12am Beth, Tychon and
Tychon – trying to figure it out. Beth – that’s big brother for you. Tychon – this is what its like? Beth – on week f**king two! WHhhhoo! Tychon – this is what life is like in here!? Keifer – I think we’re going to feel a lot better once we know who HOH is because then we can have a plan.. because right now its just unknown. Beth – its just so much speculation right now .. its exhausting. Tychon – is it teams .. is it HOH?! Beth – are people coming in!? .. is Julie coming back!? What the f**k is going on!? Tychon – yo we’re psycho! Beth – we’re psycho for wanting to do this .. there is something a little bit wrong with us. Tychon – I think so too. Beth – just a little bit.