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Kalia is explaining why she put Jeff and Racehl up. Her target is rachel and she wants a person to play Veto that will win it. She points out that for the first 3 weeks JJ were picked to play veto and if she put a pawn up chance are good that Jeff will not be picked to play veto and Rachel will win it. Kalia cannot take that risk and put up a pawn she needs to put up the strongest competitor to win the veto so Rachel doesn’t. Kalia gives a short recap of her conversation with jeff and how he threaten her that if she puts him up that she there number one target. Kalia goes on about how this is her decision and her’s alone and she’s doing what is best for her game. Shelly instructs her to go downstairs and tell people that because right now everyone is thinking that Dani is controlling you and they are all dreadfully afraid of dani. Dani says she was a bit surprised taht Kalia suggested to put jeff up it was a big move.
(In case you were wondering where straight shooter shot.. we’ll she’s still loyal to JJ she’s trying to deflect the hate onto rachel off Jeff by saying this below)
Shelly is 100% positive that it Dani, rachel or Jeff goes home they are coming right back in and they are going to be safe for additional week. She’s sure of it the producers love drama and they don’t want to see the 3 main players leave. Dani is shaking her head.
Kalia: “NOOOOoooo.. they would never do that”
Dani: “Umm i don’t think so they would to that reverse an eviction and have that person safe for a week and play with for HOH”