich I’d like to get in on!

Kevin – “It’ll be pretty ideal if Bobby/Bruno picked up this double” Pillar “YES YES”
11:48pm Kevin, Zach and Pilar HOH
(This conversation is hilarious Zach is completely out to lunch with we’re the house is)
Zach – Bobby Bruno aren’t coming after us for sure..
Zach says even if it’s a double eviction Bobby and Bruno won’t come after them but Godfrey is he wants Godfrey out first, “He’s immediately on our radar”.

“Ashleigh I think we can break her. you want to be known as that sucker that got used?”
10:18pm Hot Tub Bruno and Bobby
They agree Zach/AShleigh are the showmance they have to watch out for. They have to knock Zach out first.
They think Kevin is targeting Brittnee and Sarah.
Bruno says if they can get rid of Ashleigh and Zach Kevin will crawl to them.
Bobby – whatever showmance dies will crawl

Sarah “My brain is running a thousand miles a minute right now” Willow – “I smell bacon”
Bruno leaves.. Willow and Sarah talking about Bruno being a little loose lipped around Kevin. Sarah wonders why he feels so comfortable around asks if it’s because the thinks Kevin is “Kinda a idiot”. Willow thinks so.
Sarah asks where the diapers think they’re at with Bobby/Bruno. (Can’t hear her response) information. Sarah tells

Zach “Put up Sarah/Bobby & tell him a b@ckdoor plan can’t fail when there’s a secret veto”
4:25pm In the bedroom – Sarah says I hate this. Sindy says I know. Did you eat? Sarah says no. I am going to have to stuff myself before the HOH. I have to win. Sindy says or you could keep me and I could help you win. Sarah says I talked to them and there’s no chance, like zero. There’s no way. Godfrey isn’t going to do what Bruno and Bobby do. What you’ve done for me is priceless because the rest of the house is like this. Everything is out in the open now. Sarah says I have no where to go. Since week 1 its been what the house wants. Godfrey is sweet he just says anything.

Bruno “I was ready to do whatever I had to do” Sarah “You almost killed your mother-in-law”
12:40pm In the bedroom – Zach is massaging Ashleigh’s legs. They start talking about hamsters. Zach says they’re the stupidest things in the world. They’re basically rats with fur. Ash says and no tails. Zach “The hamster makers grow them in a lab with rats and chop their tails off” Zach says when he was a kid his parents told him he could have a pet and then they got him a gold fish. He says it was the most boring-est pet.. I just fed it until it got fat, floated to the surface and died. If you’re going to get your child a pet it should be a dog or a cat.

Bobby tells Sarah “He (Zach) could actually go home on his birthday!” Sarah “I know!”
10am In the bathroom – Sarah says now we roll with the punches and see. Brittnee says that the guys are getting all mocho and wanting to take each other out. So we just go with it and let them. Sarah says we just be nice to everyone.. Go to them and talk to them. Britt says I think I’ve been doing a pretty good job of that. Sarah heads to the HOH room and climbs in bed with Willow. Sarah tells Willow that she is waking up quite chipper this morning. Sarah says she’s going to be like Bobby today and put on her bathing suit and climb in the hot tub. Willow comments that she needs her sneakers.. I’m walking around like mowgli.

Before we strike “I think we should wait for 2 more people to go for sure” -Zach
11:54pm HOH The Diapers
Zach wants to win the HOH so bad and not even give Godfrey a chance to play for POV.
Kevin says he just had a chat with Bruno/Bobby were totally up for final 7.
Ashleigh wants them to get rid of Bob/Bruno because Sarah/Brittnee are worse at competitions. Pilar agrees B and Sarah. Zach says if Bobby/bruno win HOH they will take a shot at Brittnee/Sarah