Quick Big Brother Spoilers Head of Household: Jasmine Nominees: POV Players: POV Winner: Veto Ceremony: Evicted: Havenots: Terrance, Nicole, Pooch, Daniel Lock your ranks in before midnight Rank Houseguests https://www.onlinebigbrother.com/big-brother-19-houseguest-ranking-quick-vote/ View Results expanded https://www.onlinebigbrother.com/big-brother-spoilers-ranking-grid/ View Results Compressed https://www.onlinebigbrother.com/big-brother-spoilers-ranking-grid-compressed/ 8:42pm Wednesday Night – 12:07am Friday Night Big Brother blocked the feeds due to Paloma exiting […]
Tag: Paloma Aguilar

Big Brother 24 Spoilers Week 1 Eviction and HOH Results
Week Summary
The week started off with POOCH winning the Backstage pass and being able to pick 3 other Backstagers. He chose, Paloma, Alyssa and Brittany. The rules of the backstage twist were a bit vague but we know none of the them were eligible to be nominated but the three girls were not necessarily safe. POOCHIE was safe. America got to vote for one of the girls to be safe the other two who knows? Going by the OBB poll it’s looking like Brittany will win that vote. Daniel won the first Head of Household and immediately started vibing and if you didn’t vibe back you found yourself on the block. Those two non-vibers were Terrance and Michael. The Power of Veto was played and Michael pulls out a win.

Taylor “The only way I’m f**ked is if I am up there next to Terrance.. like I have to come down.”
7:10pm Kitchen – Daniel and Brittany.
Brittany – I don’t know what this next week holds but you’re good in my book. Daniel – oh my god thank you. Brittany – it kind of goes without saying but I wanted to say it. Daniel – I appreciate that leaving power, I don’t know who is going to come after me. Everyone says we’re chill and you never know. I am in the same boat where like we’ve got to stop thinking about it… whatever is going to happen will happen. Brittany – my perspective is that I am going to a select few people and telling them if I am here, you’re safe. Daniel – yeah definitely do it before someone gets power.

“It’s hard feeling like the house has their mind made up even though we don’t know what is happening with us” **Updated**
NOON Indy, Taylor and Alyssa
Alyssa – how are you feeling
Taylor – the suite case made it feel ARGH. It’s hard feeling like the house has their mind made up even though we don’t know what is happening with us. It is tough feeling like I’m in that position. There’s still conversation I want to have with the both of you
Taylor – Yesterday what we talked about how I made you and other people feel like I don’t want to be around those girls because their my social competition like there can only be one pretty girl I don’t want to be around another one. That’s something I clearly maintained over a couple days.
Indy – we’re good.

Indy “We can be Power Rangers & whenever someone messes up its going to be Teletubbies.”
10:34pm Bedroom. Jasmine, Alyssa, Indy and Ameerah.
Ameerah – the ones that are going hard for it (HOH) are Pooch, Turner and Nicole. Alyssa – I don’t think any of them are aligned with me but alright. Ameerah – I think its going to be Brittany and Terrance because its less blood but they’re not going after Terrance. He’s not the target. Alyssa – poor Terrance he’s going to hit that block a couple weeks. Jasmine – sorry but at lease we love you enough to not send you home. Jasmine – I think its crazy that pretty much everyone I talked to wants to keep P (Paloma) protected. Alyssa – she is playing a really good social game. Jasmine – she is playing a good social game. She is doing so well that when me and Turner were talking game and he asked her if she wanted to get in on it and she said not I do not want to get in on it. She’s smart.

Indy “Just don’t put me (up).. because I would hunt your a$$ after! I’m literally going to poison your food.”
8:08pm Kitchen. Indy, Kyle and Michael.
Indy – You guys want to win HOH this week? Kyle – I think so.. Michael – I plan on trying. Kyle – what about you? You got that gold ring twice. America knows you’ve proved you’re a comp beast! I think it would be cool like not a lot of people that even get to play the game get to be HOH. Michael – I just think because I was put up last week.. its an ease excuse to put me up again. Indy – I think it would be bada$$ if you got it. Michael – I would like to get it and sleep on that bed. Kyle – I am torn about it.

