2:47pm Haliegh and Kaitlyn. Kaitlyn – I don’t know who I’m putting up yet. (Yes she does. She’s putting up Winston.) Haliegh – that’s fine you don’t have to. Kaitlyn – I just don’t know anymore. Haliegh – there are a bunch of moves. Kaitlyn – 13 … but its not going to be you so you don’t need to worry about it but I still don’t know. Haleigh – even if you do ..its fine. Kaitlyn – I don’t know if you’re going to think that. Haleigh – who else would you put? Kaitlyn – I don’t know if it would be right to disclose that information. Haleigh – I a okay with anyone. Kaitlyn – you have no idea.
Tag: Sam Bledsoe

JC “Winston isn’t going to go [against Swaggy].” Brett “This house is going to erupt!”
12:25pm The live feeds return from being blocked. JC talks about before Steve left production was getting him to say Sorry Steve. How are they going to use that?! Fez – you can say no I’m not going to say that. You can say that. JC – but I don’t want to interfere with production. Rockstar – all I know is that when I needed them, they were there. JC – who? Rockstar – the doctor .. for my breakdown.

“I’m going to play it up like I’m putting up Angela, at the very last minute I’ll be like Ohh I’m so sorry Swaggy get up”
***** UPDATED **** Big Brother Spoilers – Looks like the plan remains to use the veto on SCottie and Nominated Swaggy in his place.
12:55am Brett and KAiltyn HOH
Brett – how do you feel
Kiatlyn – I feel bad about blindsiding my friend but it’s something I have to do
Kaitlyh – it’s not personal I just don’t like the game play he’s doing.
Kailtyn mentions that JC over heard him say something today, “he’s playing too hard”
Kailtyn now saying that her close friend told her when she was leaving “don’t make any big moves early on”
KAiltyn – But I might not win the next HOH.. the only thing that makes me nervous is if Swaggy has a power

Winston “I want to break his [Swaggy] hand and shove it up his candy a$$!”
9:35pm Fez and Rockstar. Rockstar – Kaitlyn didn’t trust Swag because Tyler said that she was at the bottom of the totem pole. So Kaitlyn told us that so when Tyler was in her room he told Kaitlyn to vote for Steve. When we were up with Kaitlyn she said I just want you girls to know that anything you tell Tyler .. he brings back to me. And we were like first of all we weren’t talking sh*t to Tyler. Rockstar – did Swaggy go to Tyler and tell him that she was at the bottom of the totem pole. Sam joins them. Rockstar – so you having fun being a human? Sam – yes, I am!

Power Of Veto Results! “You’re not my puppet master. Swaggy go up!”
7:39pm Storage room – Tyler and Kaitlyn. Kaitlyn – can we have a discussion? Tyler – of course. Kaitlyn – come to my room later. Kaitlyn leaves. JC enters the storage room. JC tells Tyler that when they were waiting for the results Swaggy was behind him and kept saying there is no way you (Tyler) won it. I kept going go Tyler! And he was like WHAT?! He was totally not rooting for you. We will talk more about it later.

Swaggy “She [Sam] literally blacked on Brett today. Don’t touch me! Get the f**k away from me!”
2:05pm Kitchen – Rockstar and Haleigh. Rockstar – I really can’t think of a good showmance name for you guys. So I think you need to wait until the show is over. Fayeigh and Helsal just aren’t doing it. Haleigh – I 100% do NOT want to be in a showmance with him. I do not under any circumstances. He is a liability. He is great knight but he is going to be taken out of this game early. Rockstar – I really would like to have a final four with all girls. Haleigh – I agree. Rockstar – I really like Sam. Haliegh – me too.

“I would rather be remembered for someone who made F***ING big moves … I literally don’t care”
****UPDATED****** Big Brother Spoilers – Power of Veto Players are: Scottie, Winston, Kaitlyn, Tyler, Fez, Rachel.
12:10pm Rachel and Kaitlyn
Rachwel – I can’t stop thinking you look like Nicole Ritchie
K – we’re also similiar.. she’s increadable..
R – I want to make sure I do what you want me to
Kaitlyn says the main thing is Swaggy wasn’t picked. She thinks he might have the powe r
Rachel says the word in the house is Scottie has it .
Kaitlyn is going to ask Scottie because everyone is planning on using the veto on him.
Kaitlyn says the only problem is if Fessie wins and since “he does whatever I say” takes Scottie down then she’ll be putting Fessies best friend up on the block.
Kaitlyn – that would be actually f***ing bad..
Kaitlyn wants Rachel to win the competition, says pretty much the only person she doesn’t want to win is Fessie.

Rachel “I feel more comfortable out here than in the DR. They feed you lines.”
8:50pm Kitchen – Rachel and JC. JC – that’s probably why you didn’t trend because you’ve been mean to me. Rachel – probably! Rachel – do you know what is funny?! I actually feel more comfortable out here than in the DR. When I go into the DR, they’re like alright you’re ON! Because they feed you lines. Big Brother switches the feeds.

Nomination Results! “You better win that veto, so start working out or j**king off!”
POV: ? Next POV: July 7th POV Used ? POV Ceremony July 2nd HOH: Kaitlyn Next HOH: July 12th Noms: Winston, Scottie Have Nots ? Nomination Results: Kaitlyn nominated Scottie & Winston APP STORE: Rachel got least trending. Her punishment is getting roasted. When the live Feeds return – All the house guests are getting […]

Kaitlyn “Everyone’s game is in jeopardy, tell me if you have the power!”
POV: ? Next POV: July 7th POV Used ? POV Ceremony July 2nd HOH: Kaitlyn Next HOH: July 12th Noms: ?, ? Have Nots ? Big Brother Spoilers – I think the nominations will be Scottie and Winston but the universe is controlling this HOH so who knows.. 5:38pm Bayleigh and Winston. Bayleigh – I […]

Big Brother Spoilers “There’s a lot of little punks in here”
11:57am Swagz and Bayleigh
Swagz says he’s only talking to Scottie and a bit Tyler.
Swagz is worried about Tyler he thinks Tyler will get the BBapp power and not tell them.
Swagz go on about not trusting Tyler anymore..
Bayleigh – there’s a lot of little punks in here
Swagz – Winston is a b1tch… can you say that nicer.. no.. (a line he gave the DR .. lol)
Swagz – I think Kaitlyn will put up Winston and Kaycee..
Bayleigh – when Kaycee walked out of that room with Kaitlyn she was smiling..

“I want to b@ckdoor Swaggy this week that would be a cool move..”
10:30am Tyler and Kaitlyn HOH
Kaitlyn tells him how frustrated she is with Brett because she’s not giving specifics about the power.
Kaitlyn – Brett doesn’t have it
Tyler – I just found out.. Brett played up he had the power just in case this happened to be used as a deflection..
Tyler – I was under the impression he had it to
Tyler – Sam had the power she just told me
kailtyn – I f*ing knew it
Tyler – it’s after the votes are revealed the other person goes home
Kailtyn – perfect I’m putting up Sam and Swaggy
Tyler obviously doesn’t like this plan. no