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11pm Dani and Kalia are up in the HOH room talking. Dani mentions that she thinks the POV ceremony will be earlier in the morning tomorrow around 11am or 12pm. Dani says that she wants to talk to Porsche about things. Dani talks about how Porche isn’t here mainly to win, just to make friends. Dani says that she is like the Jen from my season …except nicer! Dani says that she wishes PT were here, it’d be so much fun tho and we’d have a really strong competitor, and he would still be here. Kalia says that if she put Porsche up, it would make Jeff and Jordan feel a little bit better. Kalia says that he was like we would talk more if I actually put her up.. are you interested in doing anything with them? I think you said no. Dani says like Jeff said every week changes, and I agree but at the same time, you agree you’re in the same place. he has to go at sometime. I don’t want him in the final four. I don’t know. Kalia says that she doesn’t think Jeff can compete. Dani says that if he doesn’t play the veto next week, backdoor him he’s gone… that’s all you need. Do you know what I mean? There is a chance for every single person in this house to slip up and lose …it’s how you adapt to that. No matter what there are going to be people in this game who are always bigger targets. At the same time, those people are the people that win this game. The people that aren’t doing anything, no one is going to vote for them. You’re sitting next to Lawon. Kalia says I win. Dani says even if he does he’s playing for second place…. true. Kalia says I would just hate for myself to go out of the game for something stupid I did that I could have corrected.
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