Kalia warns Porsche things are going to get ugly on Monday, Porsche:”I can handle Jeff I didn’t come into this house to get bullied”

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5:30pm living room Lawon, Dani and Kalia They are whispering about who to put up. Sounds like Kalia is thinking that maybe she’ll explore another option other than Adam. Dani suggests she talk to Porsche and find out her response after you tell her who are not sure of the replacement nomination. Dani also thinks Kalia needs to talk to adam soon and find out if he went up as a pawn who would vote him out. Dani and Kalia both think that Adam is the best choice but Kalia plans on talking to some people tonight to figure things out. POrsche joins them, Kalia leaves to grab some food from her HOH basket.

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Big Brother – Jeff Targets Dani If he wins HOH, Jeff: “You trick me week ONE do you think I forgot YOU STUPID B!TCH “

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3:54 Purple room JJ Jeff says when he wins HOH next week he’s putting up 2 floaters (Drink). This is what he’s been telling Dani but his plan will be to backdoor her. Jeff: “You trick me week ONE do you think I forgot YOU STUPID BITCH “.
Jeff brings up how they need rachel to come back or Porsche to be evicted this week. Jordan: “it seems like we are the only ones that thinks someone is coming back” Jeff tells her it’s because they need rachel to come back or they lose another person on their side, “there winning right now so they don’t care”. Rachel joins them says that Prosche is with DK 100%, Jeff and Jordan agree. Jeff adds that Porsche is a super flaoter (Drink). rachel: “super duper floater (drink)” rachel reminds them that if they would of won the HOH Porsche would be with them right now. Jeff comments about how stupid Prosche is .. Feeds cut…

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Big Brother Spoilers – Rachel begins to Campaign for Votes, Porsche: “Rachel can go suck a d!*k”

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3:00pm Bedroom Porsche, Dani and Kalia

Kalia is telling them about her talk with Rachel. She says that Rachel was talking about the replacements nominations but Kalia is confused because it doesn’t really matter because she doesn’t have the votes. Kalia says that rachel thinks Kalia is going to put up Adam, “how would she of known that?” rachel also told Kalia that there was one person in the house that she could put up against Rachel that rachel would have a chance. Kalia is wondering who talked to rachel to tell her that she was even thinking of putting Adam up. Kalia is also wondering why Rachel thinks she even has a chance. Kalia suggests that maybe Rachel is going to try and get Porsche’s vote. Porsche: “Rachel can go suck a dick”

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Big Brother Spoilers: Jeff tells Rachel that he is NOT using the veto on her! Rachel laughs.

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1:45pm – 2pm Rachel and Jeff come out into the backyard. They talk about the new grill they got. Jeff tells Rachel that he is not using the veto on her! Rachel laughs. Adam asks who do you think is going up? Jeff says that it doesn’t even matter because someone is coming back. Rachel says that she is not going to be sad any more. Jeff says that he is convinced that who ever is going home this week will be coming back! …especially if its you Rachel! Jeff starts talking about what Julie told them about how to be careful about who you eliminate ..because someone will have a chance at coming back… Big Brother cuts the live feeds. When the live feeds come back, they are talking about the POV competition. They talk about how each of them played. Jeff says that if he had dropped it he would have smashed everything in the backyard. Adam says yeah I would have thrown my ball at the window if I had dropped mine. Rachel says that one day maybe I’ll be ambidextrous. Jeff asks WHAT?! They laugh! Adam says yeah maybe when I’m 40 I will too… They laugh.

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Big Brother Spoilers: Shelly tells Adam that Kalia is thinking of putting him up.. Adam is shocked!

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12:20pm – 12:45pm Rachel asks Shelly if she thinks Brendon deserves better than her? Shelly asks why are you saying that? Don’t think that! Shelly asks if Rachel just wants to be sad! Rachel says no. Shelly tells Rachel that Brendon isn’t superman and you shouldn’t put him up there …because he is going to disappoint you ..he is human. Rachel says he is superman! Shelly says no he’s not ..don’t do that to him.. he will make mistakes and you will put too much pressure on him. Shelly says that she wishes she had a camera during the competition so that she could take pictures to remember everything. Rachel tells Shelly that she can buy the dvd of the season to watch it and remember it all. They talk about the competition. Shelly asks Rachel what Brendon would be doing right now. Rachel says that he is probably back at his campus now. Rachel starts crying. Shelly tells Rachel that she was strong before Brendon and she should never let her spouse complete her. Shelly tells her that she is still in the honeymoon stage, wait until you get sick of the snoring or when he leaves his things everywhere. Shelly tells Rachel that she has to make herself strong before she can be strong together with Brendon. Shelly asks Rachel if she has ever been depressed before. Rachel says no… its just since being in this house. Shelly says that she wishes she had the perfect words to say to make it better. Shelly says that if she could give her ..the phone call home she would. Rachel says that she couldn’t take that from her. Shelly says that she doesn’t think it will do her any good ..it will just make things harder.

