Last night on the finale of Big Brother Canada 2 the winner Jon Pardy was crowned by a vote of 6-1 and took home the grand prize of $100,000, $25,000 gift certificate to the brick and a $10,000 vacation sponsored by Twistos. Sabrina Abbate took second place and left with the second place prize of $20,000. The visually bitter Neda Kalantar walked away with only regrets and disappointment in not being the one to have been able to cut Jon had she beat him in the final part of the 3 part HOH competition.
Tag: peter brown

Big Brother Canada INVADES and the Season 2 Application Deadline is Fast Approaching!
Get ready Big Brother fans! After recently wrapping up Big Brother 15 we are now getting ramped up for Big Brother Canada season 2 set to premiere in February 2014. The casting auditions have been taking place across Canada since the beginning of September and will wrap up with the final casting call in Toronto Ontario on October 19th. If you’re planning on submitting a video application you have just under a month to do it as the deadline is Friday, October 25, 2013. Do you think you have what it takes to last 75 days in the big brother Canada house? Are you able to lie, back-stab and manipulate your way to the $100,000 grand prize?
During the Big Brother Canada season 2 auditions Andrew Monaghan’s brother Pete tried out to see if he had what it takes to be cast as one of the new house guests.

Big Brother Canada REUNION SPECIAL
After almost a week since the Big Brother Canada Finale episode the house guests have been reunited for the ET Canada Reunion Special. The special reunion was hosted by ET Canada’s Roz Weston where he interviewed and spoke with all the house guests. Roz speaks with the season 1 winner Jillian about how she won the grand prize, as well as with Topaz where she explains what happened and how despite the mix-up runner-up Glitter Gary gracefully took it all in stride. In addition, Roz also puts Alec and Emmett in the hot seat when he shows their showmances Topaz and Jillian footage they hadn’t seen before.

Big Brother Canada: The Morning Show – AFTER the Finale! Is GARY okay with SECOND PLACE?
Love it or hate it, the events that transpired on last nights Big Brother Canada Finale Episode could not have be predicted. There is only one rule to Big Brother and that is to EXPECT THE UNEXPECTED and that was surely what happened last night.
With a SHOCKING Big Brother Canada FINALE episode last night, everyone is wondering what the house guests are thinking about conclusion of season one. Last night’s 2 hour finale episode was filled with surprises and jaw dropping moments. First the season front runner Emmett was evicted by the final HOH winner Gary and then by some insane mix up Topaz mistakenly voted for Jillian to win when in fact she wanted to vote for Gary. The shocking reveal of the votes by host Arisa Cox will go down in Big Brother history as one of the most unbelievable mistakes that ultimately cost Gary the Big Brother Canada Grand prize.

Big Brother Canada Spoilers After the HOH – Talla: “When I’m 28 I’m going to look like I’m 28”
POV Holder: ? Next POV April ? POV Used ? POV Ceremony ? HOH Winner: Jilian Next HOH: April ? Original Nominations: ? Current Nominations: ? Last Evicted Houseguest Andrew Have Nots Gary 11:20pm Talla and Jillian Backyard Talla asks Jillian if Gary would take Gary over her. Jillian doesn’t think so. Talla is a […]

Big Brother Canada Spoilers Last Stooge standing HOH and Eviction Results
Talla Rejaei and Andrew Monaghan were nominated for eviction. Unlike almost ever Eviction this season I cannot say with 100% certainty who will be going home. As the feeds have been down for most of the day we have no idea what last ditch effort was employed by Andrew but from what I’ve seen these last couple days I can be pretty confident that Andrew is gone. I wish we could keep both stooges but that’s not going to happen. Stooges had a chance to win the Head of Household and Power of Veto competitions but they just didn’t have it in them. The Milkmance reign of terror continues with really nothing much standing in their way.
Every season of Big Brother there is a group of players that I enjoy watching on the feeds. It’s a combination of Game play, comic relief and just plain interesting conversations. This year it was the stooges. last night with the stooges

Big Brother Canada Andrew CAMPAIGNS to Gary & Jillian tells Emmett that GARY is SKETCHY!
11:40am Andrew tells Gary that he would be a good person to take to the final two because the jury is already bitter you think they want to give it to someone who got a second chance. Gary says no I didn’t think that. Andrew asks Gary for his vote. Gary says that he doesn’t know yet he is still trying to think. Andrew says that is okay I understand. Andrew says its down to Talla or me and if its a split vote them Emmett will break the tie. Andrew says people see me as a threat. Gary says I don’t know. Andrew brings up how Emmett and Jillian also have similar wins totals. He says that the people in the jury will look at those wins and Jillian and Emmett have won the last 4 HOH’s. Andrew tells Gary that he will leave him alone. Gary says again I don’t know Andrew… Andrew says if you want to come talk to me you can. Gary starts studying the past events of the house. Emmett starts bringing his stuff down from the HOH room into the bedroom.

