1:50pm – 2pm Out in the backyard Jeff, Lawon and Porsche suntanning and talking about all the concerts they have gone to. Jordan joins them out by the pool. They talk about what they will eat tonight. Meanwhile, Brendon is in the kitchen making slop. Jeff, Jordan, Lawon and Porsche start playing the Who am I? game..
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2:10pm – 2:20pm Rachel gets Adam to come into the havenot room to talk to him about the votes. Rachel says there are a few reasons to keep Brendon. Rachel says that Brendon and her are going to have a tough road to the end and keeping them in the game will ensure his safety and keep the target off him. Rachel says that Jordan has already won the game …and that she is playing the same game play this year too …and that no one will win against her in the end in terms of votes. Adam says that he has been wrestling with this decision a lot …and said that he was up last night thinking about it. They talk about how this will be a very important decision to make …and it will decide who you want to work with. Rachel explains that in the next week or two there will probably be a endurance competition that will be catered to a smaller person like Dani… and she will most likely win it and you could go up. Rachel and Adam both say that if it were a couple weeks from now voting out Brendon would be an easier decision.
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