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Big Brother Spoilers: Jeff says if Porsche goes up he can tell her I fu*king told you and now your going to go home because your an idiot!

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11:15am Jeff and Jordan are in the havenot room talking about the POV competition. Jordan says that she was surprised that Adam kept up with them. Jeff says that he thought Adam was going to gas out! Jeff says that Adam was even chain smoking after it! Jordan says that it was so close. Jordan tell Jeff that he did good. Jordan says that she hopes Kalia puts up Porsche and then you can stick it to her. Jeff says Kalia is already nervous. Jeff tells Jordan that he told Dani him and Rachels not going anywhere. Jeff says I don’t think she will put you up. Jeff says that Kalia already knows I am pissed. Jordan tells Jeff how if she is on the block she will campaign for Rachel to stay. Jeff says no don’t even talk like that get out of her. Jordan says I would love to see you all kill it. Jeff says you will see it cause she is coming back. Jeff says I’m going to start getting on a roll. Jeff says his legs are already sore he can tell and thats just from running a mile. Jeff says that if Brendon was here he would have smashed that competition. Jeff says win I get pissed I don’t know what I do. Jordan telling him all the stuff he does when he gets mad. Jeff laughs about his conversation with Kalia. Jeff says that he thought she had meant houseguest choice for veto not that he was going up. Jordan shows him how his face goes when he says what fck . Jordan impersonates Jeff. Jeff and Jordan talk about Porsche and how she hasn’t done anything. Jeff says if Porsche goes up he can tell her I F-img told you and now your going to go home because your an idiot.

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Big Brother Spoilers: JEFF WON THE POWER OF VETO!! **UPDATED**

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10:10am Jordan and Rachel are in the havenot room, Jordan is telling Rahcel that its not over yet. Rachel says that she wanted to win so bad. Shelly joins them. Rachel says she is sorry for kicking her ball. Shelly says that its okay. Rachel asks Shelly if Jeff comes off and Porsche goes up do you think I would stay? Shelly says yeah. Jordan says that she thinks she will be going up. Rachel says that she doesn’t think so.. They continue to talk about the competition

10:25am Dani and Kalia are up in the HOH room. Kalia is telling Kalia all about her plan of why she wanted Jeff up on the block and that he was never the target …and that now he is taking himself off and she doesn’t get the chance to show him that he wasn’t the target. Kalia says that maybe she should have just won the POV so that she could have taken Jeff off and proved he wasn’t the target. Dani and Kalia talk about how useless Rachel is in the game without Brendon. Kalia and Dani talk about how they still think they are in a good position in the house. Dani tells Kalia to please be careful about what she says and does around and to Jeff and Jordan because clearly they hold grudges. Kalia says that she will and that she was trying to plant some seeds.. Kalia says that she is going to give Rachel the same gift as last year …the first person in the jury house. Dani says yeah thats weird isn’t it. Dani says that she fully supports Kalia’s decision and that if she had a problem with anything she would tell her. Dani does say that she doesn’t think she would put up Adam. Kalia says that she just doesn’t think she could put up Porsche. Dani says that she would want to talk to him first to let him know that he’ll be going up on the block.

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Big Brother Spoiler: EARLY Morning Power of Veto Competition!!

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7am – 8am Big Brother wakes up the houseguests. All the houseguests are up and getting ready, it looks like there will be an early POV competition. Adam complains about having a rumble in the junjle.. an upset stomach from drinking milk. Meanwhile, Kalia is up in the HOH room giving herself a pep talk. She tells herself to go out there and give it all she’s got! Kalia starts praying saying that she needs this …she needs to win to keep her nominations the same ..so that Jeff can see that he is not the target and Rachel will go home… Jeff is not the target I need him in this game… please lord let me go out and be victorious.

