8:15pm Kimo and Tkor
Tkor – I know that a lot of people would want Angela out because she can’t be trusted, right. That’s why for you, if you do win HOH, not putting Angela up could work in your interest a little bit so that you can get out a target that’s more of a threat and still have someone there that people would want to target you know. Which sucks because I don’t want to see Angela go far personally but game wise I think its the smallest maneuver if given the opportunity to do so. And I think that Leah is someone that can’t be trusted but I do notice her getting close to you a lot and spending a lot more time than usual with you these past couple days. I am not the only one noticing that so I would be careful of how others are perceiving it. But I don’t know, Leah is a tricky one in terms of, I feel like she is too dangerous to work with.
Tag: Rubina Bernabe
“I just think Tkor leaving clears all of it up” – “Makensy is more of a priority for me than T’kor”
12:30 am Chelsie and Cam
Cam brings up finding out yesterday that T’kor through his name out as someone to go up. “Rubina did not but T’kor did”
Cam – after hearing that.. that’s really the thing that set me off.
Cam brings up Tkor saying she wants Rubina to win if she doesn’t
Cam – she’s not really prioritizing me.
Chelsie – depending on what group she is in she will prioritize differently.
Leah “She’s never going to put us up.” Makensy “I told her to her face that I would use her as a pawn to make a big move.”
7:45pm Leah and Makensy
Makensy – Hi, how are you? Leah – I’m bored. Makensy – I just wanted to check in with everyone. Did you talk to Cam about Tkor? Leah – he wants to (she motions that Cam wants Tkor to go). Especially because she is going to be a threat to you guys.. but you guys do whatever is best for you. Makensy – no, I think Tkor is the best option. Leah – I am just saying no one else is going to put her up. Makensy – exactly if we don’t take it right now. Leah – exactly. Makensy – if it is a double next week and I win who do I put up? Kimo and Angela? Leah – Kimo and someone else. Makensy – Kimo and Rubina again? And then if one of them takes themselves off put up Angela? Leah – Don’t forget that she is a number for you and me. She is never going to put us up. Makensy – I have told her to her face that I would use her as a pawn to make a big move.
“Angela and MJ are down. 99.9% positive. Angela was really put off Tkor was pitching the all girls thing” **updated**
1:20 pm Cam and Leah
Cam says at night Kimo goes to sleep and Rubina/T’kor run off and start talking game. “Either of them will prioritize Tkor over themselves. Kimo will vote to evict Rubina. That is what I think but I still have to talk to him. We also need to get Chelsie on this side too.”
Leah – That is something I worry about. I was worried am worried she sits here and tells me she agrees with me and my decision she will probably then go and tell Tkor. How can she do that?
Leah – she makes other people do her dirty work. She’s told me that before.
Cam – I mean.. like.. my trust has dwindled a little bit. Like I just don’t know what type of game she’s playing. One day she’s like I got your back and all this stuff. And then I also here her talking to the other three. All that stuff I don’t know if it’s me being paranoid.
“I just hope that I didn’t like F myself by like dividing the house”
Leah, Makensy and Angela
Angela – And they can’t fault her for putting any of them up because they’ve kind of gone this far together and they’ve admitted to me and one of us they know they’ve done that they know but also how lucky they’ve been to come this far and have friendships like that and have people to lean on and to talk to and to get strategized with it’s really lucky. So that’s how I feel in this moment. I don’t know how I feel is how they treat her how they treat me will mean a lot moving forward this week and I’ll make my decision and I definitely want to reconvene with you girls and just kind of see where you guys are at you know about obviously tomorrow I’m gonna have to talk to Kimo and Tkor.
“I’m feeling maybe I can convince Cam to Vote T’kor Out. “
12:55 pm Makensy and Leah
L – I’m scared next week if Tkor or Kimo won.
MJ – hopefully they don’t
L – have they said anything to you?
