Big Brother Spoilers We got the best season since forever.. I hope you all enjoy it as much as I..
Power of Veto players are JC, Brett, Bayleigh, Rachel, Sam and Tyler
The ROCKS is Host unless their is a guest
8:45am Bayleigh and Rachel HOH
Rachel is nervous about what bay does if Brett wins the Veto.
Bayleigh tells her she’s already told her who she is putting up. (Scottie)
Rachel is nervous because of the power says if JC goes up and has a power she could be going home.
Bayleigh says JC and Scottie are most likely the ones with the power.
Rachel – the day the power was given out after Steve was evicted I originally thought it was Scottie or JC.. Scottie came down that day and was acting.. he was skirting around really excited.. it was a very strange thing to me.. Like he was really excited. I remember that day and remember thinking why is he so excited he’s on the block.
Rachel brings up how JC acted between the two power ups was different almost like he one it the first time and didn’t care about it teh second because he knew he already had one.