Earlier today Big Brother Canada released the identities of 14 of the 15 house guests that will be moving into the BBCAN2 house . In the bios of the 14 house guests we learned a bit about their personalities and strategies going into the house. We will discover the identity of the 15th house guest that has not yet been revealed on the March 5th Big Brother Canada premiere date. We are already starting to get to know the new cast and have already discovered Adel Elseri’s Tongue 2 Teeth Invention and that Anick Gervais is a “Breatharian”.
Tag: Sabrina Abbate

Meet the CAST of Big Brother CANADA Season 2!
As promised the identities of the 15 cast members of Big Brother Canada season 2 were released today! Below are 14 of them along with their answers to a few revealing questions. With the Big Brother Canada season 2 premiere just one week away we couldn’t wait to get to know the new house guests!
The beautiful newly re-designed Big Brother Canada Season 2 house was just released the other day and these new house guests will soon call it home for the next couple months. If you miss the BBCAN2 house tours, make sure you watch them!