12am Up in the HOH room Kalia is getting ready for bed. Out in the backyard, Adam, Shelly, Porsche and Rachel are out in the backyard talking about random things. They talk about Ellis Island, Atlantic City and LasVegas. Adam says that Atlantic City is such a dump. Adam says that when he went to Las Vegas he went to every casino along the strip. Shelly says that when she goes to Vegas she wants to go with Rachel to see all the cool spots. Adam says that when he was in college, him and his buddy would drive up and down the strip looking at the strippers and laughing at them trying to hustle in the freezing cold weather wearing small fur coats. Rachel decides to go to bed. Porsche heads inside to put her cookies away and says that she may go to bed early too. Adam asks put your cookies away …is that code? Porsche laughs and says no. Shelly then heads inside to take a shower. All four cameras switch to Porsche and Rachel putting away the cookies that are in the shapes of their initials.
Tag: Rachel Reilly
Rachel Reilly Big Brother 13 Winner,

Big Brother 13 Spoilers: Baking, Operation Sleepover, and Dog Worms
9:45pm Kitchen Rachel and Porsche Rachel is making cinnamon buns They are talking about Shelly being potentially very good at competitions.
Rachel points out that some of these people go around saying they throw comps but can they even win them if they were trying. Porsche says she thinks Adam really tries in the comps he’s just not good at them. Rachel thinks Adam really feels bad for how his performance has been.
Rachel asks Porsche of all the people to be friends with why did she start being with Shelly. Rachel can understand Kalia and Dani but not Shelly.
Rachel: “She lied to our faces multiple times” Porsche knows Shelly was lying very early int he game but they thought Shelly was at least a vote.
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Big Brother 13 Spoilers: JRKA figure out Shellys game this season Jordan: “I got played FOR SURE GOT PLAYED”
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5:43pm KP Backyard Kalia is saying that Shelly has lied to ever single person in the house and has tried to get everyone against each other. Kalia says it’s really 50/50 who leaves but.. “At least when I talked to Adam I know he’s not lying to my face” Kalia starts in on explaining all of Shelly’s lies. Kalia brings up Shelly was saying to Jordan that she over heard KP talking about the fortune teller but Kalia and Porsche never knew about the fortune teller moving. Jordan: “I bet all the fights in the house are caused by her”. They go back and forth a bit recapping all of Shelly’s lies. Rachel joins them and they all share stories about Shelly’s lies

Big Brother 13 Live Feed Screen Captures – August 29th, 2011 Updated LIVE!
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Big Brother 13 live feed Gallery for August 29th 2011. Each minute we take a series of screen captures from each Live Feed cam in the house and upload them to our Gallery every 10 minutes. This system runs 24/7 expect thousands and thousands of Screen Captures every day. Alerts are sent out via our Twitter account @BigBspoilers and Facebook page.
Each photo produced has a file name of when it was taken and by which cam. For example one may have the title “BB13-C3–7-8-2011–12_06_08.jpg”
C3 = Camera 3 on the feeds
7-8-2011 = July 8th, 2011
12_06_08 = Taken at 12:06:08
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Big Brother 13: Rachel tells Jordan, Kalia getting Jeff out wasn’t a big Move getting Rachel out would have been
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3:30pm Backyard Suntaning Porsche and Kalia Kalia is telling Porsche how bad everyone wants Shelly out.. she looks up at Porsche asks her if she’s sleeping. Prosche looks up says she’s listening…
Porsche: “It’s sounds like they are getting rid of Adam..” Kalia thinks that Shelly is going.. Porsche disagrees they are worried about Adam winning comps. Kalia: “the bottom line who ever she keeps is still working with us”.. Porsche believes Adam wants to win comps he’s “building a resume to win Big Brother 13”. Kalia isn’t sure that Adam can win comps even if he tries.

