7:30pm Talla asks Andrew to read the card of what she is allowed to eat. Andrew reads: Water, Salsa, Ketchup, Mustard, Syrup, Salt & Pepper, Sugar, Slop, etc.. He says why don’t we put all that in a bowl and SELF-EVICT! Peter and Talla head out to the hot tub room. Talla says that last week they didn’t do a “Canada’s Vote” maybe this week they will? Peter says it’s doubtful. Emmett and Jillian join them to finish their card game. Andrew finishes making his slop chips. He brings them out with salsa to the hot tub room for him and Talla. They finish eating them and Andrew says that he is heading back inside. Talla asks what he is going to do? Andrew says I am going to listen to Taylor Swift and cry.
Tag: peter brown
Big Brother Canada Power Of Veto Ceremony SPOILER RESULTS!
5:05pm When the live feeds return we learn that Andrew used the Power of Veto during the Veto Ceremony to remove himself from the block and Jillian as the Head Of Household nominated Talla as the replacement nominee.
Talla and Andrew are in the kitchen. Talla says that she is annoyed and is going to bed. Talla tells Jillian that she is really annoyed by Peter’s speech. Andrew says that Peter and Alec just want to be characters on a TV show. He says that Peter referenced the Chaos Theory in his speech. Andrew says that the Chaos Theory was said in the Jurassic Park movie. Chaos Theory “Chaos theory is the study of nonlinear dynamics, in which seemingly random events are actually predictable from simple deterministic equations.” Andrew explains that when there is a certain amount of chaos different result come from it.
Big Brother Canada Emmett tells Andrew it would be easier if I chuck the HOH to you.
2:40pm – 3pm Andrew and Emmett are out in the Hot Tub room talking. Andrew tells Emmett that if he wins HOH this week he will probably put up him and Jillian.. just to keep it fine with Talla. Then when one of us wins the Veto we will put up Talla. Emmett says that maybe if Talla is out I would just throw the HOH to you. Andrew says that in the veto he could try and make sure Emmett wins it too. Andrew comments how the HOH this week only guarantees safety for that person. Emmett wonders how close Jillian and Talla are. Andrew says that Talla isn’t as dumb as she acts. Andrew says he wonders if they (big brother) want Talla in the finals .. it will depend on what type of competitions they throw our way. They talk about the competitions that Talla was close to winning. Andrew says that whoever wins the first HOH of the 3 part HOH can basically decide who they will take. Emmett says that he thinks he would have a better chance with Andrew than with Jillian because she has won a bunch of HOH’s.
Big Brother Spoilers – Jillian and Emmett will wait till Wednesday to tell Peter he’s going home
9:30am Backyard Andrew, Emmett, Talla and Peter
TAlla: “What day is it”
Andrew: “ Monday day 54”
Standard morning chit chat..
Andrew ate salmon, steak and lobster, ribs, sushi the week before being on slop he thinks he’s lost 6 pounds so far.
Andrew: “Sometimes I weigh myself before and after I take a dump. Wow that was a 1 pound dump. yours (Talla’s) are probably 3 pounds because you’re mostly full of sh1t”
Talla says she never farts outside the house like she’s been farting inside. Andrew jokes that Emmett has never farted in his life.
Emmett: “I only fart after I eat McDonalds”
Andrew: “I love to fart.. my father taught me Pull my finger at a young age.. I was like YES this is the greatest thing ever”
Big Brother Canada Spoilers “T-A-A-L-L-A-A Talla Talla Talla Cheer”
POV Holder: Andrew Next POV April 13th POV Used ? POV Ceremony April 15th HOH Winner: JILLIAN Next HOH: April 18th Original Nominations: Andrew and Peter Current Nominations: ? Last Evicted Houseguest ALEC & TOPAZ Have Nots Talla & Andrew (Servants for haves) 11:40pm Kitchen Andrew is preparing food for Emmett. He’s really playing up […]
Big Brother Canada Live Feed Screen Capture Gallery April 14, 2013
Big Brother Canada live feed Gallery. Images are straight off the live feeds.. We update these pictures throughout the day. There’s hundreds added each day enjoy! Each photo produced has a file name of when it was taken and by which cam. For example one may have the title “BB13-C3–7-8-2012–12_06_08.jpg” C3 = Camera 3 on […]
Talla splashes water on the boys, Peter: “And now she goes into the pool”
9:50PM Backyard Emmett and Andrew
Chatting about the Power of Veto competition. Andrew mentions that once he heard it was a slide puzzle he knew he was going to win it because he’s done them before.
