12:50AM Topaz and Peter
Topaz is saying that Danielle is a tough competitor if they vote her out this week it’s not a waste of vote. Danielle may be under the radar but topaz still thinks she’s a threat. Peter agrees. He wonders if anything is going to happen with the phone this week. Topaz doesn’t know but she’s convinced that it’s something bad because last week’s was HOH so this week can be bad.
Topaz: “You can not play in the POV.. then you can be nominated still”
Peter: “Ya it totally could be that.. or it could be a pandora’s box or a cash prize”
Topaz says it’s been hard for the girls in the house. She’s positive they caught a glimpse of her butt cheek and crack. Talk moves to Liza’s farts and how she’s been blaming it on the protein.