10:45pm Bedroom Porsche and rachel Porsche pulls rachel off to a corner and starts talking about where Rachel’s Head is at. rachel thinks it’s really strange that Keith hasn’t come up to them to talk. She wonders if he’s even wants to try. Porsche says that Keith is going to get Cassi and Dom to go do their dirty work she implies that Keith controls Cassi and Dom (which is not the case at all it may be the other way around) Cassi whispers that she is going to go talk to Shelly tonight and see were her vote is. They count the votes .. something about Dick can’t hear it..
Tag: Porsche Briggs

POV WINNER is Brenchel, Brendon: “At least if we get rid of Keith this week us guys can feel better about our abs”
8:20pm HOH Jeff, Brendon and Rachel Brendon and Rachel win POV. They briefly talk about the competition having to do with spelling/puzzle to spell the words VETO. Jeff comments that Brenchel completely blew the other teams away with it, “Dude you killed it Dude we didn’t even get one thing…dude”. Rachel and Brendon are talking about whether or not they should they should use the POV and seem pretty convinced that they won’t use it. They start talking about the comps they need to study for, Brenchel goes to town calculating volumes and converting oz to litres etc etc.. Jeff gazes into space. Brendon says that his head is hot jeff: “you gotta do twice the work as me”….

Big Brother 13 Spoilers – Porsche Briggs Drunk/Bikini Pics and Internet Rumors
Today has been a big day for BB13Spoilers news, we had the Revealing of the cast early this morning, followed by some interviews (there are over 100 minutes of interviews available on the feeds get them before July 7th and save only $29.99 for the entire season), and finally later in the day we had some more details about the BB13 Twist. They’re will be 6 allstar houseguests added to the game paired up as “Dynamic Duos”, CBS has released the names of these potential 6 allstars they are, Jessie/Natalie (BB11), Jeff/Jordan (BB12), Will/Booger (BB7), Hayden/Enzo (BB12) and Dick/Daniele (BB8) and Brendon/Rachel (BB12). Supposedly they will be pick 3 of these pairs, but rampant rumors on the interents is saying that it’ll be Eric/Dick, Jeff/Jordan and Lane/Britney (unconfirmed rumors).