4:15pm Out in the hot tub room – Paul and Adel are talking. Paul says that winning the first HOH was such a curse. I should never have tried to touch Andrew for the first HOH. I should have gone after weaker players. Paul says I am just preparing myself to go. Paul says as much as I think Andrew is a butt head. Kenny is bigger threat. Adel agrees. Paul starts asking Adel about what type of wedding he would want. Paul tells Adel about Chicken George and Evel Dick from the BBUS seasons. Paul says that this game is so much different playing it than it is watching it. Adel tells Paul that he’s been through everything in this game. Paul says I’ve done everything that I’ve wanted to do, except win it. Adel says Canada really helped me a lot! I feel like I have an ace up my sleeve. Adel starts talking about his power and messes up what he will say to the guys. He says there will be an HOH but just remember I have this card if you put me up I’ll battle it out for the veto and if I win then I’ll buy myself another week..
Tag: Rachelle Diamond

Jon tells IKA I’ll give you my word – If Paul goes this week and I win HOH next week I’ll put up Heather and whoever you want.
1:50pm – 2pm In the HOH room – Kenny and Jon head into the HOH room to talk to Ika after their conversation outside the front door. Ika says that she is really annoyed about the way Paul is acting and she is starting to think maybe we need to vote him out. Ika says I don’t know if he has caught on or what. They talk about the comment that Paul made to Jon the other day (Paul said now that I know what’s going on, it’s on boy!). They talk about whether its better to get rid of Paul over Heather. Ika says even you (Jon) with your busted a$$ could beat Paul. Jon says that he would rather compete against Heather with her busted feet than against Paul. Ika says that she’s worried if Heather stays people will just keep her around because its just Heather she cant do anything. Jon says I will give you my word – If Paul goes this week and I win HOH next week I will put up Heather and get her gone.

Ika says if they bring in Alec & Peter into the house I would leave the room. Bootleg copy of Dr. Will!
Up in the HOH room – Jon, Ika, Neda and Heather are talking about how a couple nights ago Paul came up to Jon and said now that I know what I know, it’s on boy! Jon says I just don’t know why Paul would say it to me. Ika says that she doesn’t think Paul was specifically meaning Jon but more the boys. Ika tries to down play it and says she doesn’t think Adel told him about the power. Neda and Ika head to the HOH bathroom. Heather and Jon leave the HOH room. Ika tells Neda that she trusts Adel. Neda says that she does too. Heather then joins them again. They start talking about Big Brother Canada 1 and how Gary came back into the game. Neda says that she doesn’t agree with Gary coming back into the game that late in the game especially after he went to the jury. She says it wasn’t right that he wasn’t sequestered.

Big Brother Canada 2 – Sarah says its dangerous for our alliance if Paul and Adel are still here.
8:30am Big Brother wakes up the house guests. Heather, Sarah, Adel and Paul are getting ready for the day in the bathroom. In the kitchen – Kenny is talking to Adel about how long Andrew’s diary room session was last night. Adel asks if his diary room session was as long as Andrews. Kenny says he wasn’t sure how long he on the couch vs in the diary room. Kenny says that they started to think Adel had gotten out of the house. Adel says that there’s no chance he would use it on anyone, let alone the worst player in Canada. I would never waste it on him. I am really understanding this game now. I’ve got an ace in the hole.
9:15am Out in backyard – Adel tells Paul to keep playing the slop card and going into the diary room saying your dizzy. Adel talks to Paul about how how last night they already started to pin sh*t on you.

Adel “I have Canada on my side..what would I prove telling this fat f** slob anything”
10:44pm Adel and Paul HOH
Adel telling Paul all about the plans with “Canada’s Veto” tells Paul to shut the f*** up and stop talking to IKA. (Adel explains his power to IKA and they go over the best way they can use it)
(Adel’s power lets him play in the veto competition if he does not get picked as a player. He is going to flash the ticket to Jon showing just the big black V written on the front. Adel is going to tell Jon he only has two weeks to use “Canada’s Veto” he’ll ask for an alliance with JON if anything happens to JOn he will use the veto to save him. Adel will add that he also has the power to replace the person he takes off the block So basically he’s telling JOn he has the coup coup d’etat)

Adel explains his power “Canada’s Veto” He has big plans for it
10:00pm HOH Adel and IKA
IKA says after she told Paul he was safe this week he was grilling her about why is she keeping Heather. IKA laughs.. WTF.
Adel – “He’s such a f*** up dude you can’t believe it”
IKA – can I trust him
Adel – “Paul is not doing a single move in this game again i’m telling you ”
IKA counts the votes says they have enough to vote Heather out because all the girls are.
Adel asks if she is sure all the girls will.
IKA- “At this point if they don’t vote with me I’m alone with you”
ADel – I know that
They laugh
IKA – If I evict Paul I’m doing their (Guys) work for them
IKA – “If you guys don’t fight and try to win Paul is going up again”
Adel – He (Paul) can’t be a old bum”
IKA says she’s been blaming things on Heather that Adel did. She says The girls HATE Heather she doesn’t see any chance of Heather staying.

