9:07pm Living Room Andrew, Jon, Sarah, Sabrina
(Before this Andrew asks Kyle and Adel if they want to help clean the pots. Adel Said sure later. As soon as they got into the room Adel said f*** that)
Andrew is pissed at Paul, Adel and Kyle, Sabrina tries to talk him down and starts cuddling close to him. Kenny overheard Adel saying “F*** that” when Andrew asked him to do the dishes. Andrew called Adel out for it and Adel told him he makes food to and doesn’t ask people to do his dishes when he’s done.
Andrew start to raise his voice “I don’t eat your overcooked f*** burgers and overcooked f*** steak”
Andrew says Paul, Kyle and Adel are rude. Sabrina wants to go wash the pot it’s not a big deal to her. ANdrew says no. Andrew – “It’s a big f*** deal to me.. I don’t give a f** they are rude”