10:45pm Bedroom Porsche and rachel Porsche pulls rachel off to a corner and starts talking about where Rachel’s Head is at. rachel thinks it’s really strange that Keith hasn’t come up to them to talk. She wonders if he’s even wants to try. Porsche says that Keith is going to get Cassi and Dom to go do their dirty work she implies that Keith controls Cassi and Dom (which is not the case at all it may be the other way around) Cassi whispers that she is going to go talk to Shelly tonight and see were her vote is. They count the votes .. something about Dick can’t hear it..
Tag: Party
Big Brother Party

Big Brother Spoilers – Reality Rally Videos
Big Brother Players..
Brendan Villegas & Rachel Reilly, Erika Landin, Evel Dick, Hayden Moss, Kristen Bitting, Lane Elenburg (Apparently he never showed up), Matt Hoffman, Michele Noonan, Michelle Costa, Ragan Fox, Sheila Kennedy, and Zach Swerdzewski. You can tell from the pictures that Brendon was having a good time with 2 glasses of wine on the go.
Theres still a bunch of BB13 Casting Calls So if your interested to be on BIG BROTHER 13 What you need at the Casting Call is a filled out Application Form, Identification and 2 photos one face one body.