Big Brother Spoilers: Adam starts screaming OH MY GOD ITS OPENING, I LOVE YOU BIG BROTHER! *Updated*

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11am – 11:30am Big Brother switches the live feeds to the we’ll be right back screen to wake up the houseguests. When the live feeds come back, Adam is in the kitchen cutting up a pineapple. Rachel and Porsche are in the candy room. Rachel is unpacking her suit case. The backyard opens up from the lock down and Adam starts screaming OH MY GOD ITS OPENING … I LOVE YOU BIG BROTHER!! Adam heads outside. Porsche and Jordan are in the bathroom getting ready for the day. Porsche grabs the laundry to do out in the backyard. Adam gets called to the diary room.

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Big Brother 13 Live Feed Screen Captures – September 9.5th, 2011 Updated LIVE!

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Big Brother 13 live feed Gallery for September 9.5th 2011. Each minute we take a series of screen captures from each Live Feed cam in the house and upload them to our Gallery every 10 minutes. This system runs 24/7 expect thousands and thousands of Screen Captures every day. Alerts are sent out via our Twitter account @BigBspoilers and Facebook page.

Each photo produced has a file name of when it was taken and by which cam. For example one may have the title “BB13-C37-8-201112_06_08.jpg”
C3 = Camera 3 on the feeds
7-8-2011 = July 8th, 2011
12_06_08 = Taken at 12:06:08

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Big Brother Final 3 – Rachel : “I can’t believe Adam gets Tori Spelling and will probably win the game” **Updated

Big Brother 13 Nudes

9:23pm Final 3 Chit chat..
Porsche brings up what Jordan said in on the show. “I didn’t really talk to you very much but I know you wear bikinis and like hosting Competitions”… Adam chuckles says Jordan made your decisions a lot easier with a comment like that.
They starts talking about Competitions in general and which comps they are most proud about. Adam mentions that before he started winning comps he was starting to feel pretty bad it made him feel like he didn’t deserve to be in the house. Rachel says that “Mini games” was her favorite comp this year and Greek games was her least favorite because she dropped the ball so many times. Adam says that comp was his most favorite ..Adam: “It made me feel like I can compete in this game” Porsche: “Yeah… because you were so close to Jeff” (close in terms of the comp)

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Big Brother 13 – Live Eviction and Final HOH Part 1 of 3

First part of the Final Head of Household

Porsche won the POV which means she is the only person that will vote to evict either Rachel or Jrodan tonight. I’m pretty sure she will evict Jordan leaving Adam, Rachel Porsche to battle it out in the final HOH comp.

This is how it’ll go down.
PART 1 – First part of the HOH is usually endurance.
PART 2 – The second part of the HOH is skill the 2 losers from the PART 1 Compete in this comp (Sunday’s show)
PART 3 – The Winner from Part 1 and the winner from part 2 face off in this final part of the HOH comp usually questions (Wednesday’s show)

The winner of the final HOH gets to decide who to go final 2 with.

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Big Brother 13 Spoilers: Porsche Briggs Wins POV

9:04pm Feeds are back. Jordan is in the candy room packing. Adam, Porsche and Rachel are playing cards in the HOH.
Adam is talking about his HOH blog saying that he hopes that all the fans have enjoyed the season and he can’t wait to watch Big Brother next year. He also hopes that what he’s accomplished to be big brother inspires others, “Shout out to the Big BRother Fan sites.. Big BRother fans are the best”
Adam: “Hey Hoboken we have the cake boss now we’re going to have the Bacon boss”

(Hmm Jordan doesn’t have the POV she’s packing)

Adam was worried that Dani would hide his cigarettes before she was evicted so he hid them. POrsche: “What!” rachel: “Why did Dani hide stuff?” Adam says he was told it was because her and Kalia and Dani wanted to throw people off before the HOH.

Adam says he will give Jordan the stuffed clown if she goes home tomorrow…
(Jordan does not have the POV and it sounds like Rachel and Jordan are up)

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Possible Eviction and HOH Spoilers and to Pass the time NUUDES

Unconfirmed but has been reported from trusted sources that Adam Won the HOH and Kalia was evicted. The vote was 2 to 1 with Jordan solidifying her Jury vote with Kalia by voting for Kalia to stay. We won’t know 100% until tomorrow night.

Feeds are Playing repeated footage from First week of July. Keith Fans should jump on the Feeds because he’s ripping it up. I’m not sure when the feeds will come back last year I think they were off for about a day. CBS blocks the feeds to jack up Wednesday’s TV Ratings, You can still flashback to any time in BB13 and BB12 while we wait for them to come back.

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Big Brother Spoilers: POV ceremony results: Adam DOES NOT use the VETO!

