Angela – I’m pouring my heart out to you right now. I see that as you did to me. I see that I could be completely 100 percent loyal to you and you only. I don’t know where their heads are at or they could give that to you. I need a best friend. I need a best friend more than ever. I need you. I’m like I want it to be you. I really wanted 100 percent of your heart. But you don’t really want me. I don’t want to make moves. I want to consult with you. I don’t want to open my mouth. I don’t want to have too many. I don’t even want to have side conversations.
Tag: Rubina Bernabe

Matt “I’m telling you right now, my speech is going to shatter the glass in this house!”
6:20pm Chelsie and Matt
Matt – I know you’re trying to use it and put me up. I know. Put me up because everybody’s like, I mean, that’s more people that are just
like, what are you doing? And like, think about though. I don’t know if she’s thinking about next week. If she puts me up, I’m telling you right now, my speech is going to shatter the glass in this house. We have an alliance its the Barber Shop. Its me, you, Makensy, Cedric, Brooklyn, Leah, Cam.. we could do Kenny, Tkor. They agree it would be good to keep Tucker close.

LISA WON THE VETO!! Angela “Do you know how good that would look to our grandbabies if we take down the macho man!”
Angela – What do you want to do with that? Just get
enough people around. He’s going to think if I put him up. He’s
already probably assuming if somebody pulls off, he’s going to
think I can’t rally people but wouldn’t it be the ultimate f**king
blind side? Brooklyn – But listen after what happened this morning. You can’t put anyone else up other than Matt. Angela – I wouldn’t. I wouldn’t dream about. So like, that’s already a given. So then if I can trust you with that and please, please, please, if you can help me. Really. I’m not good at this. I’m going to tell you. But I’ve been not good at this. I need help.

Veto Players Picked! Angela “It’s a game and I just thank god that I am not stupid!”
10:16am Bathroom – Matt and Kenny.
Matt is upset / crying about what Angela did this morning.
Kenny – You wouldn’t even be your emotions and getting the best of you right now. You tired? I said, like, believe me, I’ve been emotional. I caught on the thing. I’m sorry. As soon as I said my wife’s name, I started crying. love you, man. Which is crazy to me, because I watch this show and I’m like, how do people bond with somebody right away? Like to have that immediate connection with you? I’m like, like, this is great. And you’re right. You have to second guess stuff. You have to hope it’s genuine. And I know you’re a genuine dude. But you’re a good guy Yeah, you ain’t insane. Vote me out. What do you think I’m saying? Vote me out. I miss my **** kids and my family.

Angela “I will never take responsibility for somebody threatening me like that.”
Angela – I love all of you. I’m a little hyped. You can’t go up on the block. I’m not done. This isn’t amazing. And I’m so sorry because I freaking love you and I’m if this is it for me. I’ve had the time of my life and that’s truly what I wanted. And I already know I have genuine people in this room. I just know it because you were that way to me before I went HOH and I want you to know I’m thankful for that.
But there’s still a lot of game left. There’s a couple. There’s a couple games today and there’s a couple games next week too. So you don’t know who I have. Matt. And you know what? I would like to go back to where I was. I’m a little heated right now.

“This is where it gets really awful. He said you better watch out. I’m taking you down! He threatened a 50 year old woman!” *updated*
10:55pm Havenot Room – Tucker and Angela (Angela is have a nervous breakdown. She is super paranoid.)
Nobody’s being mean to me like, whatever. It’s just, this is, it’s hard. And you, you had the first thing, you know, that’s the hardest thing to do. It’s the hardest thing you know, everything. And that’s so hard. This is like what we all signed up for and fun, but it’s crazy. It’s a physical emotionally done. Things that are not good. I love people way too much, and I trust all this stuff is got to be water under the bridge, you know, cuz this is what this game is. You want to win. Tucker – you know how you already are a legend in a big brother world for winning that first thing in a brand new game.

Angela “I just gave you so much today like trying to show trust and you’re not giving me anything back.”
7:20pm Angela and Matt head into the HOH room.
Angela – Let’s just keep Kenny. That’s what I want. I want your trust. I know you got an alliance going. I want a part of that, okay. Matt – I mean, if you’re willing like honestly. The only thing that’s made me nervous and I told him this, so I don’t know I am telling you this cause I would I’ve done what I said is honestly the way that he has been paranoid. I’ve tried to be like I am trying to help you. He has been like okay but he’s like let me help you so that’s the only thing that’s made me paranoid.

Lisa “My brain works in really magical ways. I will show pieces of it and its like a magical good place up there.”
4:50pm – 5:20pm HOH room – Lisa and Angela.
Lisa tp Angela – I was just coming to find you to bring you some snackies. I know it was probably a tough morning. Angela – you know it was. Lisa – how are you doing? Angela – Drained, exhausted and sad. I have already talked to a few people and I’m like its not you, and its not Kemo. I am just scared right now because what’s going on. We don’t know what kind of game its is and who’s going to fare right at this point right?! I feel you and I compeletely understand how you’re feeling right now. You’re not my target. Lisa – as long as I know I am not the target right .. like I don’t want to go home. I am here to compete.

Big Brother 26 Spoilers – “I have the numbers… I have the numbers… I have the numbers” *updated*
Quick Big Brother Spoilers Head of Household: Angela Nominees: Kimo, Lisa, Kenney POV Players: ? POV Winner: ? Veto Ceremony: ? Havenots: ? 9:15 am Kenny up. Appears the rest of the house is asleep. (having no flashback and slider sucks). Around 9:30am feeds go to fish for wake up. 9:48 am Angela and Makensy […]

Matt “He was taking his sh*t while we were talking. I was like, bro. I want to work with the bros!”
12:35am Storage room – Matt and Quinn
Matt – I really want to build an alliance. We can play different sides of the house. Angela told me to my face that I will not go so if I do, you know that she lied! She told me to my face. Then I was like but if you don’t put me up I’ll five you my workd That I’ll help you do what you want to do this week and she goes I am not going to put you up if you do that. I said I will take that deal. But that’s why MJ is like tonight. I want to talk to you because she’s like, I’m getting suss about here. She’s playing that. She’s playing both sides.

Big Brother 26 Live Feed Spoilers – “If we say this is what it is, this is the name, we’re official.”
11:18pm The Big Brother 26 live feeds go LIVE! In the kitchen the house guests are chatting. Tucker – I am ready to get a train to bed now but there is no way I am being the first one to got to bed tonight. In the bathroom – Chelsie and Makensy are talking about […]

Big Brother 26 – Two-Night Premiere Recap! “I’m so excited I could throw up!”
Last night episode one of the two night premiere of Big Brother 26 aired. The first 8 house guests moved into the newly redesigned house and after checking out their new home for the summer, Julie Chen ushered them out into the backyard. They learned that there was a 17th house guest (Ainsley) that pleaded for them to vote her into the house. Each of the 8 house guests voted on whether to allow her move in or not she advised them them she would benefit their games.