Big Brother 19 premieres in just 1 week and we’re already forming our first impressions of the 16 house guests that are set to move into the house later this week. Photos and a Julie Chen tour of the newly redesigned house will be released tomorrow (Wednesday, June 21st), so make sure you check back to see what this seasons theme is going to be. Julie will also be revealing this seasons twist tomorrow so stay tuned for that breaking news.
Tag: Raven Walton

Big Brother 19 Houseguests revealed
It’s upon us! Big Brother 19 cast was revealed today. 16 new players (hopefully it stays that way). Christmas Abbot is the only person I’ve heard about outside of BB, she may be packing a sizable fan base compared to the other players. After watching the Jeff interviews I’m pretty excited for the season. A lot of these players are going to be fun to watch.