Big Brother Canada Talla says my mom worked her a$$ off so that I could sit on the couch!
9am Big Brother wakes up the house guests. Talla and Gary are in the bathroom talking. Talla is complaining about how Andrew has been. Gary says that he knows he is playing for second place and he is okay with it. Gary tells Talla that out of everyone here he wants her to win and that he would be happy if she won. Talla brings up how Andrew said he was happy he won the $10,000 Brick gift card because he owns a house. Talla says my mom loves the Brick too and we need a couch! Talla says my mom worked her a$$ off so that I could sit on the couch! Well not sit on my a$$ but you know what I mean.
Talla heads to the kitchen where Andrew and Jillian are and she grabs her breakfast. Andrew makes a comment of peeing in the middle of the night. Talla says I would rather just sleep and if I pee my bed, I pee my bed! Talla laughs.

Big Brother Canada LIVE FEEDS are back BUT GARY is still out seeing the doctor..
8:25pm The Big Brother Canada Live feeds get turned back on. Emmett, Talla, Jillian and Andrew are out in the hot tub room. (Gary is no where to be seen. He is probably still seeing the doctor about his eye.) Talla and Jillian are talking about hair cuts / styles. Jillian heads inside to shave her legs and get ready for bed. As she walks away Talla says nice bum Jillian .. It really is nice! Andrew says it would be nice to play chess right now. Emmett agrees and says that he thinks Big Brother just didn’t want to have all of us up there. Emmett heads inside. He goes up to the HOH room to shower with Jillian. Jillian takes off all the make-up that Gary put on her this morning. Emmett tells her that she looks way better now.. you look healthy now .. before you looked sick!

Gary asks what if you were PREGNANT? Jillian says I wouldn’t be pregnant, I couldn’t be..
5pm Jillian, Talla and Gary are in the kitchen. Talla comments that her stomach is really hurting right now. Oh my god I feel like I am going to puke! I am feeling nauseated! Jillian asks did you take a pill? Talla says no. Jillian asks did you take a vitamin. Talla says no! Jillian says if you took one of my multi-vitamins they make you sick if you don’t have a lot in your stomach. Talla says I don’t feel good. Jillian says maybe you are pregnant. Talla says yeah .. no! Gary asks what if you some how were.. no you would have known by now. Talla says yeah. Gary says but you would be showing by now. That would be funny if someone was pregnant and they just started showing. ..because you can’t take a test. Well yeah you could ask for a test. But what if you were pregnant .. what would you do .. just stick it out I guess?! Gary laughs.

Andrew says I am not going to beg you to keep me, you just better fu*king do it that’s all!
2:30pm Andrew and Jillian are playing a game of chess. Talla and Gary are talking about Gary wanting to be a Dj. He begged his mom to pay for Dj school for him. He went for a week and then quit because the travel to and from was too much. He says that his mom was pissed that she couldn’t get her money back. He says that he still wants to be a Dj. Gary starts rapping and Jillian, Andrew and Emmett tell him to shut the hell up. Talla tells Andrew if I fart it will come right your way. Andrew tries to put a pillow between them. Talla says nothing can stop it!
2:40pm – 3pm Jillian is annoyed with Emmett because he was giving Andrew chess advice. Jillian tells him that’s a new low. Talla says I know what diagonal is .. it means up .. horizon. Gary says that he respects her teachers.

Big Brother Canada Live Feed Screen Capture Gallery April 23, 2013
Big Brother Canada live feed Gallery. Images are straight off the live feeds.. We update these pictures throughout the day. There’s hundreds added each day enjoy! Each photo produced has a file name of when it was taken and by which cam. For example one may have the title “BB13-C3–7-8-2012–12_06_08.jpg” C3 = Camera 3 on […]