Big Brother Spoilers: Kalia tells Rachel that her and Dani need to talk to her today..

9:10am Big Brother wakes up the houseguests. Jordan, Rachel and Shelly are in the bathroom getting ready for the day. They talk about how they will all be called in to the diary room and how the others are still sleeping because they stayed up all night. Rachel says that she views this like a job and that you have to listen to people. Shelly heads out into the backyard to have a smoke and starts studying the events of the house. Shelly and Lawon are now in the bathroom getting ready. Lawon says that he had to get ready because he was going to be called into the diary room. Shelly says the man of the hour! Go get em! Kalia is now up and in the kitchen, she tells Rachel that she wants to talk to her with Dani. Rachel says okay. Kalia gets called to the diary room. Kalia tells Rachel to keep it between them and not tell anyone else.

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Big Brother 13 Live Feed Screen Captures – August 9th, 2011 Updated LIVE!

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Big Brother 13 live feed Gallery for August 8th 2011. Each minute we take a series of screen captures from each Live Feed cam in the house and upload them to our Gallery every 10 minutes. This system runs 24/7 expect thousands and thousands of Screen Captures every day. Alerts are sent out via our Twitter account @BigBspoilers and Facebook page.

Each photo produced has a file name of when it was taken and by which cam. For example one may have the title “BB13-C37-8-201112_06_08.jpg”
C3 = Camera 3 on the feeds
7-8-2011 = July 8th, 2011
12_06_08 = Taken at 12:06:08

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Big Brother Spoilers: Dani tells Kalia that she is going to throw this weeks HOH competition to Shelly or Porsche.

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11:50pm – 12:30am Jeff and Jordan are hanging out in the hammock talking. They are trying to figure out why Lawon was nominated. They say that if Kalia wanted Rachel out.. then she should have went with Adam. Jeff and Jordan try to figure out if they are in the jury house and talk about how they are surprised they weren’t told yet. They talk about how maybe Julie Chen will tell them this Thursday. Jordan tells Jeff to be calm with Rachel. Jeff says he knows but it is hard to deal with her attitude. They talk about how they think Shelly is with them 100% and that they feel bad about what happened the other day when she was crying. Jeff says that if we could get Dani out I’d feel so much better! Jeff says that if Adam or Porsche win HOH, Dani will be up there trying to influence them. Jeff and Jordan start talking about their weights and about their past season. Jordan asks Jeff, do you think people hate us this year? Do you think we look crabby? Jeff says no! Jordan says that she feel like she bashes a lot. Jeff says I do, maybe it is a little worse this year. Jordan says that she think it is, it’s kind of embarrassing how I acted the other day, I was so mean. Jeff asks during the key ceremony? Jordan says it wasn’t like I was all like ungrateful. Jeff says well nobody ever talks during that, I don’t care that you said it, it’s good that you said it. Jordan says that she always knew Jeff was never gonna lie to her or use her or turn his back on her. Jordan says that everyone in this house even new people have doubt towards each other. I think that’s something good that we had, we were just BFF’s and I could talk to you and tell you whatever. Jeff says that he wishes they could do that with everyone.

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Big Brother Spoilers – Kalia shaves her bikini line says Shelly would do anything to Protect DK **updated**

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9:30pm Backyard Random chit chat, dani says Dom will always be called as PT. Dom didn’t want them to call him that but they all did, dani told DOm taht PT will be everywhere after the show. Dani adds that Production doesn’t like the hosueguests to use nicknames for each other. (Brigade (yo) got in trouble for call Brendon NeedleD!ck)
Dani starts to tell them that she has a giant box of nail polish

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Lawon “Something fishy going on my gutfeeling is saying Adam is with JJ” Dani: “Lawon’s on Crack”

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7:45pm Bedroom Lawon, Porsche and lawon

Lawon telling them that Adam and Shelly are talking and Adam is with JJ. Dani and Porsche do not believe him they tell him their confused . Lawon gets a but annoyed “Your confused… confused”. He goes on to explain that everyone in the house is talking about him volunteering and coming back into the house. Lawon doesn’t understand how they know that. dani says shelly was in the room when he volunteered. Lawon knows that by whay does everyone else know. Porsche and Dani say their still confused .. Porsche for a second pulls out some sense saying “I think Shelly is working with JJ” Lawon doesn’t think so he thinks it’s Adam.

