Big Brother 13 – POV Prizes and even in Isolation Shelly Shoots Straight

6:24pm purple room jordan and Adam

Adam is giving her a run down that he thinks Dani will backdoor Brendon this week. He tells Jordan that ever since week 2 he’s been 100% with JJS and he thinks the 4 of them (JJSA) can make it far playing with honour and respect like JJ did
in BB11 (adam is full of bacon shit) Adam jokes that Brendon got 1million votes from the public to come back into the house but he can’t win the crate and barrel wedding contest. Jordan says that BR have been throwing JJ under the bus the
last couple of days.. they are trying to keep themselves off the block, but are really causing JJ to rethink working with them. Adam goes on about how he doesn’t trust BR and how they were rude to him whenever they don’t need him. Adam thinks BR will still be the biggest target in the house so now might be the best time to get them out.

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Big Brother 13 Spoilers – POV winner is Adam

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5:18pm BR purple room They are wondering about what kind of deal Dani has with jeff because she doesn’t seem to want to put him up. Brendon points out that Shelly is after Rachel now. Rachel scoffs “What is shelly going to do” She mentions that Jeff was greedy by taking the money and leaving Jordan with the unitard (hard to hear)

Jordan got the Unitard
Jeff got the money
Shelly in havenots isolation punishment

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Big Brother Spoilers: Brendon says he is sure he will be kicked in the balls a million more times in life. Rachel says and I’ll be there to kiss’em! *Updated*

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9:45am Dani tell Porsche that we need Jeff to go soon. Porsche says okay! Dani says that Jeff is one of those players he is not that good but when the numbers start going down it’s not that hard for him to win competitions. Kalia says she agrees because it’s not her. Dani says oh my god ..if Shelly wins she is going to use it and beat Rachel in the face! Kalia talks about how much Shelly hates Rachel. Dani says thats what we have been saying since day one… and you just get it! Porsche says we have a great shot at HOH next week. Dani says that if Brendon leaves it will put us in a really strong spot… until Porsche jumps ship with Rachel. Porsche laughs. Dani says that if Kalia won the unitard she wouldn’t be her friend because she would be the most horrible person ever. Dani says that she would lock her door and not let her in. Kalia says that if there is a margarita party she will take it for everyone. They talk about how if it is a POV prize and punishment competition ..Kalia and Dani will take whatever punishment. Dani asks what would you guys do if I drank my whole bottle of wine before the POV? Porsche says what would you do if I did?! Porsche takes the HOH robe downstairs with her …just in case they don’t give her an outfit to wear in the POV she will wear her bikini and it. Kalia heads down to the candy room to read the bible.

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Big Brother Spoilers: Jeff asks Rachel what size shirt do you wear? Rachel says a size small, what about you? *Updated*

8:15am Big Brother wakes up the houseguests. The houseguests slowly wake up and start getting ready one by one. Rachel apologizes to Shelly. Rachel asks Shelly if she can talk with her sometime today. Shelly tells Rachel.. let’s just get through today with some dignity. Rachel then tells Brendon that she apologized to Shelly.

9am Kalia joins Dani up in the HOH room. Kalia tells Dani that Rachel apologized to Shelly. Kalia says that Shelly then came to her and said that it was unbelievable, when people need to keep apologizing. Dani says that she doesn’t want to win the POV today because then that puts her in a difficult spot because then she has to follow through with the deal. Dani says that do you realize that if we had back doored Jeff …he would be back. Dani says that she can totally see this POV being one with prizes and crap …its totally that time. Dani says that she feels really bad about lying to Shelly. Kalia says that Shelly has worn herself thin and that she has made too many deal with too many people .. but that she doesnt think she has a deal with everyone. Dani says that you trust Shelly too much ..Shelly has a deal with us… she probably has one with Adam, you don’t think she has a deal with Jeff/ Jordan and Brendon and Rachel?! Dani says lets not forget Jeff has already won $10 grand! Kalia says oh I haven’t forgotten.

