Big Brother Spoilers: Shelly says I will swear to god and America that I will not go against you, I would be the BIGGEST A$$HOLE LOSER.. if I did that I deserve to lose my job.

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10:50am Jordan tells Rachel that you know what I just figured out .. if you and I leave … you, me , Jeff and Brendon decide the votes and no one else matters. Rachel says oh I know.. I thought about that a bunch. Jordan says that at least its not going to someone who sleeps all day. Right then Porsche comes down from the HOH room. Porsche asks if they are ready for picture day. Rachel says yay! Rachel asks if Porsche is still going to crave sexy back into Adam’s back hair. Porsche goes to wake up Adam to tell him to come to the bathroom so she can shave his back. Adam says no. Meanwhile in the kitchen, Rachel and Jordan talk about how they are by themselves. They continue to study the memory wall photos. Jordan says at this point ..if you don’t think Adam is good ..or with us ..then we will do what you want to do. Jordan says that if Shelly is up there with you … it is like asking you to get evicted. Rachel and Jordan go out to talk to Shelly and says if you were to stay .. you need to swear to god that you wouldn’t go against us. Rachel explains that we don’t trust you and we are just afraid you would come after me. Shelly says that she will swear in front of god and America as my witness that I will not evict you or go against you … I would be the BIGGEST ******** LOSER … and if I did that I deserve to lose my job. Porsche comes out and interrupts the conversation.
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Big Brother Spoilers: Rachel & Jordan plan on telling Kalia they are keeping Shelly to see how fast they turn on Adam..

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10:05am When the live feeds come back, Rachel and Adam are in the bathroom getting ready for the day. Adam says that he still feels like such a fool. Rachel says no. Adam says that outside the house he is such a nice guy and trusts people and feels like he was taken for a fool. Rachel says that we all have… look at last season with me and Britney taking baths together and then… you know.. Adam says yeah and heads out into the backyard. Jordan joins Rachel in the bathroom.

Out in the backyard, Adam and Shelly talk about how it is day 61 in the house. Adam asks questions about Shelly’s daughter. Adam and Shelly then talk about packing for tomorrows live eviction. Shelly asks so.. 14 days left? Adam says about that ..we’re still not sure yet. Adam says that’s insane. Adam says alright … laying back down. Shelly asks you’re laying back down? Adam says yeah .. I thought I would work out but ..I’m tired. Adam goes to talk to Jordan in the bathroom about how he didn’t sleep well and that he is just pissed off. Adam says that he is going to have to do something that is not true and honest …and he is going to have to lie to them (Kalia and Porsche). Adam says the thing that pissed me off about her (Shelly) is what I am going to have to do it to them. Adam says that he wanted to play the game as honest as possible. Jordan says its just a game and you have to do it some point. Jordan says but you’re for sure with us. Adam says yes. Jordan says well don’t scare me.

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Big Brother Spoilers: Porsche wonders if Shelly has some power the Reapers Power Of Veto.. *Updated*

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12am Jordan, Rachel and Adam are in the kitchen. Adam is putting away the dishes. Jordan explains to Rachel that she is going to bed because who knows what time they will be on lockdown tomorrow so she would rather get up early. Jordan says.. because tomorrow is Wednesday finally. Rachel then says that she is going to go to bed as well. Meanwhile, Kalia and Porsche are in the living room staring up at the ceiling talking about what lights are never on and how Adam says they went out day whatever. Porsche & Kalia head into the kitchen to have a snack. Adam tells them that he is tired of doing nothing and that if he goes to bed early at least he can get up and do a work out. Adam says that he they will probably be on lock down some time tomorrow anyways. Porsche says yeah and tomorrows picture day. Porsche and Kalia are trying to make a pawn and a queen for the chess set. Shelly comes in from the backyard and scares them. Porsche says she thought it was production. Kalia says she thought someone was robbing them. Shelly asks are you serious. Shelly heads to bed. In the candy bedroom Jordan & Rachel talk about studying in the morning. Rachel says that it’s the best revenge from Jeff and Brendon. Kalia comes into the candy room. Rachel questions if Dani took her beanie dog to the jury house. Kalia says no. Kalia leaves then two seconds later Shelly talks to Rachel through the window in the other room with her stuffed puppy dog talking in a weird voice telling Rachel a birdie told her something to day …look under her pillow.

