Tucker “Rubina and I have our thing .. It’s not like I don’t have room for you” **updated**

3:55 pm Tucker and Angela
Tucker – I trust you more than anybody in here. I know Rubina and I have gotten close and we’ve had OUR talks but I’ve heard from others about her having that talk.
Angela – haven’t heard anything like that or anything stirring about you and
her at all. I think the whole thing of the showmance isn’t even a big
deal in this house. Tucker, nobody can.

T – No, no, I’m saying about her voting me out when it comes down to it.
A – I think we both know that won’t happen. She won’t do that

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Leah “If I’m the renom I’ll just f**king blow it up because if I’m the renom we’re f**ked!”

10:40am Unicorn Bedroom – Leah and Makensy
Leah – I can’t let them get you out dude! Makensy – I am worried about Chelsie. I don’t think she is working with them but I think she knows. Leah – Tucker wants to keep Angela because she promised him that if she is on jury she will vote for him to win. So why are you continuing helping? When are you playing for you? Are you playing for him? Makensy – No, literally. Leah – What the fuck are you doing? Makensy – Angel will do anything for Tucker. Leah – They’re so stupid. Fuck you. Its f**king ridiculous. But you guys want me or you to go home!? We’re the only people that could really f**king help your game. When we go they’re f**ked!!

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Tucker “I think Angela might be the remon” Joseph “Really that will be sick!”

5:18pm Kitchen – Leah and Angela
Leah is making dinner for everyone. Angela – I’m pretty proud of how long I’ve been able to be here. I’m proud of you too. My family didn’t think I could do that. Leah – Really. Yeah What did they say? Angela – Just that I’m older, you know?! Leah – No, you’ve been doing great. Anglela – I’m sure they’re at home cheering you on. I know they are. I’m going to shock them with winning two HOHs. They weren’t physical challenges, but nonetheless I still won them and I know that they’re going to be shocked. Leah – you should be very proud.

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CAM WON the VETO! “Oh look at you, the man of the hour!”

Bedroom – Makensy & Cam
Makensy – You went from off the block to on the block to back off the block. Cam – come on now! Makensy – Oh look at you the man of the hour! And you won something! Cam – I won something! Makensy – Just a warning, when you win something… people don’t like it. Cam – I know. Cam – at least it was a veto. Makensy – I still like you. I’m proud of you. Cam – I appreciate it. I get to chill at least this week. Makensy – It’s like I have such conflicting feelings right now. It’s like, yeah. And then it’s like, wait, I can still go home now.

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Joseph “They can keep laughing. That was not smart. I’m probably not going to use it on you, bro.”

They talk about the veto picks. Joseph – It’s good for us to have me play. I can, you know, if I went and I’ll do whatever you want, which I would think would be keep on the same. So you don’t have to get more blood on your hands. I think it was a good thing overall. Honestly, I think that was pretty foolish of Cam, unfortunately. He should have picked Chelsea. Tkor – True. Way to commit to a bit though. Way to see it through. They can keep laughing. But that was not smart especially because he never talked to me beforehand. You know what I’m saying? Like it would make more sense if he would ask me before but I wouldn’t want to lie to him.

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Angela “I think you’re HOT! You’re cute! You’re the most attractive guy to me in the house!”

10:50pm Bathroom – Cam, Angela and Makensy.
Angela – honestly though, I don’t think I handled it they way that you guys are (being on the block). I was literally like emotional. I was crying. I was, I just wasn’t present. You guys are like so awesome and like handle it like with so much grace and sportsmanship. Its just.. Makensy – Athletes! Angela – I think that’s what it is. You both are really really awesome! Makensy – we just take losing like a champ! Cam – yeah we just basically know how to lose. I guess. Makensy – losing with grace. Angela – I could learn a thing or two from you guys seriously. Makensy – I just look at the glass half full. Cam – yeah. Angela – I do to in life but like this is really major and you both are just handling it with the utmost respect for the game and for yourself.

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Nomination Results! “My tactic is trying not to fret too much about whatever impending doom may or may not be coming.”

Rubina – I feel like this season we’re here to change things up. Because also I mean. in this scenario it’s like if this scenario that’s Cam and Tucker. What is your vote? Tkor – I don’t vote with you and Kimo. Rubina – If you had to break a tie. Tkor – Yeah. They talk about if there is a battle back and someone comes back. Rubina – If Cedric came back I feel like cool. Tkor – Yeah. Rubina -if it was Brooklyn I don’t know. Easy one put back up, you know? Tkor – Yeah. I think my tactic is trying not to fret too much about whatever impending doom may or may not be coming. It is what it is right now. Rubina – It will be what it be and worrying as misuse of your energy right now.

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“I know it’s the underdogs running it, They have Kimo, Rubina, Joseph, Quinn that can vote that’s 4”

2:38 pm Makensy and Chelsie
C – You’re going to be fine
M – I know..
C – sucks either way
Makensy says there’s four people Tkor will choose from.
MJ – I know it’s the underdogs running it, Joe and Quinn are fine too. Tkor can’t vote so that’s four votes.
C – whoever is on only needs four
MJ – you need 5, Tkor is the final vote. (Tie) If I had the other four in the house I think I would.
Chelsie asks who “Leah, you, Cam and Tucker”

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TKOR WON the Head Of Household! Rubina “I am so f**king proud of you!” Tkor “I’m scared”

10pm The live feeds return from the HOH competition.
Bathroom – Rubina and Kimo

Rubina – I am so proud of you! Kimo – no, me too Rubina – we believe in her so much. Yay. Fuck. I’m ugly. I’m because I love her so much.
She wouldn’t believe in herself. Tkor joins them. Rubina – Holy shit. Kimo – Wow, we can’t stop crying. Absorbed this. Rubina – Deserve it. Kimo – Yeah. Congratulations. Rubina – you almost got him last time. You were so close last time. This is your. This is your thing. Tkor – Yeah. Kimo – this is what the universe wanted! Rubina – yeah! You want you to win? Kimo – Exactly. Tkor – Obviously you two are safe. And Tucker and Chelsie.

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“I guarantee you now I have made a new fanbase for them because I know my friends are watching me.”

7:30pm Storage Room – Chelsie and Brooklyn
Brooklyn – I knew this morning. Chelsie – how did we get here? Brooklyn – Quinn. Quinn! Because we four did us, him putting Cedric up. It should never have been an option. Such a freaking boy thing to do but that is why he never had us fully. Chelsie – if you stay next week who are you putting up? Brooklyn – Joseph and Quinn, and then backdoor Tucker if that is an option. I am not talking to Joseph again. Chelsie – Leah is one person I have not talked to. She was just like yesterday was bullsh*t and.. I am like still?!!? Brooklyn – I know. Part of me doesn’t even want to talk to her. I don’t know where her head is at. Brooklyn – I have no clue. Chelsie – if you win tomorrow and its me and Cam, I honestly don’t think I would stay.

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