8:34pm Kitchen – Makensy and Chelsie
Chelsie – So we can talk to him about doing a 5. At first he didn’t mention Leah. The second time he did, which is surprising. He mentioned you before he mentioned Leah. Makensy – I think he had a lot of respect for my game. Chelsie – oh he does and he does and he doesn’t like how you were treated and either do I. Makensy – I mean at least the four, he is very very confident on it. Chelsie – I teeter between Joseph and Cam. Joseph would throw Quinn under the bus before Tucker any day! I was just outside with because he tried to act like he knew Tucker’s game. And I’m like you were willing to throw your game away from him. Makensy – When I was up there he said what do you think about Joseph.