“I just love you.. I wouldn’t want to do this without you… you’re in my life forever”

2:40 pm Tucker and Angela
Tucker talks about making a team with Makensy, Leah or Joe.
T – Yeah. Hang the Joseph and we can do another thing. Maybe with Makensy, but keep it at those or like a Makensy/Leah. I think they get along. They do. They’ve been. They were like, apparently the ones always up with Matt late. Leah was always there. Then Leah would go to bed and then it would be Makensy and Matt. So yeah.
A – Yeah, I think we need to make those happen.
A – I love this it’s so freaking unexpected if I was a viewer at home it would blow my mind. I would not be able to wait to tune in.
T – keep them on their twos expect the unexpected
A – we’re unexpected that what we are.. WE’re unexpected

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“Brooklyn is not gonna back down so me and Cam have to step up cuz she is going to come for blood.”

8:15pm Backyard – Upper Level – Chelsie and Kimo
Chelsie – I have to make a decision this week that if I win Al it is going to be difficult for me to make so that I’m still processing cuz I think the majority of people are wanting to get Brooklyn out and that’s what I’m gathering and I will vote that way as much as it hurts I will probably vote that way and I would have to have that hard conversation with her before and say I love you. So if I win HOH next week I’d go from there. But I think it would be if I’m trying to play it safe next week and play the long game and start to rebuild trust and figure out who I want to work with.

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“It’s funny their sh1ts so blown up all they have is to play personally to get themselves off the block ” **updated**

1:50 pm Tucker and Makensy
Makensy – It’s funny their sh1ts so blown up all they have is to play personally to get themselves off the block
T – pull on the heart strings about how she’s a mom. She said there’s no need to being outside personal things I was liek what are you talking about? SHe said ‘you called me the head of something’ In this f***ing game I don’t know what…. I still have no idea what she meant by that.
T – it’s chilled out. She needed a release and I was the person that caused it so I get it.
T – that’s some people’s strategy to kick and scream and cry. I would have done something different.
T – apparently she talked to Rubina and said ‘he started yelling at me’ are you f**ing kidding me?
T – I told her there’s no need to yell right now there’s no need for this argument.

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Tucker “I’m just talking about in this f**king game. I didn’t mention your family. I didn’t mention your kids!”

10:30pm Unicorn Bedroom – Tucker and Brooklyn
Tucker – hugs first. I know everyone’s doing what they gotta do to survive. Brooklyn – So, right, my thing today was, though, I think it a little bit went outside the game with character calling me out without even thinking about asking if the information you received was true or not. Tucker – I believe in myself and my abilities, and I’m positive that things are true. I’ve heard it from people. I’ve read a lot of body language. I’ve been in the scenarios too. Brooklyn – So what am I the mastermind of or the head of ..me and Chelsea? Tucker – I was gonna be voted out. Brooklyn – Not in the slightest. Did I take over? I wasn’t even supposed to be in the collective. I didn’t find that out till today.

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Tucker “Chelsea comes up with the f**king ideas and Brooklyn can execute them cuz she doesn’t care about lying”

7:15pm HOH room – Leah and Makensy
Leah – why is no one including me in anything? This is just me, like I’m cool. I’m fun. I’m lovable. I’m smart. Makensy – I would
agree with that. Leah – me too. I was basically just trying because I had heard like just like some sh*t that had been said about me and Cam. I told him that and I was like well you know I’m just like letting you know that like I’ve just like heard sh*t about me or whatever and he he’s like well the only thing that I said about you is that you talk a lot and I was like me no I’m actually very quiet, modest and reserved. So most would say completely introverted. Like what a creative observation, this guy is a freaking genius! So observant! What’s next? Makensy – I don’t know.

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Chelsie “If the boy (Quinn) goes home, it’s 7 (girls) – 4 (boys). Brooklyn “Yeah, with one of the boys being Joseph.”

