The Power of Veto Ceremony is taking place at this moment. Devin has been changing his mind every hour on who his target is this week. First it was Brittany, then it was Victoria and NOW he wants Zach out of the house. Devin doesn’t trust Zach after he voiced his opinion of going against Devin’s HOH wishes. Devin has made deals with Brittany, Pow Pow and Victoria if he keeps them safe this week. Devin has stated that of the once 8 members of the bomb squad he now only trusts Caleb, Christine, Frankie and Amber (Leaving only 5 members of the bomb squad).
Tag: Paola Shea

Brittany says Devin wanted to decapitate me. He was planning my funeral & now he likes me.
8:04 Brittany and Amber bathroom
Amber saying that she feels like she’s walking on eggshells.
Brittany says Devin wanted to decapitate her he was planning her funeral now he’s liking her “I think he knows he messed up and now he’s trying to correct things”
Brittnay – Everything has changed so fast the people I trusted before I don’t trust anymore
Amber – me to I hate to name names
Amber hopes that Donny goes up but she doesn’t think it will be him.
Brittnay – “I kinda feel like I’m not going home but then I feel like I am.,. I just don’t understand that someone who hated me so much is trying to be nice to me”

Zach says If I go out I’m swinging HARD! I have to think what’s best for ZACH-ATTACK!
12:40am Up in the HOH room – Devin, Frankie and Christine talking. Devin tells them that he has two options. Devin says that they are good with him. Devin comments on home one of the options he calls plan B could be one Bomb Squad member (Zahc). Devin says if the Bomb Squad is mentioned they need to deny, deny, deny. Devin says that if goes to Plan B, he will say that there are people in this house who want to be here and you want to go home to golf and play with your dog. Devin talks about (Zach) on the couch telling him to put me on the block, send me home, I don’t even care.

Devin “Jocasta will send Zach out that’s six a tie breaker all I need.. Done done done”
10:00pm HOH Devin and Derrick
Devin “I’ll be straight up with you dude she hit me in my gut last night I was like wooosh.. Her struggles if she left here woosh it would be for nothing.. she’s a strong player.. doing right by her she’ll do right by a lot of us”
Derrick is worried Zach is going to blow up the bomb squad. Devin mentions Frankie talking to Zach this morning and he was saying he’s going to blow everyone up.

Devin – “Dude it’s too big an alliance.. we still have the numbers lets dwindle it down”
9:47pm HOH Donny and Devin
Devin says he’s glad the POV ceremony is tomorrow. he’s not 100% decided what he’s doing. POW keeps asking him if he’s using the veto on her but he doesn’t know. Devin says he’s a father of a daughter and he doesn’t stand for Zach calling Victoria the “B” word. Devin says Victoria is a sweet girl.

Cody – “I’m excited they think everything is good everything is cool.. Devin/Frankie gotta go.”
6:42pm Cody and Zach
Cody says Frankie is with Devin and Caleb and he’s screwing over Zach and Cody. Cody isn’t bringing Frankie to the end, “Devin and Frankie gotta go.. Devin because he’s a monster and Frankie because his social game is too good” Cody wants to put them both up if he wins HOH (When they hit Jury) .
Zach points out Devin is all about their team yet he’s cutting deal with everyone behind their backs. Cody warns about Amber she’s sending

Big Brother Spoilers – Zach “DO it bro take Brittany off and put me up on the block”
4:01pm HOH Devin and Frankie
Frankie – “If you put Zach up and he explode Derrick will go along”
Devin thinks Caleb is really going to take Zach going up heart to heart, Devin – “Dude you gotta cut the cancer out.. You gotta cut it out”
Devin only trusts Frankie and Christine, Devin doesn’t like amber and Caleb is too attached to her.
Frankie says he wants him and Zach to win HOH next week so they can get him in the HOH and get him back on the right path. Frankie doesn’t think Zach is lost to them.

Big Brother Spoilers – The Bomb Squad isn’t making Jury “It’s going to be nuclear.”
2:24pm BEEHIVE Frankie and Derrick
Frankie says they are both smart players, “Theres people in our group that our in our alliance and not playing smart”
Frankie says he’s sitting in the middle of the alliance with Derrick right beside him. They have the ability to sway things that is best for them in the future.
Frankie says Cody and Amber showed their f***ing cards during Devin’s meeting. Derrick is worried that Devin is going to pull something in the

Devin says Time to dwindle the alliance to 7! Zach’s a lose cannon, you never know what he’s going to do.
10:35am Up in the HOH room – Frankie is talking to Devin about how Zach is the one going around trying to get me out. Frankie says honestly I am here with you and Caleb – I am trying to go around getting in everyone’s ear. If I get HOH I am not putting you or Caleb up. Amber is emotional but we can work with her. Devin says honestly I’m thinking of calling Victoria up here and offer her a deal that if I don’t put her up she has to keep me safe and not put me up. Devin says I think its time to dwindle down the alliance to 7 and get one out. Frankie asks who do you think?

Zach says I’m going to make Devin snap & hit me. Frankie says just say he’s a bad father!
8:15am Frankie joins Zach out in the backyard. Zach says you look good in the morning dude! You tanned sexy beast. Zach says I had a make out session with Victoria. No Just kidding. Zach says but we were cuddling and I got a boner and had to get up. Frankie asks really? Zach says no not really. Frankie says whoever wins HOH next week will back door Devin. Zach asks who’s going home this week. Frankie says Pow or Brittany. Zach says Brittany isn’t going home. Frankie says then it will be Victoria or Pow. Frankie says I’ll go up there and see how many deals he made last night. Frankie and Zach agree that they meeting yesterday before the veto was stupid.

Zach says I’m over it! I’m going to blow up the bomb squad! And I don’t even care!
11:35pm In the havenot bedroom – Victoria and Zach are laying in one of the beds together. Victoria is telling him about how scared she is of Devin. She explains how she was doing the dishes and Devin came up to me and said if you want to talk its only now. So I went up to talk with him. Victoria says then he told me that I walk around the house like a princess and that I act like I’m entitled. She says then he told me that you and I have a problem. I told him that is between Zach and me. Zach says yeah and we’re good now. Victoria says and then he tells me that I demand things and tell people what to do. I don’t to that.

Caleb says Devin wanted BRIT out & now he’s making deals with her. He’s going home next week!
9:20pm Brittany and Devin continue to talk in the HOH room. Brittany says that he is playing his own game. She says that she tried to congratulate her and you shut me down. I said I wanted to look at the pictures and you wouldn’t let me. Devin says I want you to know that the day I walked in I was a big target due to my physical size. Devin asks Brittany if he uses the veto on her would she stay loyal to him for the rest of the game? Brittany says I can as long as you don’t go against me or get in my way. Devin tells that she is hard to read just like she says that he is. Devin says if I won HOH I would not put you up. If I won the veto I would take you off. Devin says Brittany this is a game!