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Big Brother 13 Live Feed Screen Captures – August 13th, 2011 Updated LIVE!

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Big Brother 13 live feed Gallery for August 13th 2011. Each minute we take a series of screen captures from each Live Feed cam in the house and upload them to our Gallery every 10 minutes. This system runs 24/7 expect thousands and thousands of Screen Captures every day. Alerts are sent out via our Twitter account @BigBspoilers and Facebook page.

Each photo produced has a file name of when it was taken and by which cam. For example one may have the title “BB13-C37-8-201112_06_08.jpg”
C3 = Camera 3 on the feeds
7-8-2011 = July 8th, 2011
12_06_08 = Taken at 12:06:08

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Big Brother Spoilers: Adam says that he hopes he doesn’t pull Brendan’s name for the POV.. Dominic took my lucky underwear!

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12:25am In the backyard, Shelly and Adam are talking. Shelly asks Adam if Brendon and Rachel sleeping in the bed between us? Adam says that he doesn’t know. Shelly says that she swears to God that if she’s sleeping in the bed next to her she is going to have a cardiac arrest. Shelly says that she feels sick, throw up about it! Shelly heads inside to the bedroom to find out if it is true. Shelly finds out that Brendon and Rachel are in the bed next to her. Meanwhile, Adam is in the backyard talking to himself saying that he f-ed up over and over again. Adam says that he is sorry to Lawon. Adam says that having a target in front of me.. rather than an ally behind me was not a good move. Adam says that it was so hard getting Brendon out the first time, even if we get him out a second time.. Rachel is still here. Adam says that if it works out and we get Brendon out ..Rachel turns into a basket case ..then it’s all smooth sailing. Adam says again ..I f-ed up.. I f-ed up.. I f-ed up. Adam asks himself ..Hey Adam, Big brother 13 ..what was your best move? Adam says f-ing up… Shelly comes back out to the backyard and tells Adam that Rachel and Brendon are sleeping right next to them. Adam says that he will say something when he goes inside. Shelly says that it’s bullshit. Adam says that Kalia and Porsche should share a bed. Shelly tells Adam not to create anymore turmoil. Shelly says that this is a joke… of all the places she could sleep… when she knows I am not happy with her… now I have to sleep there with her!

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Big Brother 13: Shelly wants to quit and Jordan is miserable “I’m so ready for this season to be over” **updated**

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9:40pm Backyard Shelly and Bacon Adam tells her they need to win POV tomorrow, “I’m telling you now bust your ass tomorrow girl” Shelly is talking like she’s quitting the game. Adam: “last week I said 2 balls short this week I’m 2 balls to the walls”… Shelly just sitting there..
Adam: “You Ok? ”
Shelly: “No i’m not actually.. I’m just trying to figure out what to do..”
Shelly : “I’m not play a game with People like rachel runing around saying saying lies”
Shelly to adam: “Out of everyone in this house you are the only one thay I can trust”
Shelly: “It’s stupid adam you can help people as much as you can and you get kick in the teeth” (WTF she’s still shooting straight)
Adam goes on and on about nobody listening to Rachel right now and for Shelly to know give up.
Jeff joins them: “Shell don’t get so worked”
Shelly: “I’m not worked up about what you think about”
Shelly:” I’m worked up about Rachel saying that to Jordan” Rachel told Jordan that Shelly offered Rachel a final 3 in teh event that Jordan got evicted 2 weeks back.
Jeff: “Don’t even talk like that nobody beleves her”

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Big Brother 13 Spoilers – DKP Celebrate a house in turmoil and Straight Shooter is pissed at Rachel “I want to choke her out”

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7:31pm HOH DKP
They are just going over everything that just happened downstairs. Dani seems happy says good for them for sticking up for themselves. They all agree that all the storied and the drama seems to circle around Shelly.
Kalia starts to explain the fight with Shelly says that Jordan had her attitude again, “”I hate Jordan’s little attitude she was ordering me to get POrsche.. Actually ordering me like a dog”
Dani: “I know OMG she did the same thing with me during the last house meeting”
dani is glad she avoided this fight. Porsche says, Kalia I would of appreciated if you were a little bit more vocal. Kalia says sorry she thought Porsche was doing great.
Kalia: “rachel was saying it’s all Shelly it’s all Shelly.. ” Dani is happy to hear that.

