6:47pm Sabrina and Rachelle HOH
Rachelle asks when she should start telling people she wants IKA gone
Sabrina- “When you put up IKA everyone will know”
Rachelle is scared that IKA will stay in the game and she’ll be f***
Sabrina says HEather will “Lick your bu**” after we tell her you saved her.
Sabrina gives her the speech to say to IKA…
“I don’t want to have this discussion with you and this is the exact reason you are going on the block.. You try to intimidate me and I’m fed up with it. I want to play my own game and with you here you keep influencing me and I realize we are a sinking ship and there is two people that are going to protect me more than you can… SNAP tell her that.. and say leave me alone.. ”
Rachelle adds “You said it yourself we’re a sinking ship and you don’t trust us”