6:36pm Storage Room – Cirie, Jared and Izzy
Cirie – Reilly hasn’t won anything since the thing. Cameron came in second. Its going to be hard to get rid of Cameron .. watch! Jared – you think we should keep Reilly then? Cirie – no, I want to talk it out. Jared – what are the perks of Reilly? Cirie – I just think it is going to be easier to get rid of Reilly.. believe it or not. Watch, its going to be hard as hell to get rid of Cameron and Hisam. Its just a thought. Cameron ..Ugh! Jared – Reilly asked me why I didn’t take her down. I said because if I take you down, I am most likely going to go up. She responded with you got to take me down. That don’t make me comfortable! America came up to me and said yo every single time I talked to Reilly she told me about how I didn’t deceive her. She is just all for herself.