In just 2 weeks the first of the two night première airs on Wednesday, June 24th at 8pm on CBS. The second episode of the two night première will air on Thursday, June 25th at 8pm. Leading up to the première there will be two live feed exclusive VIP chats with the first being today with Big Brother 16 winner Derrick Levasseur and the second chat will be held on June 15th with Frankie Grande. The exclusive chat session today was a joke in my opinion as it wasn’t a video chat with questions like last season
Tag: Paola Shea

OPERATION Knight in Shining Armor – Caleb “My queen on the block! Beast mode coming to save her!”
1:05pm Nicole and Frankie are talking. Nicole says that she doesn’t want to have to pick teh havenots. Frankie says she should pick Amber, Caleb, and Devin because they volunteered. They talk about how they would hope theres a havenot competition. Nicole says she’s starting to have a crush on Hayden. Frankie tells her that she should. They both agree that Cody is hot but think he’s a player. Frankie says that he wouldn’t be surprised if Cody was gay. Nicole asks really? She asks can you tell? Frankie says my gaydar isn’t that great. If you tell me you’re straight then I believe you but I wouldn’t be surprised if he is gay.

Big Brother 16 Week 2 summary of Events and HOH/Eviction results
What a week we just had! I’ll try and summarize one great week of BB16 feeds (They got to practice a bit of the HOH competition last night check it out here . Try the feeds for free.. This season of Big Brother is Awesome no joke! FREE 2 Day TRIAL! watch the ENTIRE Season […]

Christine needing to eat gluten free says if she’s a havenot she’ll only eat Milk & Water!
9:45am – 11:10am Big Brother wakes up the house guests. When the live feeds return – Brittany, Victoria, Nicole, Jocasta are in the bathroom getting ready for the live eviction day. In the kitchen Zach, Derrick, Devin, Cody and Frankie are chatting and making breakfast. Donny walks through and says this will be my first dump in the HOH room! Frankie says who wants to sh*t in my HOH room!! Devin heads up to the picnic table to watch over his peasants. Cody comments that 11:15am Big Brother will call them up to the HOH room for the usual live eviction day HOH lock down. Chirstine tells Cody that he looks scary when he wakes up. Cody laughs and says that was mean!

Amber convinces POW POW to surprise Zach with a KISS during the Live Eviction!
1:30am In the fire room – Caleb tells Zach and Nicole that he wishes Amber would just say you and me date in the hammock. Frankie comes in starts doing his Claire Bell impersonation. He jumps on top of Zach and starts wrestling with him. Chirstine, POw Pow, Amber, and Jocasta join them and they get Frankie to do a meditation session with them. Caleb can’t stop laughing and leaves the room.
Hayden and Amber are talking. Amber says that she is going to dress up like Hayden tomorrow. She says that she’ll be the girl version of Hayden.

Big Brother Spoilers Competition Practice Caleb – ‘I didn’t hit the ball one time no point’
10:00pm Zack and Brittany
Zach says he thinks he’s staying Caleb, and Amber are giving him votes now. Brittany says she’s voting to evict POW. Brittany comments on all the lying that is going around the house.
Derrick joins them says the competition will be nothing like that tomorrow.
Zach – “No doubt in my mind I win that competition”
Caleb rolls in says he doesn’t need to practice there’s no point it’s going to be different when they do it tomorrow.

Brittnay “4 of these people think they walk on water and are gods gift to everything”
8:12pm BEEHIVE Brittany, Jocasta and Christine
Jocasta says people get on big brother they get excited they want to form an alliance and pick out a name so they go down in Big Brother history. Brittany “Four (Caleb/frankie/Amber/Devin) of the people think they walk on water and are gods gift to everything”

Derrick “I can promise you this If I win HOH one of (Caleb/Devin) are going out god willing “
4:55pm BEEHIVE Donny and Derrick
Donny says Caleb is not his favorite player in the house, ‘I don’t talk to him he talks to me.. it makes me sick.. I don’t like his cockyness.. the way he walks around with his hood on like he was bad”
Derrick can tell Donny doesn’t like Caleb, “When you talk to me I can tell it doesn’t show in the house”
Donny wants to know if there was a first 8 why not someone come to him before Devin did. Derick says Devin is embellishing a

House guests equipped with Activity Trackers – Calories, Minutes, Miles and Steps
4:20pm Everyone Living room
Victoria comes in with a box and a card. She reads from the card.
Houseguest in this box each of you will find brand new activity tracker to wear while living in the Big Brother house this summer. This will allow all your fans to monitor your Activity levels including how many steps you take, total miles, Active minutes and calories burned”

Caleb tells Donny you had a knife in your back & I’m telling you I know how it feels.
12:15pm Over on the backyard lounger – Donny tells Nicole if she wants to throw my name in there to Hayden you can. It would make you look more presentable too. Nicole says I will. I trust Hayden more than anyone. Nicole says he is smart too! She tells him that Hayden had a 4.02 GPA in high school and didn’t even try. Donny and Nicole decide to get out of the sun.
Frankie and Brittany are over by the pool talking. Brittany says that its frustrating that people think I am working with someone I can’t stand.

Derrick says this is going to be a hard one to get out of.. once you lose trust its hard to get it back.
9:45am – 10am In the hive room – Donny explains to Frankie how last night he was woken up to Devin sitting beside him telling him about an 8 person alliance in the house. Frankie says that Caleb and Zach made peace last night and once that was done pretty much everyone decided they were going to vote …. Big Brother blocks the live feeds. When the live feeds come back – Donny says ya’ll were the miniority. Frankie says there was an eight person alliance but it was fractured groups. It was never an eight person alliance. Donny says I’ve decided that Pow is going home and I would like to give her my vote. America will understand if I don’t wote with ya’ll.

Brittany says the sorry’s are fake, everyone is f**king lying to each other!
5:15am – 6am Out in the backyard – Zach, Jocasta, Pow Pow and Brittany are talking. Jocasta brings up how she heard Zach say about Victoria that he wanted to rip her tongue out. Zach starts getting mad and says that I never said that! I would never say that! I only said she was pretentious, rude and stuck up. Jocasta says and you said she was a piece of “sugar ice tea”. Jocasta says I have a womens ministry I can’t be seen voting to keep someone that wants to rip out a girls tongue. Zach says I can understand that. I never said that though. Brittany tells Zach to not worry about it because everyone lies in this house. She says except me! Jocasta says and me!