3:50pm Dani and Adam Dani telling him theres been a lot of talk about the twist today. Adam: “the twist can be anything and that is what’s worrying me… it’s making this weeks decision very hard”. Dani asks him what’s his percentage about the vote. Adam says “69” he’s talked to Rachel and she’s given him some good reasons to keep her…. But Adam finds that she’s a strong competitor and will pose to be a HUGE road block in the future. Adam: “I’m worried that when it comes down to it I won’t be able to beat her in a comp… I’m not going to lie she can whoop me.. me and lawon.. I think I can beat him”. Adam adds that every player has a skill set so maybe Lawon is good at a type of comp. Dani agrees thinks each player has a comp they are good at and some are good at them all. Adam groans “every week gets so much harder”
Tag: Porsche Briggs

Big Brother Spoilers: Dani says ..what if the twist is that the person we vote out has to battle it out with Keith, Dom, Casey and Bren to see who will come back into the house?
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12:45pm Rachel is talking to Adam in the lounge room. Rachel says that Lawon hasn’t done anything in the game to prove himself. Rachel says that she doesn’t go back on her word and that people can trust her. Rachel says that she doesn’t know where Adam’s head is at because he doesn’t talk game to her. Adam says that he knows that she is emotional and that he just wanted to give her space. Adam says that it definitely took Rachel a couple days to get back on her game. They start talking about the twist. Adam says that the word that sticks in his head is “Chance” to come back. Adam says where as you think its a guarantee. Rachel says yeah I think its a guarantee… I think the person has to play to get back so they have a chance. Rachel starts talking about other season of big brother where people were given powers. Rachel says that she doesn’t think they would say chance if it wasn’t a very big chance. Adam says that its a tough decision because either he gets out a strong player or a floater. Adam says if I get rid of the floater and save the strong competitor then I need to know that person is on my side. Adam says that he thinks it really comes down to his and Porsche vote. Rachel says that this might be the last time a floater like Lawon gets nominated …and before you know it he will be in the final two and win BB. Rachel says that he doesn’t even talk game to anyone!

Big Brother Spoilers: Shelly tells Dani that Rachel gave her shorts the other day and then when she looked at them, they were dirty and had spots in them.
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11:30am Shelly and Dani are out in the backyard talking about random things. Then Shelly tells Dani that she is suspicious as hell about Lawon. Shelly asks if Dani trusts him? Shelly says that he hasn’t even asked anyone for votes at all. Dani says that she thinks he’s crazy. Shelly talks about how Lawon was acting all weird last night …watching people. Shelly says that he keeps saying just watch what I am going to do now?! Dani asks what does that even mean?! Shelly says talks about how he is always telling her that he is going to go into the diary room just to say what’s up?! Shelly says who comes into this game and doesn’t even rally his allies for votes… does he ever talk game with you? Dani says a bit but not really. They talk about how there have only been four people evicted and that it seems like a lot more. Shelly says that she told Lawon that she will come unglued if she finds out he is lying to her. Shelly says that she asked him who he would put up if he were to win HOH …she says that he said ABSOLUTELY Dani and Kalia for doing this to me. Shelly says that she thinks Kalia is telling him to act crazy and make a scene. Shelly says that she is not sure he really means what he says, is suspicious that it’s all an act.
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Big Brother Spoilers: Adam tells Shelly that he has the most to lose if Rachel stays.. *Updated*
9:35am – 10am Adam joins Shelly out in the backyard for a smoke. Adam says that he has the most to lose with keeping Rachel around. Shelly says that she thinks from what Adam is saying that Kalia and Dani have his vote. Adam says that he was thinking the other day …couldn’t they have given us better people to work with.. Adam says that the only thing that might have given them the impression that he was with them was when he went up there and told Kalia that there is nothing he would want more than to see a new person win this thing. Adam says that he was talking about himself but they didn’t need to know that ..I didn’t lie. Adam says that he isn’t sure they should keep Rachel. Shelly tells him to do what he needs to do. Adam says that Rachel wants to talk to him today …and that he is thinking of telling her that she owes him if he votes for her. Shelly says that she just can’t keep her mouth shut .. she’s a loose cannon. Adam says that he will tell her that she can’t turn on him till all the floaters are gone. They talk about how they still haven’t mentioned they are in the jury house and that there is something up with that. Adam says that Lawon hasn’t campaigned to him yet.

