Head of Household: JED Nominations:??? The Power of Veto Players are: ????? POwer of Veto Winner: ???? Power of Veto Ceremony: ????? Have nots: ????? 2:10 pm Beth, Ty and Breydon Talking about Tera getting really personal in her conversations with Ty. (I think she mentioned her dead brother seeing how they all ganged up […]
Tag: Rohan Kapoor

Tera “We should call ourselves the “beef stew” alliance.”
11:30pm Bedroom. Beth, Keifer, Tera, Tina.
Keifer talks about how the whole basket ball team “beef stew’d” a guy (f@rting on his face) when he fell asleep. Keifer says when the guy woke up in the morning he was so sick he threw up. He said the guy thought it was because of his dinner but Keifer said it wasn’t. They ask him if they ever told him and Keifer says yeah and he was PISSED! Tera jokes about how they should call themselves the “beef stew” alliance. Tera then tells the story about how she pissed in the BB shower and said she did in front of Austin and Breydon. She said I’ll just go clean it. She says their faces were like the screen capture below. Tina – they were mortified that you pissed in the shower.

“Can we backdoor Keifer do we have the numbers? he’s the next Victoria in the house”
10:36 pm Beth
Beth – Ty has to make a final 2 with Breydon
Beth plans to talk to TnT.
Beth – If I win tomorrow and I get Breydon out what will you do for me
Beth – if Both tina or Tera stay they are taking Keifer.. Tera will take him
Beth – Breydon takes a hit at us. Ty needs to make a final 2 with RBeydon right now.
Beth – if we took out Keifer next week holy sh1t
Beth – OH my gosh.. the move it to take out Keifer next week..

“We played a clean game and it’s the cleanest thing to do V Dirty this week and get her out”
Beth – she has no idea we have Tina, She has no idea we have a final 4 with Breydon and we’re so strong with Kief. Tera only has her word.
Beth – we don’t need her
Beth – don’t forget how big her mouth is.. we don’t need her.
Beth – do you want to be in this position in two weeks? Sorry V this ghost peppers things isn’t going to happen
Beth – we will be idiots keeping Ro and her on this HOH..
Beth – we don’t owe her anything we stayed off the block last week because we’re good that’s why

Big Brother Canada 9 Spoilers – Jed “Who are we evicting?” Beth “Vic.”
Head of Household: Beth Nominations: Ro, Tera, Vic The Power of Veto Players are: Rohan, Tera, Tina, Tychon, Breydon POwer of Veto Winner: Rohan Power of Veto Ceremony: Rohan used the Veto Vic went up. Have nots: ????? Big Brother spoilers – Vic is nominated her campaign is strong. 11:20pm HOH bathroom. Jed is washing […]

“you got caught playing both sides hard and now you are doing everything you can”
11:40 am Vic and Tera have their fight in the hot tun areas. It revolves around Tera saying that Vic wanted to throw Beth’s bag off the balcony and people saying that Vic is targeting a “big target”
The fight starts with Tera saying that Vic wanted to throw Beth’s bag off the balcony.
Vic – I swear on my boyfriend’s life..
Ro jumps in they argue about Vic blaming the HOH on Ty.

Jed “I’m almost to the point where I wish you had put him [Keifer] up instead of Vic.”
12:30am HOH room. Beth, Ty, Keifer, Breydon and Jed.
Breydon – what are the biggest pros to keeping V? I like a good pros and cons. Jed – the biggest pros? Breydon – yeah. Beth – target. Jed – she is a bigger target in the house. If she stays loyal she has the ability to win HOH’s and to not put us on the block. Breydon – and what are the cons. Beth – Cons.. she is a GREAT liar! She could be lying right to our face right now. Jed – she is very emotional, she could beat everyone in the finals. Breydon – she could beat any of us in the HOH. She’s done it three times. Ty – twice. Jed – and she is just a wildcard .. she has the ability to flip flop with her decisions.

“I’m still for the ghost peppers, I’m a number with you guys this is the hot crew”
12:30 pm Vic, Jed
We come into this conversation
V – I could have been more up front with the things I was saying. I just figured that was part of the role of playing both sides and being with you guys
Vic – I was never coming for you guys I was prepared to play this game with you guys till the end and that is on everything.. Honestly, I swear to god this is so sad I was so serious about the ghost peppers and that is why I said it to you guys every single day.
Jed – we were serious too then we started hearing all this sh1t

Keifer “I really think that is the plan and its going to rock the house.”
10:55pm Games room. Keifer and Tina.
Keifer – I am glad the POV (ceremony) wasn’t today! Tina – why? Keifer – this place would have been a nightmare if it was. Tina – you still think that’s the plan (to put up Vic)? Keifer – I still do, yeah. I think its making it easier to be the plan the longer away the POV ceremony is. Tina – oh really!? Why? Keifer – because it will be less nights of awkwardness and ruthlessness. Tina – good point. Keifer – you know what I mean. Tina – I’ll be sold on it once its done. Keifer – me too. I’m pretty sure its going down though. I would be very surprised if it didn’t. I really think that is the plan and its going to rock the house. But there is only one person that isn’t going to see it coming. And if she’s not in jury .. its probably good news for all of us.

“Be careful who you cross. Things are about to get spicy, V take a seat”
6:31 pm Ty and Beth
Beth – you always keep Tina.. she’s just here.
Beth tells him Ro is “Rocking” with her and Brey.
Beth – tomorrow is ugly.. do you think I should ‘say say’ something or just say something small in the speech?
Beth – I don’t want to hurt her feelings but I’m gunna

Beth “This is going to be the dirtiest thing of all time..” Ty “I don’t care she is dirty. She did us dirty!”
Games room. Tina and Beth.
Beth – were you in a room with you, Tera, Roh, V and Austin? And V said Jed and Beth? Did that happen? And she was threatening to throw my bag and stuff down the stairs? Tina – oh yeah! Beth – that happened? Tina – yeah, I think you came in to get something out of your bag. Beth – I am going to tell her (Vic) that I am going to put up Tina. Tina – I will play it like I’m spooked. Beth – I have wanted to play clean this whole game. This is going to be the dirtiest thing of all time.. but if we stick together. Tina – You came here to play but at the same time you came here to play your game. Beth – I am going to say that I’m putting up Tina and that I’m going to break up the duo (Tina and Tera). Beth says that she can’t wait to see Vic’s face when she puts her up.

“We can’t all be Block experts Ro”
Head of Household: Beth Nominations: (Ro, Tera) The Power of Veto Players are: ????? POwer of Veto Winner: Rohan Power of Veto Ceremony: ???? Have nots: ????? 9:23 am Houseguest are woken up for the day. They have Nominations, POV player picks, AND the Power of Veto. Safe to say Rohan and Tera going up […]