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Mastermind trusts Shelly when she Shoots her A Straight Answer. Dani says ENOUGH it’s time for a Commitment from Shelly

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5:30pm HOH Kalia, porsche and Dani They start chatting about Lawon acting so strange. They wonder why he still acts like he has no clue he was going up. Kalia thinks is funny how he’s telling them that he never though he would go up even though he was the one that volunteered to kalia.

Kalia talks about how annoying Rachel is and how she so wants her out of the house. Kalia wishes that the twist was next week. (LOL you could of taken Rachel out you were so close now you’re laying around wishing she was out of the house…man) POrsche brings up how rachel told her she’s the prime suspect for taking the chess pieces, “Why the BLANK would I take the pieces I like playing chess… life sucks in this house without the chess game”. Kalia mentions her and Porsche were pretty much the only 2 people that played. Dani sys that Brendon stole the chess pieces.. Kalia agrees (DK stole them because there game is so tight). Porsche: “Why do I feel like all I want to do in this house is eat”

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Big Brother 13 – Straight Shooter about Lawon, “right now he was totally stupidfied himself to a level I have never seen in this game”

Big Brother 13 Live Feed Image Gallery

3:48pm Shelly and Kalia in the kitchen Shelly throwing Lawon under the bus saying he’s a idiot running his mouth off like he has been. Shelly asks Kalia if she told him to act this way because right now he’s doing some major acting, “He stormed out of the DR saying they had to re shoot his piece 8 times because of all the cussing”
Shelly: “right now he was totally stupidfied himself to a level I have never seen in this game”. Kalia agress says she’ll need to talk to him before he takes it too far. Shelly thinks Lawon is america’s player that he is making money by acting so crazy, she really doesn’t see any other reason why he would be doing this. Shelly adds that Lawon has been running around saying he’s going after Kalia and Dani next week. Shelly adds that it’s really coming across as acting

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Big Brother 13 Live Feed Screen Captures – August 8th, 2011 Updated LIVE!

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Big Brother 13 live feed Gallery for August 8th 2011. Each minute we take a series of screen captures from each Live Feed cam in the house and upload them to our Gallery every 10 minutes. This system runs 24/7 expect thousands and thousands of Screen Captures every day. Alerts are sent out via our Twitter account @BigBspoilers and Facebook page.

Each photo produced has a file name of when it was taken and by which cam. For example one may have the title “BB13-C37-8-201112_06_08.jpg”
C3 = Camera 3 on the feeds
7-8-2011 = July 8th, 2011
12_06_08 = Taken at 12:06:08

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Big Brother Spoilers: Kalia & Dani talk about how and when they’re going to tell the others they are keeping Rachel..

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1:40pm Kalia and Dani continue to talk about the nominations. Dani tell Kalia that if anyone asks she just needs to tell them that she was tired of making enemies and that Lawon was the only one that was okay with going up. They talk about making a deal with Rachel. Dani says that she is worried that Rachel will tell Jeff and Jordan …then she will tell Shelly …its just better if no one knows. They talk about how its interesting that Rachel thinks she has Shelly. Dani says that she thinks that Rachel just thinks Shelly is on the fence and that it would be easier to push her over. Dani says that we need to figure out when to tell everyone that we are keeping Rachel. Kalia says that Porsche already knows… They discuss how no one can know about the deal they have to keep Rachel. They talk about how they will say that they are keeping Rachel because this week someone is coming back and they can’t take the risk of her being mad at them. Dani says that we need to make them feel benefited because we are the ones benefiting. Kalia says how do I convince Shelly to vote out Lawon when she hates Rachel.