Big Brother Spoilers: Jeff says that it’s like he has to eat 500 pounds of sh!t and he can’t even give Rachel one spoonful.
12:30am In the backyard, Jeff is playing pool with Adam while Rachel is talking to him. Jeff says that he wants to know what’s going on. Rachel tells him over and over again that she thinks they are trying to frazzle her. Rachel tells Jeff that they didn’t try and make deal with me. Jeff says that she should have told them to throw themselves over the balcony. Rachel says they were trying to bully her. Adam told him to keep talking game because he does better when Jeff talks game. Jeff and Jordan are talking. Jeff tells Jordan that Rachel is a loser. Jeff says that she was acting like a four year old. Jordan tells Jeff that he needs to start talking to her nicely. Jordan says she should go to Porsche and talk to her and get her own votes. Jeff says he’s tired of dealing with her. Jordan is telling Jeff that Porsche is up there trying to find out what’s going on and that she told Rachel that Shelly worked hard trying to get her to stay. Jeff is really annoyed. Jeff says can they get some BLANK medicine down here. Jordan says they should give Rachel some nerve medicine. Adam says Jeff needs to take some too. Jordan says again that it will be so cool when the votes come out… they’ll be so surprised. Adam says that she tries to turn the emotions off and she can’t. Jordan says that she told her not to listen to them and she won’t. Jeff says they can’t tell her she has the votes because she’ll walk around all cocky and tell them, but they don’t want them to know. Jeff says that it’s like he has to eat 500 pounds of BLANK and he can’t give her one spoonful.
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Big Brother 13 Spoilers – Jeff Figures out this weeks Twist, “Brendon’s coming back but First he’ll have to arm wrestle Lawon” **updated**
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8:59pm Backyard Jordan, Jeff and Jordan says she has no problem putting certain people in the house on slop
She’s going to make a super big meal right in front of them and say you can eat this. Jeff and Rachel say he’s not going to do that. jordan says she just
jokesing. Jeff adds that it doesn’t even feel like he’s on slop. He warns Shelly that she better not
get on slop next week because she’s losing too much weight , “Your shivering look at you”

Big Brother Spoilers – When Rachel wins HOH she’s putting DK up, She’ll say “It’s nothing Personal its game”
5:55pm Rachel and Jordan Jordan is yanking at her hair telling Rachel that they are telling Porsche how good of a position she is that nobody is coming after her. Rachel thinks it’s time for them to really start talking it up with Kalia telling her she’s safe she’s in a great spot, “Once the power shifts we’ll watch their floater army sink” Jordan thinks it’s funny that the other side are so sure they have the votes, “On thursday when the vote flips they wll be all in a panic” rachel is glad they’ll be so busy trying to figure out who to trust won’e win the HOH.
Jordan says she’s so bitchy this year.. rachel says its good. Jordan: “But I rip on everybody in the DR” Rachel: “good they deserve that”

Big Brother 13 Spoilers – Kalia tha hut won’t Shut Up …. “Do you think the simpsons are real humans” **updated**
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4:07pm Shelly and rachel shelly is going on and on about how wonderful Jordan. She says she’s never heard Jordan say a bad word to anyone (ahhh shooting straight again ) Shelly thinks it’s such a nice thing to have someone in the house like Jordan that isn’t catty or jaded. Rachel listens keeps picking at her ingrown hairs on her leg (You can see it in the pic)
Shelly says she could make jordan a superstar, she would hire her in a second and toughen her up, but not too much because she wound’t want Jordan to lose what makes her special. Rachel is just agreeing. Shelly adds that there is so many people in this house that are wonderful, ‘You guys all have something special” rachel: “Ohh thanks” )
Rachel starts talking about this place she worked in Vegas where she would always go to work 15 minutes early.. Shelly starts to explain how rachel should right down what she wants to do with her live and make a plan.. “things will happen you just need to work at it and stay positive”.