Emmett: “I haven’t done them in a long time I think you get them with a dollar candy”
At first Andrew was a bit worried that Pete was going to win the competition but in the end he didn’t do very well. Andrew adds Peter has proven to them all “Just because you wear glasses doesn’t mean you are good at puzzles”
Andrew: “Man he was fired up (Pete)..”
Emmett: “Everyone gets fired up when they lose”
Andrew: “He wiped his thing at the.. and then he tipped the thing over”
Emmett: “I got fired up because I thought I was getting f**ed over”
Andrew tells Emmett that he didn’t lose the competitions he was disqualified.
Big Brother Canada Spoilers “He’s just a stooge and I’m a stoogette”
POV Holder: Andrew Next POV April 13th POV Used ? POV Ceremony April 15th HOH Winner: JILLIAN Next HOH: April 18th Original Nominations: Andrew and Peter Current Nominations: ? Last Evicted Houseguest ALEC & TOPAZ Have Nots Talla & Andrew (Servants for haves) 7:51pm kitchen everyone Mostly banter between the players.. everyone is getting along […]
3:20pm The live feeds return and Emmett, Peter, Jillian and Talla are in the living room talking. They talk about how they don’t know who will come back through the door. Andrew comments on how he a SUMO WRESTLER came into the house. It sounds like it was a TASK where each one of them had to complete it or there would be a punishment. They aren’t sure what the reward would be. Andrew thinks it could be video messages from home. Peter asks who will be the next person to enter? Talla says that was way too much fun. Talla talks about how Toronto Argonaut Cheerleaders came into the house. Apparently they need to freeze up when someone comes into the house. Andrew comments on how the first time he was in the bathroom with a towel on. Emmett asks what would you have done if your towel had dropped. Andrew say I never get out without me shorts on.. I don’t want to get out and google my name and see naked photos of me. Tom’s d*ck will be out there. Emmett is quite
Big Brother Canada Jillian thinks she’s going crazy and asks to see the psychiatrist..
11:15am Jillian talks to Emmett in the kitchen and tells him that the video that Talla and Andrew have to watch of us making out is the same one that they watch each day. She says maybe that’s all the footage they have of us making out. Emmett says whatever it doesn’t matter. Jillian talks about how she is not feeling like herself and feels like she is going crazy. She says that she asked to talk to the psychiatrist because she doesn’t feel like herself. She says that before coming here she said she would talk to the psychiatrist everyday.
Big Brother Canada Day TWO of watching Emmett & Jillian makeout. Andrew says he is an a$$ grab king!
9:10am Big Brother wakes up the house guests. Talla heads to the kitchen and tries to reset the oven clock. Big Brother tells her numerous times to change her batteries but she continues to try and set the time. Big Brother then cuts the feeds. When they return: Andrew and Talla are in the bathroom. Talla is complaining to Andrew that the way she woke her up was rude. He says sorry and leaves. Talla is in a really bad mood. Big Brother tells them they have 2 minutes to gather in the living room. Andrew says one thing I know about you is that you are not a morning person. He says one day you are going to make some guy very miserable. The video of Emmett and Jillian starts and Andrew and Talla realize that it is the exact same video as yesterday.
Peter “Jessie please hook me up with a job at TNA.. they can pay me in f***ing chicken nuggets and fries”
12:10AM Peter and Talla in the kitchen
Talla thinks Bret Hart (The Canadian wrestler from Calgary ) was so dreamy.. Peter goes into explaining about the hart family and the history of BRet hart’s wrestling career. Apparently Bret Hart still lives in Calgary and had a stroke in 2000. Talk moves to Hulk Hogan and Jessie (From Big Brother 10/11), “He’s jacked as sh1t .. if I was Jacked as sh1t I would do it to but all I have is a mouth” (Talking about Jessie)
Peter says his earliest memories as a child was wrestling.. He admires it on so many levels, Wacky story lines, Grand shows, Good guys bad guys, Spectacular move.. It’s like watching super heroes every week” Peter adds that the UFC is really popular “Largely because they took elements that made wrestling popular in the 80’s and updated them”
Talla saks if people are still into wrestling
Peter: “wrestling goes in cycles.. right now is a downturn.. WWE is doing alright but TNA impact isn’t because they are really small audience”