Here we go folks the live season premiere of Big Brother 24! I know I say this every season and by week 2 I’m always cursing all these houseguests but I’m liking the group so far. The twists and general production quality seem to at a all time low. Ranking system has been improved. The […]
Tag: Paloma Aguilar

Last minute cast change up – Marvin out JOE in
The Big Brother 24 cast has only been known for a handful of hours and already there’s a sub in. CBS tweets that Marvin Achi the chemical processes engineer will no longer be one of the BB24 houseguests. In his absence they are tossing in 24 year old lawyer and sexy dancer Joe from Lake worth Florida

Big Brother 24 Video – The House Guests Reveal Their Strategies & More!
Well its better late than never as the saying goes! Its just one day till the premiere of Big Brother 24 and the 16 all new house guests only just got released! We have just one day to form our first impressions on these newbies before the premiere airs tomorrow night and the live feeds begin shortly after that. Take a look at the video below where the house guest reveal game plans, HOH Wins, throwing competitions, strategies & more..

Meet the 16 All New Cast of Big Brother 24!
With Big Brother 24 starting in just one week, we finally get our first look at the all new cast of house guests that will be moving in live on the July 6th premiere. This season will be one of the shorter seasons we’ve had in years with it running just 82 days until the finale on Sunday, September 25th. Having the finale on a Sunday is quite odd as the finale usually ends on a Thursday. I suspect this is due to scheduling of other shows on the network. Take a look at the cast below. As expected, there’s the usual mix of super-athletic, superfans, “geeks”, those seeking their 15 minutes of fame, as well as a couple older people.