Big Brother 13 Spoilers – Adam: “I see the logic of not changing the nomination.. if you leave it the same Kalia should go home” **updated**

6:15pm Jeff and Jordan Jordan is saying she’s glad Jeff has all the power. They can now make a move that will benefit their game. Jeff is glad, it’s going to take some careful

Jordan says that all the girls were talking to Shelly and trying to get Shelly to convince jeff to put Rachel up. Jordan laughs “are they serious about that” Jeff laughs “Fat chance”

Jordan warns that Kalia has told them if she stays on the block she isn’t going hold back and she’ll call everyone out. Jordan asks Jeff permission if she can ask Shelly for the exact wording. Jeff lets her. Jordan calls Shelly over.. Shelly: “The exact wording was.. If me and Dani go on the block together then Rachel will pull the self evict button..
Shelly: “it was nothing about you Jeff… they all want Rachel out”..
(adam is doing walking back and forth in the backyard)
Jordan asks Adam if KAlia leaves who will he put up Adam: “Porsche and Dani.. I’ve told you guys we’re rolling together”
Jeff: “yeah we’re rolling but we gotta be on the same page”
Jordan to Jeff: “I really don’t want to know what you are doing I want it to be a surprise but I still want to go over everyhting”
Jeff agrees, “I like our everything talks”
Adam: “I’ve told you the most dangerous of the 3 girls is Dani”
Jeff asks Adam what would he do if he was Jeff right now
Adam says he would take Porsche off and put Dani up because she’ll do whatever it takes to win BB13.
Jeff agrees that Dani will lie to win he also knows that dani can win comps something Kalia might not be able to do.

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Big Brother 13 Dani: “I didn’t put Jeff up twice hopefully that accounts for something”

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4:20pm havenots
Porsche brings up how Kalia is already up in the HOH kissing everyone’s ass. Dani isn’t worried she says that is how Kalia plays when she’s in trouble. POrsche: “it sucks.. I would rather make a deal than butt kiss”.. Dani agrees says they need to just relax right now and now freak out.

Porsche wonders if it’ll be Dani and Porsche up on the block. Dani thinks it might be.. She’s sure if it’s Dani and Porsche up on the block than Dani is going home. Dani doesn’t see why they would keep her but she hasn’t talked to them yet.

Porsche counts the vote… Dani interrupts her says that Shelly will vote whatever way JJ tell her to. Dani: “Jordan, Shelly and Rachel will vote me out for sure” Dani explains that JJ have the votes and the power to remove anyone they want in this game there no use stressing.

Dani mentions that she had the chance to put Jeff up twice and she never did so hopfully that accounts for something.

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OBB Medical Edition: Kalia+Rachel get surgically attached to Jordans A$$ and Shelly+Adam get surgically attached to Jeffs A$$

3:05pm Kitchen Jeff, Adam, Jordan and Rachel Rachel is sitting a bit by herself on the diner table thinking being very quiet. Jordan asks her what is wrong. Rachel says nothing (Rachel has been like this for awhile everyone else in the kitchen celebrating and happy) . Jordan mentions that Lane from Rachel season a kinda cute. JEff asks if Rachel ever talks to the brigade. Rachel doesn’t really. Jeff brings up the “Meow Meow” and how he say the clip when Enzo formed the Brigade and thought it was awesome. Rachel brings up when JJ hosted the comp in BB12 and Jeff called Enzo “meow meow” Enzo got very excited and talked about it for days.

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Big Brother 13 Spoilers: Jeff wins POV

2:48pm Bedroom Kalia and Shelly Shelly telling Kalia that she has Shelly help this week. She’s not sure that Jeff will use the POV but if he does Dani goes up.

Kalia thinks Jeff will take Porsche down because her and Dani are more dangerous together. Shelly recommends Kalia start to switch up her social game. She tries to make Kalia feel better saying that the POV was a hard puzzle for them to do under pressure.

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Big Brother Spoilers: Shelly tells Dani she gets punched 25 times for her 25th b-day! Dani says punch me 25 times for the 25 unborn babies. *Updated*

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11:15am – 11:40am Dani, Shelly and Kalia are in the kitchen. Dani sing punch me in the ovaries. Shelly says punch you 25 times for your 25 b-day! Dani says punch me 25 times for the 25 unborn babies. Dani says that she hopes its a competition where you have to give up your soul because I am ready! Dani then says I hope it is a competition to eat babies … JUDAS! Dani leaves the kitchen.

