12:20am – 12:45am Up in the HOH room are Brendon and Rachel. Brendon complains to Rachel that he gave up so much to be here and that her your sister didn’t write anything about his family. Brendon says that he gave up HOH so she could eat! Brendon says that he purposely lost to give her the win. Rachel sighs. Brendon tells Rachel to just let him feel bad for a little while. Dani comes up to the HOH to join them. Brendon now complains that there are no pictures of him and Rachel. Dani makes fun of him and then tells him that they see him every day. Brendon says that he won’t stop complaining and says he is just sad. Rachel goes downstairs and then comes back up to the HOH room. When Rachel comes back she complains about how everyone is talking to Jeff and Jordan. Dani and Brendon tell Rachel to cut it out. Rachel keeps that people should be up in the HOH talking to her and Brendon. Dani tells Rachel that everyone is hungry from being on slop or that they already have golden keys. Brendon tells Rachel to please, please, please do not talk game with anyone if he isn’t with her. Rachel says okay …who do we nominate? Brendon says that’s not an issue. Rachel asks if it should be Dominic and Adam. Brendon says I am so glad you guys got food okay you are nominated ..again! Dani says that the saddest part is when Adam goes home on Thursday and doesn’t make jury, his dreams will come crashing down. Rachel says that if Adam would have won HOH he would have put up Brendon and Rachel or backdoor them.
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