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Big Brother 13 Spoilers – Nominations ceremony over Shelly and Adam up

7:16pm Havenots Mini house meeting (everyone but Adam and Dani)
Shelly asks Porsche if rachel told her that Shelly wanted a final 3 with her. POrsche says YES Rachel did tell me that. Shelly Yells tahts A lie. Rachel: “But Shelly that is the truth you did say that”
Porsche: “I heard that you wanted a 3 person deal with rachel but rachel said no becuase she never trusted you.. You also said that you wanted it once Jordan went home”
Shelly shoot straight tells them that it’s all a lie.
Rachel: “Shelly it’s the truth you have been saying that.. There’s a lot of final 3 going around right now with you”
Rachel: “You said Hypothetuically that if Jordan went home that you wanted final 3”

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Big Brother 13 Spoilers – BR offer Dani Final 3, Brendon: “I’m using pure f*cking logic to win this game.”

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2:50pm Backyard Shelly, Jordan and Jeff
Shelly is pissed because Kalia and Dani were Mad up her in the HOH. Shelly thinks they are going to flip up the Nominations becuase Dani is pissed and she’s changing the way she plays. Shelly: This is so not like the real world it’s amazing” (What let me get this straight you shot straight to everyone for the last 4 weeks had your lips attached to the HOH and lied more than anyones else in Big BRother 13 thus far and now you’re saying it’s nothing like the real world.. the business world as you put it.. Man shelly you really are a Straight Shooter. No nickname is out of bound for this player)

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Big Brother Spoilers: Shelly says that she wants to just go pound Porsche in the head and knock some sense into her..

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12:40pm Adam and Brendon are talking about past seasons of big brother and about manipulators in that had good game like Dr. Will. They talk about how Dani tried to manipulate people week 3 …which was a bad move… if it had been week 6 or 7 would have been a good move. Rachel comes out and starts saying that I know no one like Porsche but I like her… Brendon stops her and says that they’re not talking about Porsche… we’re talking about Dani. Rachel and Brendon head up to the HOH room to talk to Dani. Dani doesn’t answer the door, so they head back down stairs.

1:15pm Out in the backyard, Shelly talks about how genuine and kind Jordan is to Jeff. Shelly tells him that she is an angel. Brendon joins them in the backyard. They talk about bad Rachel’s cooking is …and Brendon says that he will be doing the cooking from now on. Rachel joins them. Brendon tells Jeff that they all need to go up and talk to Dani later. Jeff says yeah I know. Rachel says yeah but the dictators sleeping all day.

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Big Brother Spoilers: Rachel says its pointless to be in an alliance with Jeff & Jordan ..they’re useless!

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11am Shelly and Jordan continue to talk about their personal lives on the backyard lounger. Brendon, Adam and Rachel are working out and talk about Brendon’s experience outside of the house. At 11:10am Big Brother lets the houseguests back inside the house. All of the houseguests but Jeff head inside. Adam check the storage room and tells them that they restocked it. Then he goes back out into the yard for another smoke. Shelly comes out side. She complains that Rachel won’t be doing any more cleaning now that she has her toy back ..

11:20am In the candy room.. Kalia is telling Porsche how Rachel said earlier that she was just laying watching Brendon sleep. Kalia says Barf! Kalia says I am happy for her …that he is back for you ..but seriously … she worships him! Kalia says and the fact that he cheated on her twice … thats BLANK! Kalia keeps going off about how annoying Rachel has been. Kalia says that she seriously wants to punch Shelly. Kalia says that I can tell she is a good person but she used some serious conversations that we had to use me. Porsche tells Kalia about how Shelly had told her that Kalia was throwing around the racism card.

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