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Big Brother Spoilers: Shelly says the best part of this week has been manipulating the sh!t out of Kalia & Porsche.. I will not in a million years vote for them. *Updated*

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12pm Shelly says the best part of this week has manipulating the sh!t out of Kalia and Porsche.. and I will not in a million years vote for them. Rachel says yeah and they were coached by Dani. Shelly says yeah and following the leader is not my game .. Rachel says that she is considering all the options. Shelly thanks her for listening to her.

12:15pm Adam is talking to Jordan in the bathroom about how Rachel has been out in the backyard talking to Shelly for a long time now. Jordan says that she told Rachel that you can tell when Adam lies and that he would protect us. Jordan says that she just doesn’t it to get to the point were Adam is a tie breaker and says that this is an easy decision to get Rachel out. Adam says that he knows that both Jordan and Rachel have their boyfriends in the jury and he is not getting those votes… but that I would rather work with you and Rachel because I can’t trust them. Adam says that he is sorry …its just that he knows that Shelly can talk and that Rachel misses her boyfriend and isn’t all there. Jordan says just don’t leave me alone with Shelly because she will talk. Jordan knows how hard it is being on the block. Jordan says that she will tell Adam if they weren’t going to vote to keep him …because she would want to know. Jordan says that she is just so bothered by what Shelly did and that this is her revenge. Jordan tells Adam that he is good.

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Big Brother Spoilers: Shelly says she immediately felt sick after the decision she made this week and that she is embarassed of what her family thinks.. *Updated*

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9am – 10:10am Big Brother wakes up the houseguests. Adam and Shelly are out in the backyard talking about sports games and ticket sales. After Adam finishes his smoke he goes back inside to go back to sleep. At 10am Rachel wakes up and goes to the bathroom and then heads out into the backyard. Rachel complains about having the worst stomach pains and cramps. Rachel says she just doesn’t know whats going on. Shelly says yeah your either pregnant or its your period. Rachel says that it wouldn’t be the worst thing if we were pregnant ..I don’t think we will wait 5 years though. Shelly talks about her experiences while pregnant. Shelly says that Rachel must have been freaking out. Rachel says no.. I have my degree and it wouldn’t be the worst thing. Rachel says that she she’s been feeling sick and nauseous for a week now. Shelly asks maybe you are pregnant?! Shelly tells Rachel to just rest today.

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Shelly says that everyone that loves Jeff & Jordan are going to hate her

12am Up in the HOH room Kalia is getting ready for bed. Out in the backyard, Adam, Shelly, Porsche and Rachel are out in the backyard talking about random things. They talk about Ellis Island, Atlantic City and LasVegas. Adam says that Atlantic City is such a dump. Adam says that when he went to Las Vegas he went to every casino along the strip. Shelly says that when she goes to Vegas she wants to go with Rachel to see all the cool spots. Adam says that when he was in college, him and his buddy would drive up and down the strip looking at the strippers and laughing at them trying to hustle in the freezing cold weather wearing small fur coats. Rachel decides to go to bed. Porsche heads inside to put her cookies away and says that she may go to bed early too. Adam asks put your cookies away …is that code? Porsche laughs and says no. Shelly then heads inside to take a shower. All four cameras switch to Porsche and Rachel putting away the cookies that are in the shapes of their initials.

