7:05pm The feeds are still being intermittently blocked. Kimo – Is that weird? Do you think Jerry O’Connell would take over for Big Brother? I think. Chelsie – what for Julie? Kimo – You don’t think this isn’t like this is some like she’s passing on the torch to Jerry O’connell to, like, take over Big Brothers? Chelsie – Don’t even speak that. I don’t think so cause it wouldn’t be Big Brother anymore. Kimo – this is a way to introduce a whole other game show that Jerry O’connell’s host of. Chelsie – could be. You don’t think that for Julie’s last season they would make that known before the season. Leah – no. Kimo – I mean we wouldn’t know, but the world could know.
Tag: Rubina Bernabe
Big Brother 26 Week 10 Power of Veto Ceremony Results **updated**
Quick Big Brother Spoilers Head of Household: Makensy Nominees: Kimo Leah & Angela POV Players: Makensy, Angela, Kimo, Cam, Chelsie and Leah POV Winner: Makensy Veto Ceremony: Makensy used the Veto on Kimo and nominated Leah in his place. Havenots: ? Spoilage – It’s Kraken time. 12:02 pm Leah and Angela Both of them are […]
Makensy “Say I take Angela off who the f**k do I put up? Leah “Rubina” Makensy “But is that what we should do?” Leah “Who else is there?”
8:08pm HOH room – Makensy and Leah.
Makensy – what’s up love bug? Leah – nothing. Makensy – did you have good convos while we were up here? Leah – no, we just talked about old stuff. I don’t know how your chat went with Chelsie. I still want to talk to her. Makensy – nothing really crazy. She was asking me like what Angela said when I was like nothing. Angela, obviously, I think wants me to use it on her. Leah – Yeah. Makensy – because she’s like, I’m more of a threat than Kimo. People will see that. And I was like, I don’t know. I was like, I don’t think so, because everybody’s been wanting Kimo out. Nobody views Angela as a threat, I said. But however, you are correct in the fact that I’m not one 100 percent sure in that people could be lying to me. And I do take that. Point blankly, like I see that, you know, and that people may not be honest with me.
Chelsie “If Leah is out, Angela is going to shift her whole strategy. She’s going to run towards you.”
1pm Kitchen – Cam, Chelsie and Makensy
Cam and Chelsie are pushing hard to get Makensy to use the veto on Rubina and to put Leah up as the replacement nominee.
Makensy – Did Rubina tell you that they stayed up all night last night about Leah talking about trying to get you out. Cheslie – I saw Leah talking to Kimo and Rubina till like 3 or 4am. She is trying to grab them on her side because she knows that Angela is going. She(Rubina) hasn’t talked to me yet but she said that she wanted to. Makensy – I was talking to her and said that if one of them did take themselves off this week I would have put Leah up. F**k that sh*t!
“Every week you are sitting here crying not holding your f***ing weight.. like you shouldn’t be here.”
Kimo – it’s weird.
Rubina – I was talking to Cam he said. Honestly I thought I would be home by August.
MJ – I really did think I was going to be gone. I am so blessed to be here. To have the connections I do have.
MJ – you all have my back not throwing my name out there and that allows me to have you alls back. It came later which sucks
R – it came when it had to.
MJ – I came up with a Rhyme to do with Angela… it’s Mean.. it’s funny mean.
K – what is it
MJ – I cannot say it cause if I say it… Maybe I’ll get opinions on seperate lines.
MJ – I don’t know if I’ll do it or not.
MAKENSY WON the VETO! “She [Makensy] is not playing next week. I’ll do it.”
8:50pm Bathroom – Cam, Kimo and Leah.
They’re talking about the veto comp. Cam – I know they’re going to get me to explain it and I’m going to look really dumb. Chelsie – even just getting a red X, you don’t know what is wrong. Leah – Aww.. we did good guys. Chelsie – this will either be great or traumatizing for you both. I knew that Angela timed out when she walked back in and I could hear her crying a little bit.
