9:10am Big Brother wakes up the houseguests. Jordan, Rachel and Shelly are in the bathroom getting ready for the day. They talk about how they will all be called in to the diary room and how the others are still sleeping because they stayed up all night. Rachel says that she views this like a job and that you have to listen to people. Shelly heads out into the backyard to have a smoke and starts studying the events of the house. Shelly and Lawon are now in the bathroom getting ready. Lawon says that he had to get ready because he was going to be called into the diary room. Shelly says the man of the hour! Go get em! Kalia is now up and in the kitchen, she tells Rachel that she wants to talk to her with Dani. Rachel says okay. Kalia gets called to the diary room. Kalia tells Rachel to keep it between them and not tell anyone else.
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