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Big Brother Spoilers: SURPRISE! Jordan & Rachel used the VETO, Adam & Shelly are on the block! *Updated*

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11:50am When the live feeds come back from TRIVIA, Kalia and Porsche are in the HOH room. Kalia is telling Porsche that she would never willingly put Porsche up on the block and if she had to it would only because she had to and that she would be the pawn. Kalia and Porsche start going through all the scenarios of what might or could happen. Kalia says that Jordan is a really, really, really bad liar… and that anything that happened before was Jeff. Kalia says that if Jordan says its the four of us working together then .. we are working together.

Meanwhile out in the backyard, Adam, Jordan, Rachel and Shelly are talking. Rachel is talking about how the duo’s twist has been affecting the whole game. Jordan and Adam think that the twists are far from over, there will be another Pandora’s Box or something during the next HOH.

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Big Brother 13 Spoilers – JR Win Veto **updated**

7:45pm PK Storage Room They are talking about Shelly being hurt and she’s in the DR right now. They start going over the comp, Kalia thinks she would of won it if she stood up higher. Kalia: “I looked over at you and you were standing” Porsche: “No I wasn’t doing good”
Porsche asks Kalia if they she thinks they are still good with JR.. Kalia thinks so.

Kalia brings up now they are both save.. they could of at least gotten one out.

Kalia says she’s going to start working Jordan maybe get her thinking to take out Rachel. Porsche thinks it’s a waste of time. Porsche points out that Rachel “carried” Jordan during that last comp Jordan is performance was really pathetic.

POrsche: “If they were smart they would get rid of Adam… I doubt they will even think about it”
Porsche knows they are close with Adam but he’s going to be dangerous in some quiz HOH comps. Kalia: “Shell and Adam don’t do anything.. they’re no better than Jordan but we need them for numbers.

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Adam about the Vets: “They were dangling those keys over our heads and made us jump like a dog for a bone..”

Shelly: “They just want me out”.. Porsche: ” doesn’t matter We want you in”. Porsche tries to rally them.. she explains that they need to win the veto and keep them 4 in the game, if they lose the veto they lose a number for next week and the odds are worse for HOH.
Shelly tells them not to be worried if she doesn’t win veto she goes home they are all safe.. Shelly: “I’m the evil one for Jeff leaving remember”

POrsche: “Shut up with that Shelly you need to focus.. nothing has changed we have to win VETO”
Adam brings up that Jordan is not good at comps and Rachel doesn’t do well under pressure. Kalia: “is there anything we can do to throw them off”
Shelly leaves..

KPA talk about how they need Shelly to suck it up they need to win that veto.

Shelly comes back.. Porsche says she will give Shelly and adam the 5 g’s if they win the veto and keep the nominations the same. Kalia asks Shelly what happened inside that made her so upset. Shelly explains that JR are calling her a bitch and bashing all 4 of them int he bedroom. She suggests they take a listen next time they are over there.

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Big Brother 13 Spoilers, Porsche wins HOH

9:35pm Bedroom rachel and Jrodan (they’re team is decimated so there very sad.. rachel is taking it the hardest)

Rachel says that Shelly is a fake liar. Jordan agrees, Jordan cannot handle another week in this house with those girls. She feels like they’re getting picked off one by one. Jordan seems to be taking it alright.. She says they will all be in the Jury house with Dani and we can tell her she should of stuck to the plan. Rachel bawling says she had it with this game and these stupid people.

Jordan tries to comfort her tells her they both know how this game works they’ll win again they just need to suck it up. Rachel says she really misses brendon.

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Big Brother 13, Shelly and Jordan FIGHT! .. Jordan wants to pack her bags BB is stupid

7:08pm Purple Room Kalia and Adam Adam explains why he choose to go with JJR over DKP. His reason is he trusted JJ and they were always good to him all along. Kalia then attempts to pull Adam closer to her side says she’s still open to work with Adam. Adam being this years true blue floater starts to agree.

Kalia explains what happened with her LAst HOH and why Lawon went home. She continues to explain there is still a lot of game left and she knows her and Adam can work together to get farther.

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