Big Brother POV Winner Results

11:30am When the live feeds come back from TRIVIA, Kalia is in the HaveNot room by herself. Adam and Porsche are in the purple room talking. Adam says that he couldn’t use the veto on her because he told her if she wants it she needs to win it. Adam says that if really hurt him to not use it. Porsche says he knows. Porsche starts talking about how they as newbies all wanted to stick together. Adam says that when two people make a deal and go back on their word the deal is broken. Porsche says that she just really needs his vote now. Adam says that Kalia started making deals and went back on her word. Adam says that just yesterday Kalia was giving me the same speech that Dani gave me before …word for word. About me being a fan of this game and needing to make a big move. Adam says the fact that she said it word for word.. it just showed me Kalia is playing Dani’s game and not her own game. Kalia comes and knocks on the purple room door and Adam tells her to give them a minute. Adam says that the last straw was when she voted to evict me and not Shelly.

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Big Brother Spoilers: Rachel says I hate to be a b!tch but did Adam really earn his spot in the final three.. *Updated*

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9:15am Big Brother wakes up the houseguests. When the feeds come back, Adam is in the backyard smoking. Kalia is in the bathroom telling Jordan about a dream she had about walking her dogs and how they fell down a stair case shaft. And says that after they bounced their necks weren’t so good because of the leash. Kalia, Porsche and Jordan are all getting ready for the day in the bathroom. Kalia leaves the bathroom. Porcshe tells Jordan that she loves it when BB gives them a warning about how much time them have till the ceremony it makes it so much better. Jordan agrees. Kalia comes back. Jordan leaves. Kalia starts telling Porsche all about how she was trying again last night to get Adam to consider using he veto. Kalia starts talking to herself saying that it’s veto day … find out your fate day… Kalia starts going over her speech that she will give during the POV ceremony.

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Big Brother 13 Spoilers: Adam wins POV

2:28pm KPA talking about the veto.. Adam won

Kalia is explaining to Adam if he puts Jordan up they vote her out. Than Rachel cannot compete in the next HOH and they will get to final 3. Adam brings up that Kalia has offered every single person a final 2 deal. He confronts her about voting against him last week. He’s pissed about it. Kalia swears she’s never lied to him. Kalia explains to him that JR offered her a final 4 all girls deal.

Adam knows the deals that have been offered he tells her he’s got 2 days to decide he’s still unsure what he’ll do. Kalia leaves.. Porsche in the shower. She starts telling Adam that if they can get Jordan out this week then Rachel can’t compete in the HOH and they can get to final three. Adam says he doesn’t want to talk about it right now.

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Big Brother Spoilers: Rachel tells Jordan not tell Kalia how we are voting ..she is going to be asking all day. *Updated*

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10am – 10:50am Big Brother switches the live feeds to the TRIVIA screen. At 10:15am The live feeds come back, Rachel is getting ready in the kitchen and Shelly is packing. Porsche is having a shower in the HOH bathroom. Rachel sits down at the kitchen table to eat her breakfast as she studies the memory wall. Jordan and Rachel go into the purple room to start studying the events or the house / competitions and dates. Jordan heads to the kitchen to make breakfast. Jordan then goes back to the purple room to eat her breakfast. Rachel says we have to win HOH this week and the veto. Rachel says that this HOH is more important. Jordan agrees. Jordan tells Rachel how Porsche overheard that there were 14 days left and was had no idea they were so close. Rachel says that I bet Jeff and Brendon are going to be freaking out for the rest of the day. Jordan says yup.. thinking who are we going to see walking through that door. Rachel says if we can do this Jeff and Brendon will be so proud of us. Jordan asks Rachel if she thought she was going to get this far. They talk about Rachel’s season the final four got the competition where they had to hide things for $10 grand. Jordan says that if we don’t win tonight I am not going to get as upset as last time.

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Big Brother Spoilers: Jordan tells Adam that she can’t keep Shelly .. I just can’t get burned again. *Updated*

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12:40pm – 1pm Jordan, Rachel, Kalia and Porsche are talking about the votes. Kalia is telling Jordan and Rachel that she is worried about how they are talking and scheming with Adam and Shelly a lot lately and that she thought they were all on the same page with voting out Shelly. Kalia says if we really have a final four deal.. then it doesn’t matter who goes this week Rachel says that both her and Jordan haven’t made up their minds about what they are doing and that they may not even vote together. Kalia says oh ..I just assumed you would. Kalia says that she doesn’t understand why no one has felt the need to ask about her vote. Jordan says that if no one is campaigning to you ..then I assume they are working with you. Kalia says that they think my vote is worthless. Jordan tells Kalia and Porsche that we’ve been on opposite sides of the house …you’re either with us or not. Kalia says that there is no guarantee that whoever stays will work with them. Jordan says that she thinks they will get rid of Rachel then her. Adam and Shelly come out into the backyard. They all start talking about and remembering past houseguests and the beginning of the game. They start asking Rachel about her season and how Brendon and Rachel met.
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