Ika says Sabrina talked about Adel’s sexuality The Mooing and fight was “tit for tat”
8:42pm Neda and IKA in the storage
NEda says that Sabrina hates that new girl so much and if she can laugh and be nice to her then what is she saying about them. IKA knows it’s really worrying her.
IKA – “If she can be that fake to her and laugh at her at curl her hair.. If she hates us we’ll never know”
Neda – “I’m afraid”
IKA – It scares me
Neda – It scares me too
IKa says Adel’s “Mooing” and bad behavior was “tit for tat.. she (Sabrina) just got more upset and it made him looked worse”
IKA “Sabrina talked about his sexuality”
IKA – “I’m not going to lie I said things to him to..”

Big Brother Canada 2 – ADEL WON the HASHTAG CHALLENGE – AND a Special POWER!
3:10pm – 5:30pm Big Brother blocks the live feeds. When the live feeds return, Neda, Rachelle and Ika are in the HOH room bathroom. Neda says well this is a weird turn of events. Ika says I think we are still fine though. Neda wonders why Adel is still in the diary room. Ika says it might have something to do with the power. They wonder if the banging they heard was from big brother making the diary room sound proof. They comment on how Paul got in trouble for laying outside the HOH room on the floor to listen to the diary room sessions. Sabrina joins them. Ika says lets see how the guys now act with Adel now that they know he won the power.

Ika says she hopes Adel wins HOH so she can sit back and watch Andrew and Kenny battle it out.
1:50pm Ika and Sabrina are up in the HOH room. Ika comments that she just wants Heather free time. Sabrina goes to leave and Ika asks her to stay just in case Heather comes in then I have someone to ask to leave with. Sabrina says that it sucks that now that the POV ceremony is over this HOH is over. Sabrina and Ika talk about how Neda would never put up Jon. She likes him. Ika says I kind of wish I had just put up Kenny and then evicted him. Sabrina says but then you would be gone next week. Ika says Kenny is the glue that holds Andrew and Jon together. Neda joins them and says that Heather asked her if she was going to vote to evict her and I said no I swear I won’t. Neda says I hate lying. I’m so bad at it. Sabrina says Heather asked if I would put her up next week if I won HOH. I told her no, I swear to god I won’t. Sabrina laughs and says it’s not lying because she won’t be here.

Big Brother CANADA 2 – Power Of Veto Ceremony RESULTS!
10:45am – 12:20pm Big Brother blocks the live feeds for the Power Of Veto Ceremony. When the live feeds return – we learn that Ika as the Power of Veto holder and Head of Household chose to keep the nominations the same and not use the veto.
Out in the hot tub room – Paul and Adel are talking. Paul asks Adel to swear that he didn’t know that Ika was keeping the nominations the same. Adel swears and tells Paul to not to worry. Paul says I am trusting you 110%. Adel says I have never lied to you. They hug and Adel heads back inside. Adel says keep cool with everyone ..everyone thinks that Heather and Rachelle are the two main ones you know. Or else we’re the next main targets. Everyone see that Sarah wants Heathers head on a plater. Andrew & Kenny come out to smoke as Paul paces back and forth. Up in the HOH room – Ika, Sabrina, Neda and Rachelle are talking. They talk about how Allison will be voting out Heather.

Kenny says she’s a savage little b***h and I am going to smile when I vote her out and she’s gone.
8:30am Big Brother wakes up the house guests. Kenny goes around to all the house guests to give them new batteries for their mics. Kenny comments that last night he was asleep for 3 hours when Big Brother woke them up to tell him the hashtag competition was over. He laughs and says okay. Jon realizes its St. Patrics Day and starts going around saying Happy St Patrics Day! Andrew says its against his religion to not drink today. Arlie says he asked for green hair dye. Jon says he misses his girlfriend. Arlie says how about today I pretend to be her.
9am In the bedroom – Kenny talks to Sabrina about how he already talked to Andrew about being in a showmance with Allison. It’s putting a huge target on his back. He’s already a big physical threat and now this. Kenny says that he told Andrew that showmances are a target and you’re in the only one in the house.

Sabrina Breaks up with Andrew “As of tomorrow morning we are back to being friends”
9:30pm Sabrina and Andrew KItchen Sabrina says they are not close anymore ever since the new girl came into the game, “It’s scary to think you can change so much in 3 days I hope this doesn’t get in the way of the plan”
Andrew – “I told you it doesn’t”
Sabrina says she misses how things were with them cuddling, “It’s not the same anymore it sucks.. ”
Andrew says nothing has changed, if Sabrina thinks things are different he’ll change.
Sabrina says tomorrow everything will be different she’s over him, “I don’t want to like you.. at first I liked Kenny..I liked you I was stupid”
Andrew – So liking me is stupid
Sabrina – Stupid is three days you run to the new girl and day one she asks to sleep in your bed.
Sabrina – As of tomorrow morning I don’t like you anymore we are back to being friends.