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Kalia starts talking to Shelly. Shelly and Kalia talk about how they are done with Rachel. Kalia says that if it looks like she is leaving …she is going to give Rachel a mouth full. Shelly says that she can’t wait for her chance to tell Rachel what she really thinks. Kalia says that come Thursday she is going to destroy her. Kalia says that Rachel wins the vote for the person no one likes. Shelly says I know ..and she thinks people do. Kalia starts talking about how Porsche was asking her for her vote… Kalia is like ..I am on the block too! Kalia says that she wonders if she is really the target. Shelly says yeah she has no idea either ..but that we will know today.. They talk about today being the most important day. They talk about what the competition will be like. Kalia and Shelly both say that if it’s a spelling competition neither Jeff or Jordan will be good at it. Kalia says that worst case is if Porsche wins it. Shelly says that if it involves any kind of common sense …Porsche won’t win it… she is good at math though.

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Big Brother Spoilers: Shelly talks about Rachel ..saying good luck getting a job when you get out ain’t gonna happen! *Updated*

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7:30am Shelly wakes up and does her morning routine. 8:20am Big Brother wakes up the houseguests. When the live feeds come back, Porsche and Shelly are in the bathroom, Porsche is talking about how anxious she is about the POV competition. Shelly tells Porsche that there is nothing she can do but save herself. Rachel joins them and says don’t worry ..I’ll do a good job hosting for you! Meanwhile in the havenot room Dani and Kalia are talking about how uncomfortable the havenot room is to sleep in. Back in the bathroom, Rachel asks Shelly if she is excited about playing in the POV. Shelly says yeah! Dani joins them. Shelly says once again …my prediction was right … the veto was not at night like I predicted. Dani laughs. Rachel says that she thought it would be a night veto until they gave us wine. Diary room leak: Rachel goes into the diary room yelling hey hey hey!! Production asks her how she is doing? Rachel says Oh you know ..just hanging out in the big brother house! Shelly and Dani are still in the bathroom talking about how horrible Rachel behaves and how she will learn once again once she gets out. Shelly says good luck getting a job (Rachel) because it ain’t going to happen.

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Big Brother 13 Live Feed Screen Captures – August 20th, 2011 Updated LIVE!

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Big Brother 13 live feed Gallery for August 20th 2011. Each minute we take a series of screen captures from each Live Feed cam in the house and upload them to our Gallery every 10 minutes. This system runs 24/7 expect thousands and thousands of Screen Captures every day. Alerts are sent out via our Twitter account @BigBspoilers and Facebook page.

Each photo produced has a file name of when it was taken and by which cam. For example one may have the title “BB13-C37-8-201112_06_08.jpg”
C3 = Camera 3 on the feeds
7-8-2011 = July 8th, 2011
12_06_08 = Taken at 12:06:08

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Big Brother Spoilers: Jeff says that Shelly & Adam are a waste of space ..they can’t win anything and don’t have the stones to put up Dani..

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12:20am In the backyard, Porsche, Rachel, Shelly, Kalia and Jeff are talking about the HOH competition. Everyone is really surprised that Rachel has no idea that the competition was on an incline. They continue to talk about the HOH competition and about past competitions. The talk turns to random conversations. Adam tells Porsche that if the POV is a napping contest, she and Kalia would be neck and neck. Jordan gets called to the diary room to get to take off the humilitard. Everyone is happy that she gets to take it off. Jeff and Shelly talk about businesses. Shelly starts talking about books on business that he should read. Jeff tells Shelly that he started a business and incorporated it because he knew he could get a lot more tax breaks. Shelly tells Jeff about some tax break a business can get. Shelly talks about how she created some kids clothing.

