10:25am – 11:20amBig Brother blocked the live feeds for the power of veto ceremony to take place. The brothers originally nominated Maddy and Ramsey for eviction. Ramsey won the veto but decided to leave the game due to his father needing surgery. The brothers were then required to name a replacement nominee and they chose to nominate Tim. Everyone knows you shouldn’t volunteer to be a pawn but Tim being the wildcard that he his, he decided to roll the dice. At this point the brothers are targeting Tim but its now up to them to convince the others to vote him out.
Tag: Raul Manriquez

Tim tells Maddy “I think I’m your new pawn. Do you want me to give you a head start?”
8:20am Nikki asks have they actually said they would put you up? Tim says yeah. Nikki says everyone is a million percent that Maddy is going. Tim agrees. Tim goes to the other bedroom and gives Maddy her new batteries. Tim asks what do you want to do? I think I’m your new pawn. I won’t make it awful for the next few days. Do you want me to give you a head start? I won’t do any campaigning. The brothers wouldn’t put up Jared. This isn’t a big move. That’s the way they’re playing. Tim heads to the bathroom to shower.

Big Brother Canada 4 April 17 Evening Live Feed update
POV Holder: Ramsey Next POV April 16th POV Used ? POV Ceremony April 18th HOH Winner: The Brothers Next HOH: April 21st Original Nominations: Ramsey and Maddy Current Nominations: ? and ? Last Evicted Houseguest Paige, Sharry, Christine, Kelsey, Loveita, Dallas, Mitch, Raul Have Nots Tim, Cassandra, Kelsey Watch the Big Brother Canada 4 Live […]

Ramsey has left the Big Brother Canada 4 House due to a family emergency!
4:50pm In the bathroom – Joel, Nikki and Cassandra are talking about Ramsey choosing to leave due to his family emergency. Cassandra says that she can’t even imagine how hard it would be to get in here and then have to leave because of a family emergency. Joel says family means everything. Nikki says he’s a great team player.
HOH room – The brothers are talking about their replacement nominee. Nick says Tim’s been fake to everyone. Tim is going on the block. I don’t care. I’m calling this one. He volunteered to go on the block. He can go up.

Big Brother Canada Week 8 Power Of Veto Competition Results!
POV Holder: Ramsey Next POV April 16th POV Used ? POV Ceremony April 18th HOH Winner: The Brothers Next HOH: April 21st Original Nominations: Ramsey and Maddy Current Nominations: ? and ? Last Evicted Houseguest Paige, Sharry, Christine, Kelsey, Loveita, Dallas, Mitch, Raul Have Nots Tim, Cassandra, Kelsey Watch the Big Brother Canada 4 Live […]

POV Players Picked! Maddy “I’m going to f**k up as many peoples games before I leave!”
8:40am – 9:40am In the batheroom – Tim, Cassandra, Ramsey, Kelsey, Jared. Tim says I just hope I’m in the veto! I’m going to save Maddy. Kelsey says as if! Tim says after he veto we could have another repeat of yesterday. Tim says I’m running out of things to be thankful for. The conversation turns to Tim telling Ramsey he should shave his head. Maddy says if someone won the veto I would totally shave my head for them to use it on me. Tim says I would. They head to the kitchen. Tim says he wonders what Mitch and Raul are doing in jury. Maddy says probably waiting for me. Tim laughs.

Big Brother Canada 4 Week 8 Nominations
POV Holder: ? Next POV April 16th POV Used ? POV Ceremony April 18th HOH Winner: The Brothers Next HOH: April 21st Original Nominations: Ramsey and Maddy Current Nominations: ? and ? Last Evicted Houseguest Paige, Sharry, Christine, Kelsey, Loveita, Dallas, Mitch, Raul Have Nots Tim, Cassandra, Kelsey Watch the Big Brother Canada 4 Live […]

Big Brother Canada 4 April 15 Evening Live Feed update
POV Holder: ? Next POV April 16th POV Used ? POV Ceremony April 18th HOH Winner: The Brothers Next HOH: April 21st Original Nominations: ? and ? Current Nominations: ? and ? Last Evicted Houseguest Paige, Sharry, Christine, Kelsey, Loveita, Dallas, Mitch, Raul Have Nots Tim, Cassandra, Kelsey Watch the Big Brother Canada 4 Live […]

Maddy “Honestly, I think you will have more backlash if you put us up on the block!”
2:45pm The house guests are out in the hot tub room after their poutine and beer reward for Nikki & Tim correctly answering trivia questions about Canada. Kelsey, Jared and Joel are talking in the hot tub room. Kelsey tells Joel that one of the conditions with Loveita was that if I came back into the house I would keep you safe. I said I might put you up as a pawn though. Joel says that’s fair. Jared tells Joel they have his back. Joel says it bugs me that Nikki and Maddy have a thing against you. You’re the most real kind hearted girl in here.

Jared tells Kelsey “You weren’t in this house so watch your mouth! You were out of this house!”
9am Kelsey comes into the HOH room and asks do you guys want to talk now or later? I did some thinking and thought some thoughts that I wanted to share with you. Just that you boys know that I love you and would always be there for you. And when anyone would talk about you I would sway them. If you put me and Jared up, then I couldn’t continue to trust you. If its getting near the end, who could I beat? Nick comments that she couldn’t beat Jared. Kelsey says it depends on what you say. Phil says either way, I just wish people had opened up their relationships sooner. Nick says we literally saved Jared from going home… and nothing came of it. Jared’s name has never come up as a nominee or a backdoor plan .. until now. Kelsey says If I go up, I would go home.

Big Brother Canada 4 April 14 Evening Live Feed update
POV Holder: ? Next POV April 16th POV Used ? POV Ceremony April 18th HOH Winner: The Brothers Next HOH: April 21st Original Nominations: ? and ? Current Nominations: ? and ? Last Evicted Houseguest Paige, Sharry, Christine, Kelsey, Loveita, Dallas, Mitch, Raul Have Nots Tim, Cassandra and Kelsey Watch the Big Brother Canada 4 […]

Big Brother Canada 4 – The Hyena vs The Prom Queen Eviction & Wildcard HOH Spoilers!
During last week’s eviction episode Mitch became the first member of the jury and vowed to vote for one of the third wheel alliance members (Jared/Kelsey/Rau) if they made it to the final two. Maddy won the before/after HOH competition and nominated the “prom king & queen” (Jared and Kelsey) for eviction. In the power […]