“There’s three people that can **** us in the @$$ real hard. It’s Nicole, Ameerah and Taylor” **Updated**
2:07 pm Monte and Joe
Joe – everybody is talking. They’re starting to come to me now
Joe says POOCH is doing a great job right now “He’s getting a lot of the outside people good to who aren’t as good with say me and you”
Joe – Whoever F**s with me F***S with you because we’re the pair. if someone has something with POOCH and Kyle they’ll be like we want to go after someone strong well then it’ll Joe and Monte
Monte – with the OASIS we have a good backing.. You know what I mean?
Joe – it’s solid but it’ll talk one of those girls to put two of us up. We’ll definitely win that veto and correct it. There’s one girl we’re tight with outside of the OASIS to randomly f*** shit up
Monte – Nobody is making that move for the next two weeks. I talked to POOCH about what the next two weeks look like. You heard about Brittnay and how she throw Amerrah under the bus?
Monte – that was a last minute ditch to save herself.
Joe – She wasn’t lying.. Ameerah I love her she’s so smart and strategic… Bro she 100% like.. you know lets talk.
Joe goes on about Ameerah being the type of person to rally the girls

Ameerah “I would vote Brittany out over Taylor.. So we have to suck her d**k for little bit longer.”
7:15pm Bedroom. Pooch, Joe and Ameerah.
Joe – out of us three if HOH is going up, who wants it? Ameerah – I would put up Brittany and a pawn. Joe – no, no.. I’m saying. Ameerah – no, I know what you’re saying. I’m just saying that’s who I would do. Joe is my pawn. Joe – hell, hell no! Pooch – Joe is the veto nominee pawn. Ameerah – but you would kill the veto. Joe – That’s one thing if you come for me, you better come for the neck because I will kill the veto competition! If anyone pawned me or put me on the block and I am still here .. If you think they’re scary.. I am so much scarier than they are. Pooch – how do you feel about someone being a pawn? Joe – I respect it. Here is the thing, I don’t have an alliance or anything to back me up. If you pawn me, I’m here now and I am going to be f**ked low key and that is my problem.

Paloma to Taylor- “If you have one friend out of this it’s me. . I’m here for you serious.” ** Updated **
1:14 pm Paloma and Taylor
Feeds return in on this conversation.
Paloma – we’re breaking the internet with this sh1t we’re breaking it because we are RAW and REAL. These tears are real tears.. we’re not actresses’ trying to be fake.. I feel so F***ing bad for everything that is going on like.. At the end of the day. We’re going to be on that Freaking yacht in Greece. We’re still a family. Even if you are on your couch watching this we’re a family just know that and be comfortable with that.
Paloma – Make the imposable possible.. you still have time, Okay?
Paloma – you never know.. you have time. I don’t even know what day it is.. Monday? you have time and time is on your side you know. It’s going to be a lot and the anxiety is real
Paloma – If you have one friend out of this it’s me. I’m here for you serious. I’m here for you if you are stressed out. If you are worried I’m here For you. I’m here for you
Taylor – I love you thanks

Paloma – “I feel like a pull pork sandwich getting pulled by everyone”
Quick Big Brother Spoilers Head of Household: Daniel Nominees: Michael Taylor & Terrance POV Players: Daniel, Michael, Terrance, Indy, Ameerah and Turner. Kyle is hosting POV Winner: Michael Veto Ceremony: Veto used. Taylor nominated Evicted: Havenots: Joe, Michael, Monte and Kyle Michael used the Power of Veto on himself. Daniel nominated Taylor in his place. […]

“He probably has some names in mind. If you haven’t been playing the social game and you go up you’re shooting yourself in the foot.”
10:33 am Taylor and Alyssa
Taylor says she doesn’t think Daniel knows who the replacement will be. “He’s just so stressed by it he doesn’t even know”
Taylor – he probably has some names in mind. All people have right now is he social game because it’s been so early. If you haven’t been playing the social game and you go up you’re shooting yourself in the foot. You should have been playing the social game from day one no matter what happened
Alyssa – 100%

Joe “If Taylor thinks for a second that there is no hope anymore.. she is going to blow up!”
10:07pm HOH room. Joe and Daniel.
Daniel – I am proud of Michael for winning but it puts me in a sh*tty position. Joe – absolutely. Daniel – obviously the target (Taylor) showed themselves. So that is the best case scenario for for what I’m in for what happened last night. I guess my only hope is that I want to talk to everyone so that when we send this person home .. I can’t tell you what to say in your goodbye message. I would never tell anyone that but that you guys are just honest about why this person is leaving. Only because that is my voice for why this person is leaving. I am aware of how bad it looks with two black people on the block at the end of my first HOH.