Big Brother Spoilers: Rachel took a pregnancy test and it came out negative.. she is not pregnant.. *Updated*
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1:20pm Rachel comes out of the diary room and goes to the candy room to talk to Jordan. Rachel tells Jordan that she took a test and its negative. Rachel is not pregnant. Rachel says that if it was a different result then she wouldn’t have been disappointed. Jordan says oh good. Rachel says that is one less thing to stress out about… now I just need to figure out why I am sick. Jordan says that it might be stress. Rachel says maybe. Rachel tells Jordan that Shelly came up to her and asked if there is anything else they need to talk about or if there is anything else she can say to them. Rachel says that she said we are still thinking about it …and that we really need to win HOH. Rachel says that Shelly said if they do need to talk they can talk later. Rachel says that she misses Brendon. Rachel heads into the kitchen.
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Big Brother Spoilers: SURPRISE! Jordan & Rachel used the VETO, Adam & Shelly are on the block! *Updated*
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11:50am When the live feeds come back from TRIVIA, Kalia and Porsche are in the HOH room. Kalia is telling Porsche that she would never willingly put Porsche up on the block and if she had to it would only because she had to and that she would be the pawn. Kalia and Porsche start going through all the scenarios of what might or could happen. Kalia says that Jordan is a really, really, really bad liar… and that anything that happened before was Jeff. Kalia says that if Jordan says its the four of us working together then .. we are working together.
Meanwhile out in the backyard, Adam, Jordan, Rachel and Shelly are talking. Rachel is talking about how the duo’s twist has been affecting the whole game. Jordan and Adam think that the twists are far from over, there will be another Pandora’s Box or something during the next HOH.
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Big Brother Spoilers: Rachel is how many weeks late?? ..and thinks she isn’t feeling well because her period is coming.. *Updated*
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9:15am Big Brother wakes up the houseguests. Shelly and Adam are in the backyard smoking. Shelly says in case you haven’t noticed they are protecting themselves like mother and daughter. Kalia joins them in the backyard. They talk about how their bodies really take a beating in the big brother house. Kalia heads back into lay back down. Adam says that he is nervous. Shelly says don’t be nervous ..you know we’re going up. Just think its more camera time. Adam says it’s not the camera time I want. Adam says that he wishes everything would just speed up. Shelly says that at least we know what is going to happen. Shelly and Adam discuss how everything changed because Porsche opened up Pandora’s box. Shelly says that $5,000 wasn’t worth it, especially after just getting through the fast forward. Adam says that they make it really tempting. Shelly says that 1% of the prize money is not worth it. Adam says that our fate is now in Jordan and Rachel’s hands and they will do what’s best for them. Adam decides to go lay back down. Meanwhile, Rachel and Jordan are laying in bed talking about how they need to buckle down and strap in win stuff. They try and go back to sleep. Adam comes in and gets back into bed. Rachel gets up and goes to the bathroom. Jordan gets up and Adam tells her that he really doesn’t like that Shelly is talking shit about everyone.
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Big Brother Spoilers: Kalia and Porsche catch Shelly in yet another lie .. “How can she lie so much ..she’s a mom”
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12am All the houseguests are in the backyard but Porsche. Porsche is in the kitchen doing the dishes. Kalia and Rachel get scared by a wasp and Shelly comes to the rescue to kill it. Adam asks if everyone is going to bed. Rachel and Jordan head inside to go to bed. Porsche comes out side and say all the kids are going to bed its time to party. Adam asks Porsche when she is going to open up her Champaign bottle. Porsche asks I dunno when do you want to .. right now? Adam says its your bottle ..whenever you want it. Shelly says maybe tomorrow when we go on the block. Porsche asks what and make it a celebration? Adam says thats if she even uses the veto. Shelly says she is using it and we are going up on the block… Adam says we’ll see about that .. Shelly says why would she not use the veto.. Adam says lets see if we can convince her. Shelly says we will be sitting up in those chairs come Thursday. Porsche says if it was any other veto we would have a chance. They continue to talk about the veto competition. Porsche says that it was soft and cushy … so I could just squeeze it between my legs and just sit there… Shelly says …that’s what she said! They laugh. Porsche talks about how she’s softer now because she doesn’t do as much exercise as she does at home and work. Meanwhile Kalia, Jordan and Rachel are in the bathroom getting ready for bed. Rachel talks about her high school boyfriend that used to buy her pizza and Oreos every day because he thought he was being nice …but really he was making her fat.
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Big Brother 13: Kalia hints final 2 with Adam and Jordan finds BB13 Exhausting compared to BB11 **updated**
7:00pm Adam and Kalia Backyard couch Adam is saying he has to win HOH this coming week everyone has gotten something from home except for him.
Kalia says if it’s questions which she sure it is and it gets down to Adam and her she’ll throw it to him.. Adam goes over parts of his talk with Jordan.. he explained to Jordan that the reason he “backed away” from her before the POV ceremony was because her emotions were running high with her so he thought she needed space. Kalia goes over her some of her conversations with Jordan..
Kalia says that going into the next week her and Porsche are not jumping ship they will stick to the plan. Kalia says she wouldn’t mind it being adam and herself in final 2 and KPA final 3. Adam tells her he just wants to worry about final 4 before worrying about final 3 final 2. Kalia says oh of course. Adam knows if he doesn’t win the HOH he knows he’s going home. Adam says it’s so important that they win the POV because all that matters is having the numbers.
They start talking about the comp. Both are convinced that it will be a mental HOH. Kalia thinks it’s either odds/evens maybe the order of events.
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Rachel reads the Bible, Kalia plans the next week plays, Porsche cooks, Adam works out and Jordan sleeps
5:15pm KP HOH bathroom Doing hair and planning on the talk with JR that hopefully seal their final 4 deal. they are going to focus on the fact that all threw the season Adam has been playing both side of the house with Shelly.
Kalia says that before she wanted Shelly to stay and Adam to go but she’s got the feeling that Shelly will jump to the other side. She’s pretty sure both would flip but thinks there’s a better chance for Adam to stay loyal. Kalia brings up that JR might split their vote and get you to make the call its way they each gain a jury vote.
POrsche says she feels sorry for Dani being in the Jury house with Brendon and Jeff because Jeff really holds a grudge. Kalia agrees says that at least they will be sending a buffer home this week and if it’s Shelly Jeff will be all over her mad as heck.
(Kalia is starting to think a bit more clearly now.. the bottom line is Kalia needs to win HOH)
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Big Brother 13 Spoilers: Straight Shooter is Back Tells JR about the Fortune teller and KP’s HOH planing Sessions **updated**
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2:55pm Backyard Rachel, Jordan and Shelly JR are being nice to Shelly now trying to help out their jury votes. Shelly says the Fortune Teller started up for her the other day. Shelly explains everything that happened. Rachel mentions that early in the Season Dani had plugged it in and it started.. but later it stopped working. Shelly didn’t know that.
They all start talking about dani. Shelly wonders what they are all doing in the jury house. rachel thinks Jeff and Brendon are having fun. Jordan: “BJ are probably siting at the pool and over on the other end is Dani”. Rachel thinks they may have gotten over it by now.. but it’s only Sunday. Shelly says that Jeff’s eviction interview will probably be one that she will miss watching. Jordan comments on how mad Jeff was when he left and he hit the door.