“I hate that every decision in here is at the expense of someone else.. It makes me feel bad”
1:10 am Rubina and Leah (We can’t escape hours of Rubina being sad about Tkor.. )
Leah is claiming that the decision she made during her HOH didn’t feel right in her gut, “I had a goals”
Leah – I am telling you if I had a normal HOH week where I was in my f**ing room and could layout the conversations I needed to have I would have operated differently because I would have felt safer. I felt like I was out in the open. Tired, like literally just stood there I was exhausted My body was aching the whole f***ing time. I was trying to stay positive. Like I have no nutrients I’m not in my element whats so ever. Like literally have nodding through the f***ing HOH.
Leah – now I am looking back and I’m so f***ig pissed.. I don’t know, the worst part is like like.. I’m just being transparent with you.
Angela “He [Quinn] was sh*tty. He wasn’t nice to me. Little snake in the grass, little punk!”
5:30pm Rubina and Angela
Rubina – its even harder than last week. If its going to be physical and you get to pick who would you pick? Maybe Cam? Angela – I don’t think anybody would (use the veto on her) at this point in the game. No, that would be silly. If say Cam wins the veto and say he uses on me, can Makensy put him up? (How is she this far in the season and still not know this?) Rubina – no. Its you and the veto holder (that are safe). Angela – WOW! I don’t know if he would do that, maybe he would. Rubina – maybe he would. Angela – I love everybody in this house. Rubina – I know. Angela – We’re at the point where we don’t want anybody to go home. Everybody is great.
“Don’t worry I’m fine.. I can see us there at the end MJ I can see it.”
9:20 am Makensy and Angela
MJ tells her Kimo is going up as the target and she is going up as the pawn.
She doesn’t want to get more blood on her hands at this moment “I’m not afraid to put a third nominee up”
Angela cries.. “Don’t worry I’m fine”
MJ – It’s so hard I do know you love me and I love you to. I want you to know that. I have tried to be honest the whole time
A – don’t worry you don’t need to explain
A – I’m just silly, I can see it I can see it clearly I can see myself protecting you SO HARD and Leah I love you both the same I think you are both amazing women. I can see us there at the end MJ I can see it.
Rubina – “It’s really shitty I’m still here and she isn’t.. I miss her SO MUCH
2:00 am – 2:30 Kimo and Rubina playing pool
Rubina crying “I feel like I owe her so much and I wouldn’t be here if it wasn’t for both of you.”
Rubina – it’s really shitty I’m still here and she isn’t I couldn’t even advocate for her the way she did for me because I was on the block too.
Kimo – I’m not naive to think deals were not made and that is why. If it wasn’t Tkor it might have been Chelsie. Angela may have ruined the plans because I think everybody has to recognized. Everybody is a threat in their own way.
Kimo – She kept saying we have to get rid of ‘T’ and ME and Angela those three. The social players. Chelsie was like WHAT! that doesn’t make sense.
R – you and T’s social game is so good.
K – there’s people with KILLER social games and other abilities too. So the fact that T and I only had social
R – but it’s so threatening
K – there’s people that have social, Mental and Physical
R – they’ve been in positions of power and we really haven’t been.
MAKENSY WON HOH! “Everybody will expect me to put Angela and if I don’t it’s going to be confusing.”
8:47pm Bumper Pool Room – Leah and Makensy
Leah and Makensy celebrating – BACK TO BACK!! (Winning HOHs)
Leah – What did you do back to back? Makensy – Back to back to. Leah – I’m excited for you. Makensy – Thank you. Leah – How are you feeling? Makensy – Stressed because there’s fewer numbers. Leah – Yeah. Makensy – and I don’t want to get anybody like my bad side. So it’s like I want to go about …and I’ve told you this. I’m thinking about Angela. This is what I’m figuring out. I’m thinking we can because everybody is expecting me to put her up. Everybody will
expect me to put Angela and if I don’t it’s going to be confusing. So I know a lot of people want Kimo.
Big Brother 26 Spoilers – Week 9 Eviction Results
T’kor and Rubina give their pitches. T’kor pulls out a new accent. Makensy votes to evict T’kor Kimo votes to evict Rubina Cam votes to evict T’kor Chelsie votes to evict T’kor Angela Votes to Evict T’kor T’kor is evicted. Head of Household Competition.. Stack the candy. Zingbot this weekend for veto. (Nice) Thursday is […]