Where does one start with a week like this.. Given how successful Haleigh’s HOH was the week prior I assumed Fes’ week will be as much or greater a shit show.. When Fes won the grueling 14 minute endurance I tweeted something to the effect, “so does this mean Haleigh gets evicted” well I was almost there. Fes is going to evict the only other person left in the Foutte alliance. go Fes!
Tag: Sam Bledsoe

Big Brother 20 Week 8 Animated Gifs
This week was Dawg dog Slow on the live feeds. Lucky for us we had some crazy Sam moments and stupid Fes moments to pass the time. I just can’t get over the two attempts Sam made at playing the game. The time she went to Fes to get him to put Haleigh on the block as the replacement after Brett uses the Veto. The expressions on fes’ face after.. priceless. I do think that was our most popular tweet ever ..
My top 3 are
- After Sam’s pitch
- Sam’s campaigning to get FEs to put Haleigh up as the replacement
- “I have got to stop biting dude.. Got to stop.. (cause it’s gross)
- I also like the nose picking one cause I’m gross like that.. lol

Angela “Why does Sam hate me? Tyler “Because you’re beautiful & perfect.”
*** Updated ***
8:05pm Bedroom. Angela and Tyler. Angela is twirling Tylers hair. Tyler – they (production) asked me about some other fun stuff. Angela – oh yeah? I think I might know. I think I have a feeling I know what it is. And I am hoping they don’t ask me the same because I am going to plead the fifth. (Production asking them about liking each other) I am going to say I am heartless and emotionless .. Big Brother blocks the feeds. Tyler – are you still entertained? Angela – MMMHHHhh. Why are not? Tyler – I am. This is the highlight of the day right here.

Faysal – C’mon, I played this game good.. C’mon, Haleigh
**** updated *****
2:00pm HOH Feeds, Tyler and Fes
Haleigh tells him that Scottie is going around saying Fes is his target.
Tyler – if kaycee wins Angela will be in her ear big time
FEs – Even though I put her up I’m not putting her up as a target…
FEs says Sam knows she’s the next target up that is why she’s going on about the no smoking thing..
Tyler leaves..
Fes – I was expecting a wake up call.. nothing..

Fes “I’ve got some extensive game talk to talk about. Haleigh “We can talk tomorrow.”
8:05pm Backyard. Fes and Haleigh. Fes – did you talk to Scottie today? Haleigh – no, he said that we needed to talk. Why? Fes – just wondering what is he going to say? Haleigh – I don’t know. Fes – Angela told me that Scottie came up to her and was like I think Faysal is the one flipping all the votes. Haleigh – when did she tell you that? Fes – I think it was yesterday. Because we were wondering what his speech was going to be. And then she was like, probably throwing you under the bus. I was like really!? Haleigh – yeah.

“I would give you 61% .. 50% is like normal looking. no I’m wrong I give you 70”
**** updated *****
3:26pm JC and Haleigh
H – if you could pick one boy in this house to live with and Marry
JC – tyler
H – not Fes
JC – NO.. I love him as a friend.. if you had to pick one guy to be best friends with and go around doing fun stuff FES.. out of the questions.. I Actually do have fun with him
JC – living 24 hours! .. waking up in the morning and seeing that person FES!
They laugh
JC says Tyler
JC – Personality wise Tyler is more my type body wise definitely BRett
JC – if Tyler looked like Brett I wold probably have a real crush on him
JC says his first boyfriend was like Brett but he was shy

“61 days and now they coming to us.. their dumb a$$e$ got out their own numbers”
Big Brother Spoilers
11:37am Tyler and Angela
Angela – stupid game
Tyler- I hate this game everything about it
they laugh
Tyler says Scottie’s pitch is to make himself the biggest target and to make it known he’s going after Fes, “He also said.. I’m f*ing done”
They talk about nothing to do all day today, tomorrow and Thursday
Angela – you think it’ll be a double eviction
T – yeah
A – we need to figure out a plan
T – mmmhhmmm, you have any ideas
A – kinda

Haleigh “Fessie! Are you f**king kidding me? You’re joking? Like I am the liability?!”
8:05pm Hammock. Angela and Brett are studying the days / events of the season. Brett – I made a map with M&M’s of all the dates and then when I came back in one day it was all gone. Angela – who took it? Brett – them (production). If I win HOH, no matter what I do there are going to be butting heads. Like there is no easy choice. Angela – well kind of. Brett – I am just saying I am going to get push back hardcore. Angela – but I feel like it is kind of easy for you. Brett – one. There would only be one person in the house that would nominate me.

“I don’t speak because I am mute.. I’m going to cease to exist here”
****** UPDATED *******
Big Brother Spoilers It’s been slow.. not very much happening to post on.
12:41pm JC, Sam and Fes
JC – what did you do to SCottie that made him want you on the block
Sam – I don’t know
JC – you have to stop playing with the guys feelings.. you can’t tell them you are going to marry them than not marry them
Sam – oh my god JC.. that’s the exact opposite and you know it..
Sam says she’s talked to SCottie, “I just told him I was sorry.. about what is has happened.. I told him I felt bad for him and I know he’s a person and he has a family and feelings.. and I would never change the way I feel about him”
JC mentions Scottie throwing her name out

Power of Veto Ceremony Results “I’m A-OK”
Big Brother Spoilers Brett used the power of veto on himself. Fes nominates Kaycee in his place.
10:09am JC and Fes
Fes – it’s going to be smooth right
JC – yeah ..
Fes – you always freak out before the vote..
JC – everythign’s going to be okay
Fes – you don’t want to keep Scottie
Jc – no, What the f* why would I keep Scottie

Scottie “If you put Haleigh on the block I will kick your f***ing a$$!”
9pm HOH room. Haleigh and Fes. Haleigh – I want something sweet. Fes – I’ve got something sweet for you. (Cue photo above) Fes – don’t say anything about the Sam thing. Haleigh – what do you mean? Fes – that Sam came up to me. Did you tell him (Scottie) already? Haleigh – no. He said Sam was pitching the same thing. Fes – to who? Me? Haleigh – to you. Fes – what did he say the reason? Haleigh – Sam was doing it because she genuinely wants me to go up. But he (Scottie) is doing it because he knows you will never put me up but wants everyone to think that we’re fighting.

Scottie “This is the part where you’re going to hate me, I’ve already put it in motion.”
5:10pm HOH room. Fes, Haleigh, Angela and Tyler. Fes – before I talked to Scottie. She was in the kitchen with a big smile on her face. She said okay I am ready to play this game and I know who you should choose as a replacement nominee. And then listen to this .. she said if you do this for me, I will quit smoking. That was her pitch. Who do you want on your team. Me or Haleigh. Do you want someone who can hold on to a tree for hours or Haleigh who only takes and never gives. And then she was like pinky promise. Haleigh – what did you say? Fes – I was like this is a big offer .. I’m going to need to think about this one.