In the kitchen are Adam and Dani, Adam is asking Dani how her birthday cake turned out? Dani says that it didn’t turn out too well. Adam tries it and agrees that it’s not good. Dani and Adam start cleaning dishes. Adam tells Dani that Rachel is unhappy that she doesn’t get to play in the POV. Dani tells Adam that Rachel was telling her that Big Brother loves her and that’s why they gave them a bunch of alcohol tonight so that she could get drunk. Dani starts talking about the conversation that she had with Rachel for Adam. Dani then heads out into the backyard. The houseguests ask Dani why she isn’t wearing her birthday crown and sash. Dani says that she wants to wait till Sunday to celebrate her birthday and that tonight they can focus on Jordan and how she gets to take off the humilitard. The talk turns to talking to Adam about 90210. Jordan gets out of the diary room and comes out into the backyard still wearing the humilitard. Jordan says that she needs Adam to do their dance again before she takes it off.
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Big Brother 13 Spoilers: Porsche tells Dani if she can she’ll throw the Veto to her to keep them both off the block **updated**

7:58pm Havenots room Dani and Porsche Dani saying that there’s no way Jeff is putting Rachel up. she is convinced that one of them will go home this week. Dani explains to Porsche that Jeff is seeing this as us against them they want to take JJSAR to the final 5 there is no way he’s going to pass up on that. Porsche thinks her and Dani will have a easier time campaigning for votes from Jeff and Adam than Kalia will. She brings up how pathetic Adam is getting with him kissing Jeff’s ass. Dani: “I would never vote for him.. I love the man but he’s done nothing in this game”.

Porsche says if it’s Kalia and her on the block she’s going to go upstairs and sell her soul to JJ then go back on it next week. She has some good reasons for them to keep her. Dani says that Kalia has some good reasons to.

Porsche talks about the POV if She’s in the lead and Dani is second she’s going to throw the VETO to Dani. dani wants to know why. Porsche wants Dani to have it so when shes takes her off the block they are both safe. Porsche is worried if she wins veto then Dani goes up and goes home. Dani tells her to play for herself she would never want Porsche to do something like that.

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Big Brother Spoilers: Jordan says Kalia is “Too Cool for School” and Triva on the feeds.. WTF is going on? **updated**

6:14pm Backyard Shelly, Jordan and Shelly Shelly brings up that Kalia is in the Have nots room bummed out. Jordan wonders why because jeff told her she was going up on the block. Jordan goes on to explain that at first she really liked Kalia she was nice to talk to and friendly then Kalia started hanging around Dani as she changed. Jordan: “She’s too cool for school” Shelly: “well when they were in power they were really cocky”. Rachel jumps in says that DKP are patheitic because Kalia was making excuses after Jeff won the HOH about it being a comp made for Men. Jordan mentions that POrsche was keeping up the entire time. Shelly mentions that Dani yelled to kalia that she has to hurry even Shelly is beating her. Rachel is disgusted that they said that. Jordan makes it known that she doesn’t like ‘those girls’.

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Big Brother 13 Spoilers: Porsche and Kalia are up on the block

5:17pm HOh Rachel and Jeff They are going over what the POV comp is going to be like. Jordan joins them, says that Kalia thinks that Dani will win POV and save her.

Rachel points out that there are 7 people competing in the comp which is good odds. Jordan states the obvious Kalia, Porsche and Dani will all be fighting for the POV. Rachel wonders if Dani will use the POV. Jeff says he’s talked to Dani and he told her he would like the keep the nominations the same. rachel thinks she’ll use it. Jordan: “It doesn’t matter we have the numbers” Rachel asks them if Dani takes off Kalia who will they put up. Jeff says it won’t matter Dani and Kalia only have 2 votes JJSAR have the numbers.

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Big Brother 13 Spoilers: Jeff’s key order for the Nomination Ceremony Rachel, Adam, Shelly, Jordan , Dani last for suspense

3:05pm Shelly and Jordan (In a past conversation Jeff had with Kalia she told him that someone from Jeff’s side has been talking shit about JJ for the past 3 weeks. Jeff’s reaction to her was “Who Shelly”, He regrets that because he doesn’t want Kalia to now go to Shelly and spin it like Jeff doesn’t trust her. Kalia never mentioned it but she was talking about Rachel being the person, Jeff and Jordan know that Rachel talks shit about them but they also need rachel right now and are willing to look past it.. Jeff ordered Jordan to go talk to Shelly about this and make sure she understands he trusts her)

Jordan explains to Shelly that the only reason Jeff said Shelly is because Kalia told him the person talking shit will surprise him. They all know it’s Rachel so thy’re not “Shocked” by what Kalia has to say. Shelly mentions when Adam has to go. Jordan thinks they should wait until double eviction. Shelly says she’ll be ready to put him up if they need to. (Shooting Straight? perhaps)

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