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Big Brother Spoilers: Lawon says he is still going to be nice… he isn’t going to go around banging pots and pans.. there’s calm before the storm..

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12pm Shelly goes up to the HOH room and tells Kalia that Lawon is outside acting all mad about being put up …and that he says that he never volunteered to go up. Shelly asks Kalia if Lawon actually volunteered because he’s downstairs acting enraged. Kalia says what?! Kalia tells Shelly that Lawon volunteered to go up. He was the one telling her that she had to do what she had to do… Shelly says well he is not acting like that now …you should see him outside right now it’s hilarious! Shelly says thank you for not putting me up. Shelly leaves and Kalia goes back to sleep. Rachel then goes up to the HOH room to talk to Kalia. Rachel says that she doesn’t really know what’s going on, but that she thinks she understands what Kalia is trying to do. Rachel thanks Kalia. Rachel gives Kalia a hug and then leaves. In the backyard, Jeff asks Lawon if he had any idea? Lawon says that he had no idea. Jeff says well why don’t you go talk to her? Lawon says that he will he just needs to calm down. Adam says that he though he was going up. Jeff says that he thought Adam was going up too. Lawon says that he was 99% positive Adam was going up too. Shelly tells Lawon that Kalia is asleep now. Lawon says I bet she is …that just gives me more time to think about what to say. Shelly says I want to be there. Jeff says I don’t!

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Big Brother Spoilers: Kalia nominates Lawon as the replacement.. Lawon says that it feels like someone had sex with me ..without a condom!

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11:30am When the live feeds come back, Adam and Porsche are in the kitchen making lunch. Rachel heads from the kitchen to the diary room. Lawon is nominated as the replacement. In the havenot room Jordan is saying that she thinks Lawon was just acting mad… they all knew this was the plan. Jeff says that Kalia and Dani are so DUMB! Jordan says that she went up to Kalia and told her thanks for not replacing me. Jordan says that Kalia told her she would never, ever put her up.

Meanwhile in the kitchen, Lawon is in the kitchen talking to Shelly. Lawon says that he is not stupid …he would not offer himself up as the pawn. Lawon says that he doesnt think anyone is coming back. Lawon says I am not stupid …I am also not going to go around being sad. Lawon says talk about a bad game move …I would not go up as the pawn. Lawon says that he did not volunteer his ass to go up!! Shelly says yeah unless there was a pay off for it. Lawon says like what?! Shelly says like money… maybe you’re America’s PLAYA! Lawon says no …I’ve got some questions for her… I need a damn smoke up in here. Lawon says I wanna know why …why?! Adam tells him to go ask her now. Lawon says oh I am!

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Big Brother Spoiler: Kalia confirms she is going to put up Lawon as the replacement nominee.. *Updated*

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9:35am Shelly and Adam are in the backyard talking about what her daughter would be doing outside the house right now. Then they talk about when they will show Adam’s new appearance. They say it should be shown on Wednesday and Adam wonders if he can wear Lawon’s wig and Porsche glasses. Meanwhile the others are in the bathroom getting ready for the day and for the POV ceremony. Back out in the yard, Shelly tells Adam that Kalia will probably nominate Lawon or Porsche. Shelly says that after yesterday she is convinced that Adam isn’t going up. Shelly starts talking about the missing items in the house… she says that she really thinks that someone got paid for the items that weren’t found. Shelly says that she thinks it was Kalia because she keeps talking about it. Adam says that he thinks it was Rachel. Shelly says that Lawon is stupid for saying he will be the pawn.. its probably a ploy to show that he’s here to play .. but why risk it. They wonder if the person that goes and comes back will get money but both say it’s still not worth it. Shelly tells Adam again that he is golden, but for some reason his name keeps coming up. Adam tells Shell that part of his strategy is to be the shoulder to cry on so that they will tell him information.

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