6:18pm Storage room. Monte and Paloma.
Paloma – I have x-ray vision now.. I can see what’s going on. Just kidding. I must sound psychotic. Welcome to my chess game. Mamba is six. Me, Alyssa and Ameerah are going to do the buddy system. Did you watch last season? And the cookout had a buddy system. Monte – every person has a person. Paloma – We’ve figured that out. Paloma – its Jasmine, Indy and Brittany. Monte – you know I’ve got mine. I’ve got Joe. I also feel really good about Daniel. Paloma – Daniel, I love Daniel. The only downside about Daniel is he is an emotional player and emotional players have room for error. I wrote this rule book before I came on here. Its a book of chess moves.. divide players into rational and emotional players .. and work with the rational players because they will never fail you.