Big Brother Spoilers: Shelly says that she doesn’t think Lawon is smart enough to figure out how to fly under the radar.. *Updated*
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12:15am – 12:35pm Jeff wakes up and joins them in the backyard. Kalia heads back inside to take a nap. After she leaves Shelly mentions that Kalia is really trying to make an effort to be out there with them all the time. Jeff says ..her raign is almost over. Rachel says that she is super confused …about whats going on… she says that Kalia told her that she has the votes to keep Lawon. Shelly says that Lawon is tight with Adam. Rachel says that she hasn’t talked to Lawon for more than five minutes this whole game. Shelly says that she is either over thinking it or she is right. Jeff says yeah you never know. Jeff heads inside. Rachel says that Kalia told me that it all depends on what we talk about today. Shelly tells her to just go with it …just nod your head ..shut up and agree. Shelly tells Rachel that they will make you swear on Brendon. Rachel says I can’t. Shelly tells Rachel that they have her back. Shelly says just do whatever you have to do …and then break it after this week. Rachel says that she can’t swear on Brendon. Shelly says well then say its against your religion. Shelly says just say it in a way that you are not lying ..like say that you won’t up them up … and then say next week when you put them up that you never said you wouldn’t nominate them. Rachel says that maybe I will just tell them they are not her targets. Shelly says that she hopes she isn’t wrong about Lawon .. how can he come into the game and do nothing if he isn’t part of a twist. Rachel says it happens all the time. Rachel names off a bunch of past BB players that got through the game not doing anything. Shelly says that she doesn’t think Lawon is smart enough to figure out how to fly under the radar.
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Big Brother Spoilers: Kalia tells Rachel that a lot of what will or won’t happen depends on the conversation we have later..
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10:50am Rachel and Shelly are out in the backyard talking about how Rachel was having trouble finding a job out in LA. Shelly heads inside. Rachel is all alone in the backyard reading the bible. Kalia is in the kitchen cleaning up and eating. Kalia then heads out into the backyard. Rachel and Kalia talk about not being regular and needing to take fibre. They talk about how they are happy about getting catfish and coconut to eat. Rachel asks so what do you what to talk to me about. Kalia says well I really wanted to talk to you with Dani. Rachel asks so what was your thinking putting up Lawon. Kalia says that she really just put him up as a pawn ..and then he started acting all crazy. Rachel says that putting up Lawon was the only person that she had a chance against. Kalia says that she is really gassy. Kalia says that she just really didn’t want to make any more enemies. Kalia talks about how Lawon was acting all crazy and she had to ask him what he was doing.. Rachel says that even if she does get voted out …she will be coming back… Rachel says the way I see it ..I see it as a positive that you put up Lawon. Kalia says that I heard you going around saying that you have the votes. Rachel says that she never said that. Rachel talks about getting the floaters out of the game.
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Big Brother Spoilers: Kalia tells Rachel that her and Dani need to talk to her today..
9:10am Big Brother wakes up the houseguests. Jordan, Rachel and Shelly are in the bathroom getting ready for the day. They talk about how they will all be called in to the diary room and how the others are still sleeping because they stayed up all night. Rachel says that she views this like a job and that you have to listen to people. Shelly heads out into the backyard to have a smoke and starts studying the events of the house. Shelly and Lawon are now in the bathroom getting ready. Lawon says that he had to get ready because he was going to be called into the diary room. Shelly says the man of the hour! Go get em! Kalia is now up and in the kitchen, she tells Rachel that she wants to talk to her with Dani. Rachel says okay. Kalia gets called to the diary room. Kalia tells Rachel to keep it between them and not tell anyone else.
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Big Brother Spoilers: Dani tells Kalia that she is going to throw this weeks HOH competition to Shelly or Porsche.
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11:50pm – 12:30am Jeff and Jordan are hanging out in the hammock talking. They are trying to figure out why Lawon was nominated. They say that if Kalia wanted Rachel out.. then she should have went with Adam. Jeff and Jordan try to figure out if they are in the jury house and talk about how they are surprised they weren’t told yet. They talk about how maybe Julie Chen will tell them this Thursday. Jordan tells Jeff to be calm with Rachel. Jeff says he knows but it is hard to deal with her attitude. They talk about how they think Shelly is with them 100% and that they feel bad about what happened the other day when she was crying. Jeff says that if we could get Dani out I’d feel so much better! Jeff says that if Adam or Porsche win HOH, Dani will be up there trying to influence them. Jeff and Jordan start talking about their weights and about their past season. Jordan asks Jeff, do you think people hate us this year? Do you think we look crabby? Jeff says no! Jordan says that she feel like she bashes a lot. Jeff says I do, maybe it is a little worse this year. Jordan says that she think it is, it’s kind of embarrassing how I acted the other day, I was so mean. Jeff asks during the key ceremony? Jordan says it wasn’t like I was all like ungrateful. Jeff says well nobody ever talks during that, I don’t care that you said it, it’s good that you said it. Jordan says that she always knew Jeff was never gonna lie to her or use her or turn his back on her. Jordan says that everyone in this house even new people have doubt towards each other. I think that’s something good that we had, we were just BFF’s and I could talk to you and tell you whatever. Jeff says that he wishes they could do that with everyone.