Live Feed Screen Capture Gallery
3:46pm backyard couch Shelly/adam smoking talking to Porsche about her HOH blogging and tweeting..
3:55pm Jordan and Rachel are walking laps around the backyard they are going
over all the possiblities of comps for the coming week. (this is pretty much what these 2 talk about all the time.. they are getting themselves very prepared for this weeks comp)
Jordan complains that her hips feel really fat. Rachel: “Oh my god Jordan you are so thin”
Jordan: “thank you” (they go back and forth about this for awhile)
Jordan points out that JR and KP are all so nice each other to their faces but when they are not around they rip on each other.
Rachel: “we’re both going after each other.. thank god kalia is sleeping I hope all she does is eat and sleep before tomorrow” Jordan agrees, she thinks as long as it’s not questions she’ll do great