In the candy room Dani and Adam are talking, Adam says that he doesn’t know anything about girls but where their notty bits are. Adam asks if he should poop first. Dani says yes, the last thing you want to have to need to do is that during. Adam says you would be surprised how hard I can clench my butt cheeks! Dani says for some strange reason I believe you. Jeff is still in bed, while the others are getting ready. Jordan and Rachel are in the kitchen talking about their best case scenarios. Rachel says that she is doing this to get out Dani and all the floaters that flock to her. Jordan asks Rachel if she ate anything. Rachel says yeah she had slop and a fibre pill so that she can poop …but doesn’t think she will be able to because she is so nervous… Jordan wonders why they are doing it so early.

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Big Brother Spoilers: Dani says if Rachel touches her again she will backhand her.. she’s not a petting zoo and if someone touches her she will flip the hell out.

12am In the havenot room, Jordan is crying. Jordan tells Shelly that she was emotional, and just felt bad for making Shelly cry before. Jordan says that she feels like everybody’s just brainwashed. I’m being honest with all of them, and they don’t care. Jordan talks about Kalia saying how it’s dumb that she put up Jeff because someone will come back. Jordan says that she’s dumb because she now made three enemies. Shelly says that she hates to see somebody like her upset, because you have the biggest heart. Jordan talks about Dani being so arrogant and cocky. Jordan says that Dani’s having Kalia do her dirty work, and she’s just coasting. Jordan says that Dani told her that people are scared of her, and won’t do anything. Jordan says that today outside , I just wanted to scream. I just wanted to tell Dani off. Jordan says that she doesn’t think it’s Kalia’s HOH, it’s what Dani wants. Jordan says that she thinks she (Jordan) was acting immature earlier. Shelly tells Jordan that she is being way too hard on yourself, and asks do you realize that? Jordan says that she doesn’t want all my grandparents and mom, back home to see it. Jordan says that was embarrassing, and asks why she act like that during the nomination ceremony. Jordan says that is started with being a have-not, and that it just went downhill after that. Jordan says that she was just yelling at Kalia. Jordan says that she was saying things like you’re stupid, you’re making a dumb move, one of them is going to come back with vengeance! Jordan says that then she stormed off. Rachel says that Kalia is so dumb, she gets rid of me, Jeff is pissed, they go after her, she gets rid of Jeff, Me and Jordan are pissed, she’s BLANK stupid.

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Big Brother 13 Live Feed Screen Captures – August 6th, 2011 Updated LIVE!

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Big Brother 13 live feed Gallery for August 6th 2011. Each minute we take a series of screen captures from each Live Feed cam in the house and upload them to our Gallery every 10 minutes. This system runs 24/7 expect thousands and thousands of Screen Captures every day. Alerts are sent out via our Twitter account @BigBspoilers and Facebook page.

Each photo produced has a file name of when it was taken and by which cam. For example one may have the title “BB13-C37-8-201112_06_08.jpg”
C3 = Camera 3 on the feeds
7-8-2011 = July 8th, 2011
12_06_08 = Taken at 12:06:08

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Big Brother 13 -Team Bacon steps up “my ultimate goal is to not have a veteran win this game”

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10:30pm Kitchen Dani, Adam, Lawon and Kalia They are talking about what production told them about the POV. They heard that it was going to be early and that there wasn’t going to be much waiting around.

10:30pm HOH Adam and Kalia
Kalia says she really needs him to try for the POV.. Kalia: “You’re not just a fan.. you can be a player you can leave a allstar” she’s not trying to build him up but she wants him to know that the vets aren’t invincible she’s not in shape like Jeff, Jordan and rachel but she beat them in the endurance comp. Adam says he felt good about the spelling comp but messed up. He’s tried for everyone except the bubble gum one because he didn’t want to be on slop.

Adam asks if she has a target

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Big Brother 13 Live Feed Screen Captures – August 5th, 2011 Updated LIVE!

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Big Brother 13 live feed Gallery for August 5th 2011. Each minute we take a series of screen captures from each Live Feed cam in the house and upload them to our Gallery every 10 minutes. This system runs 24/7 expect thousands and thousands of Screen Captures every day. Alerts are sent out via our Twitter account @BigBspoilers and Facebook page.

Each photo produced has a file name of when it was taken and by which cam. For example one may have the title “BB13-C37-8-201112_06_08.jpg”
C3 = Camera 3 on the feeds
7-8-2011 = July 8th, 2011
12_06_08 = Taken at 12:06:08

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