Cheesy AI tells the houseguests it’s double eviction. Angela gives her speech and cries. Leah gives her speech. Kimo votes to evict Leah Chelsie votes to evict Leah Cam votes to evict Leah Rubina votes to evict Leah Leah is evicted. Everyone cries. HOH goes to a tiebreaker between Chelsie and Angela. Head of Household […]
Tag: Power Of Veto Ceremony

“Angela and MJ are down. 99.9% positive. Angela was really put off Tkor was pitching the all girls thing” **updated**
1:20 pm Cam and Leah
Cam says at night Kimo goes to sleep and Rubina/T’kor run off and start talking game. “Either of them will prioritize Tkor over themselves. Kimo will vote to evict Rubina. That is what I think but I still have to talk to him. We also need to get Chelsie on this side too.”
Leah – That is something I worry about. I was worried am worried she sits here and tells me she agrees with me and my decision she will probably then go and tell Tkor. How can she do that?
Leah – she makes other people do her dirty work. She’s told me that before.
Cam – I mean.. like.. my trust has dwindled a little bit. Like I just don’t know what type of game she’s playing. One day she’s like I got your back and all this stuff. And then I also here her talking to the other three. All that stuff I don’t know if it’s me being paranoid.

“I just hope that I didn’t like F myself by like dividing the house”
Leah, Makensy and Angela
Angela – And they can’t fault her for putting any of them up because they’ve kind of gone this far together and they’ve admitted to me and one of us they know they’ve done that they know but also how lucky they’ve been to come this far and have friendships like that and have people to lean on and to talk to and to get strategized with it’s really lucky. So that’s how I feel in this moment. I don’t know how I feel is how they treat her how they treat me will mean a lot moving forward this week and I’ll make my decision and I definitely want to reconvene with you girls and just kind of see where you guys are at you know about obviously tomorrow I’m gonna have to talk to Kimo and Tkor.

Big Brother 26 Week 7 Power of Veto Ceremony Results **updated**
12:40 pm Angela, Leah, Rubina, T’kor
Leah – I’m not afraid to stay in front of everyone and say I don’t feel right with you walking out the door this week and if it’s in my hands..
Angela is gushing about being saved by Leah. “honestly this example is SOOOO good to all of us. Like it really is. Leah is literally going against something or someone I don’t know but she’s making her own decision and standing up for what she wants.
Rubina – Yeah exactly… (LOL Rubina must be pissed)
Angela – Influenced I think not a mind of their own I think yes

Big Brother 26 Spoilers Week 2 Power of Veto Ceremony Results **updated**
Quick Big Brother Spoilers Head of Household: Chelsie Nominees: Lisa, Angela, Kenny, Tucker POV Players: Lisa, Kenny, Angela, Brooklyn, Chelsie and Joe POV Winner: Kenny Veto Ceremony: Kenny used the Veto on himself Tucker nominated. Havenots: Rubina, Leah, Makensy and Lisa 12:40 pm Feeds return. Kenny used the veto on himself Tucker nominated. Tkor and […]

Matt – “He thought it was going to be Bowie or America”
1:00 pm Cameron and Matt
Matt – He thought it was going to be Bowie or America
Cameron – why did you have to calm him down
Matt – he’s shocked
Cameron – Im not happy about blindsides
Matt – maybe he had a sense
Cameron – he did this.. it’s on him.. he knows it’s over. Last week he had a shot
Matt – last week he really didn’t have a shot. He survived to next week but that didn’t get him far. He said he wants to talk later.
Cameron – I won’t be talking to him not being mean I just won’t be talking I have nothing to say
Matt – he feels close to me so he’ll be asking for my vote.. Shocker

Veto Ceremony Results! Red Did NOT Use the Veto!
Originally they were going to wait to tell Jared closer to Thursday or at least until after the veto ceremony as they feared he would be too emotional having to evict Blue and might tell her but Cirie could not wait and told him secretly yesterday afternoon. Felicia, Izzy, Matt and Meme do not know that Jared already knows the plan. As a result of the others not wanting to include Jared in on the plan from the beginning he stated to Cirie that they have lost his trust and that he is done trying to keep the group safe. The others plan to tell Jared the plan today after the veto ceremony. It will be interesting to see if he holds back and pretends he doesn’t know or tells them how he really feels about them not including him in on the plan.

Hasmin -“You will see… right.. I’ve been honest and open with you and you will see.. you will see. right” **UPDATED**
Quick Big Brother Spoilers Head of Household: Felicia Nominees: Cameron and Jag Hisam POV Players: Cameron, Jag, Felicia, Izzy, Red, Corey – Host is Bowie POV Winner: Jag Veto Ceremony: Jag used the veto on himself. Felicia nominates Hisam in his place. Havenots: America, Matt, Red Lock your ranks in before midnight Rank Houseguests View Results […]

Blue – “Him and Izzy rallied up the other side and did exactly what we did in the beginning its so not fair”
Jag – Everyone felt that was really personal
Reilly – if I was someone on his side and I say that I would reconsider.
Jag – he could have just pulled you aside and said all that stuff he didn’t need to put all the blame of what happened last week onto you. It’s not fair.
Jag – MEME pulled me and Matt aside and was like that was rough. Even like Felicia looked shocked.
Blue- Him and Izzy rallied up the other side and did exactly what we did in the beginning it’s so not far and very irreasonable to put all the blame on you and on top of that it was not just your decision it was all of our decision .

“I got cousins that are literal scams artists on the FBI wanted list.. Umm but they got caught don’t worry.” **updated**
Quick Big Brother Spoilers Head of Household: Reilly Nominees: Corey, Felicia, Kirsten, Jared POV Players: Cirie is host, Reilly, Bowie, Kirsten, Felicia, Hisam POV Winner: Hisam Veto Ceremony: Veto wasn’t used Havenots: Luke, Jared, Corey, Hisam, Lock your ranks in before midnight Rank Houseguests View Results Detailed View Results Compressed The situation Veto wasn’t be used. […]

Power of Veto Ceremony Results “I’m being put in a vulnerable position for the 5th time” **updated**
11:52 am Taylor and Brittany
They hug “I love you”
Britt – A girl has to win.
Taylor – the people that were against have to choose between us
Britt – how poetic would it be the girl who wasn’t invited to Girls girls and the girl who broke out are the final 2 girls.
Taylor – we just have to get there

“Homeboy has 5 competitions under his belt. The next HOH better figure this out” **updated**
1:16 pm Terrance and Daniel
Daniel – even as a fan of this game it’s unbelievable to see it happen in real-time.. Dude this is your moment
Terrance – that just took the gas out of my mother f***ing sails.. (LOL)
Daniel – Same
Terrance – Who wants to play this now. Just cut the check.. F*** it. It’s stupid at this point I’m over it.
Terrance – I want to keep my word. Brother this isn’t about keeping your word it’s a f***ing game. It’s clown now. This isn’t even going to be competitive