MJ – no but like if Angela saves him he won’t put Angela up next week.
L – do you think I’m going to right way about it.
MJ – yeah I do
L – I just don’t want to be a idiot and ride with people if they don’t ride with me.
Angela “My heart is telling me to go ahead and use it on Kimo.”
6:35pm – 6:53pm Leah and Angela
Leah – how did your talk with Kimo go? Angela – it went good. He was really emotional. Leah – I am proud of you I just want whatever you want to do. I respect it. Please know that. So you know that
whatever happens, you won’t put me in to uncomfortable in the
situation because all we can do is have each other. You know what I mean? Angela – I knew you would be okay with whatever I want to do and you would be like respectful of it and everything. And I think my heart is telling me to go ahead and and use it on Kimo. It’s the right thing for me to do Leah because both times I’ve been on the wrong side of the votes and I’ve been there with and it’s been terrible you know,
Kimo “I am not a threat. I don’t win things.”
2pm Leah and Kimo
Kimo – Congratulations on all of your things. I hope my behavior when you want to make you think anything weird. I didn’t pay attention to anyone’s behavior because I was so hot and miserable. So like whatever it was. I was genuinely. You know that I’m genuinely and I’m proud of you. I want to be in this game still and I kind of what to present things like I still really would like to work with you because I do think that I would be good for your game. I am not a threat. I don’t win things. I Know that I am not a threat to you or really anyone who is also untrusted in the game and I feel like keeping me in this house helps level the playing field. I said I wanted to protect you going forward despite whatever you’ve heard. I haven’t really heard much because I feel like it’s entirely different game going to start having different ways
“My biggest dream has always been about changing the world.. I love this season being about women””
Midnight T’kor and Rubina (of course)
T – you will have the numbers you have me and Chelsie regardless.
R – you think? Kimo will understand what we are trying to make happen.
T – I think he will be hurt but he wouldn’t be mad at us. You know what I mean?
R – I don’t think he’ll be mad at us.
T – Suck cause I don’t want to see Kimo go. In Season 23 they had to vote out their closest friends even if they were people they trusted more than in the cookout. There was a larger purpose..
Tkor “How do I benefit people’s games, I don’t get it?” Rubina “You’re not a threat but your presence is a blessing.”
5:30pm Tkor and Rubina.
Tkor – if nominations stay the same there is a strong possibility that Kimo won’t be here anymore. Rubina – I know. Tkor – that reality really sucks! Rubina – I don’t think… I don’t know what they’ll do.. I still think no matter what its not a vote in either of their directions when it comes down to it. Tkor – they’ve ticked too many people off. They’re really clear that you don’t care how many comps you’ve won. That doesn’t matter to us. Rubina – that’s not what I am taking into account. Tkor – I know that Makensy doesn’t think that way. I now that Chelsie doesn’t think that way. I now that Kimo doesn’t think that way. You and Me, that’s five people.
2:10pm The live feeds return from being blocked for the power of veto competition.
Behind the set by the washers. Leah – At least we get a chill day tomorrow. Makensy – Right! Hopefully!
Backyard Dance Floor. Tkor – how many more days do we have living outside? Rebina – 4 more night.
“It really sucks people keep wanting to put you and Kimo on the block. on the block together affects me” **updated**
11:30 pm Tkor and Rubina getting their whisper time in while the rest of the players sleep.
Rubina makes a voice like golem from Lord of the Rings “I love my friend so MUCH”
They both laugh.
Rubina – Every time i’m on the block I’m like ahh it’s so cool.. the game resets every time i’m on the block. I feel like even with this week the game will shift.
T – I know. It feel bleak
R – I feel.. I know I had a moment. I love what we both represent. We are both equally important and amazing this season. I wouldn’t want to see either come to an end but I know either way it doesn’t come to an end.. either way it starts here. It continues outside. I Find solace in that and genuinely would be hard to be upset. You’re on the other end of that you’re two people are on the block.