5:45pm Backyard Hammock – Kimo and Angela
Kimo – I mean today is the day that anybody and everyone would talk
to each other about what’s happening. Angela – I still don’t know where Tucker’s head is at I hope he’s going to do what he said he’s going to do because Rubina came out here and she asked him that Chelsea and Brooklyn want to talk with him. Brooklyn got called into the DR right now though but it’s going to happen. They’re going to have a conversation with him and I’m so worried. She’s so good at talking. I wish I was half as good as her talking because I could probably talk my way through this game but I’m not good at that. She is, you should have heard her speech to me on my HOH night. Angela – So I’m probably just getting in my head about it.

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Chelsie about Cam “I would be willing to look past some surface level annoyances.. there’s a little bit of interest..”

1:10pm Bedroom – Brooklyn and Chelsie
Brooklyn – I think we need to talk to Rubina together and see like where your head is at. How we express how we feel about her. See what she is willing to say. Should I even bring up to Tucker the fact that people flipped? Obviously we saw that last week. I’m telling you the truth. I’m concerned if I’m up there against Quinn people will flip because you’re not in power next week. And he will come after you and not them and they will keep him. Or no and that be kind of a ploy of so if I’m down I’m a vote to get him out. I have not. people won’t have any other option if you did someone like Kimo and then if it’s him and Cam or not even mention Kimo and just leave it and just try to..

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Tkor – “Quinn, outside of this [6] is the number one person I want to protect” **Updated**

4:37 am Joe leaves
Kimo – lets go over who we want in Jury.. was it 9? did we go over that already?
they go over their same list of names.
Kimo – Angela in jury is good for our games.
R – that’s what I’m saying.. Angela is good for our game and is a number down the road.
K – she loves the three or four of us the most
R – In my mind.. MJ hates Angela

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Brooklyn “If I tell you my secret.. Its the reason why I’m here. Why they initially paid me attention.”

8:35pm Backyard – Brooklyn and Chelsie playing pool
Brooklyn – If I tell you my secret. It’s because.. you can’t ever vote against me and I won’t ever vote against you. Chelsie – Why would I? Why would I ever do that? Brooklyn – I know, but that’s.. Chelsie – I would never do that. Brooklyn – I’m serious, its the reason why I am here.. Chelsie – seriously? Brooklyn – Maybe why they initially paid me attention. Chelsie – I thought you told me all your secrets. Brooklyn – I told myself I would never tell anyone. I planned to play this without telling anyone until finale night. Chelsie – what?! Brooklyn – I am a business admin or I was until I quit. Chelsie – oh my god! Brooklyn – you got to stay calm. I also do something else.

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TUCKER WON the VETO! Chelsie “You know he was going to come after your stuff” Tucker “He’s a little b**ch for doing it.”

Bedroom – Tucker and Chelsie
Tucker – you still talking BRO! F**king clean up so athletic! Chelsie – you know he was going to come after your stuff. Tucker – I don’t give a f**k! He still was a little b**ch for doing it. Chelsie – Did he admit to it? Tucker – well that means you just did it all. Chelsie – I know. Tucker – all your sh*t was fine. Chelsie – yeah it was intentional. Chelsie – yeah when I saw all my stuff in there I knew it was intentional. Tucker – AHHH…he’s a f**king rat! Put the nail in your own coffin, again! I can’t wait to watch that footage and he’s probably cheering to the camera when he’s doing it.

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Quinn “I really messed up I should have kept my mouth shut… all there is to do is win”

10:12 am Brooklyn and Quinn
Quinn – Apparently telling you that I was also told I was upon. Apparently that was a test for me. And so apparently I’m failing it
Q – he’s going to be even more pissed at me..
B – ohh my god..
Q – Rubinia was asking like, did you tell him or did you tell anyone? And I was like, I mean, I told her, like, I lied and was like, I mean, I hinted to, you know. He’s telling me that, like, if I win, you know, the W. W. E. Thing where it’s like, you know, be happy to compete and stuff. And so like whatever. And she was like, he’s not going to trust you. And I’m like, He didn’t trust me before. Like, I don’t know what to tell you. I was like, I also didn’t get how it makes a difference. I was like, Joseph knew. And so, yeah.

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